Still an outlet?


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Feb 7, 2009
I see the Rocks & Co outlet channel branding and adverts have disappeared, along with the on-screen "below cost" sign. Well that didn't last long!
I was very confused about that whole below cost /outlet thing .im a bit mathematically challenged ,but even I could work out its not possible to sell everything below cost and survive.

John Scott took great pains to state what the policy was ,but he didnt convince .He said these items sell for higher in Italy and elsewhere and those that don't sell have to be sold on the outlet channel below cost . He kept stating "we are an outlet channel".

I don't think he believed it either !

They are trying to find a way to seem different .

TJC seems to have gone full on tat. This morning selling framed 3D animal prints. I've seen them in the pound shops .Selling for £9.99 on TJC.
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This is a very peculiar selly telly channel. It seems to me that they keep changing their methodology - at one time, they sold only very high-priced jewellery, all gold and no silver settings, then they added bits of silver set jewellery, then presenters coming and going like a revolving door, then all the Gem Hunters got the chop (remember the Diniz Brothers and Don Kogan?), now everything being sold below cost. Er, no, I don't think so, no business can survive by doing this, so they are being somewhat disingenuous making these claims, in my opinion.
I find the whole Kat Florence business rather strange too. Don gives her his rare gems for free, she sets them into fancy designs that she can apparently sell for thousands, but then Don has the right to flog them all off on TV at cost price. How is she left with any stock for her high-end customers? And if they know they can buy it for half the price on the TV why go to her website or shop? On screen she complains that she doesn't want them to sell because she needs the stock - but then the same pieces are flogged endlessly for the rest of the weekend, quite desperately sometimes.

All very odd. At least with Rachel Galley et al on TJC you can see the business sense - she can sell more quantity on TV to fund the rest of her business and she can also commission limited designs or clear discontinued lines.
Is Don Kogan gone then?

I remember he did an advert for a collection and said... and I quote ''this is a game changer... tv will never be the same again''

no game was changed.
With Rocks and Co changing to Rocks and Gold; changing to Rocks Outlet and now it would appear to have changed back to Rocks and Co, John Scott has had enough and posted on Facebook that he is leaving. Clearly he has had enough.
With Rocks and Co changing to Rocks and Gold; changing to Rocks Outlet and now it would appear to have changed back to Rocks and Co, John Scott has had enough and posted on Facebook that he is leaving. Clearly he has had enough.

Yes I posted on another thread ,he's the only reason I ever watch and it came across recently he was not happy.
This channel has changed itself so often I can't see it being on much longer. Really amateur, and with too many female presenters who only know how to screech, very little actual gemstone knowledge comes across. They lost (or got rid of) Mark and Alan J. Miller, who were 2 good presenters, very knowledgeable about gemstones and didn't shriek (so they had to go, didn't they?).
Yes I posted on another thread ,he's the only reason I ever watch and it came across recently he was not happy.

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