Steven Corfield's fingernails


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A previous poster has referred to men and hair dye. I agree with the comments, and would add that its mainly older men (it would be) who think it makes them look younger - sadly in most cases it doesn't. Alongside poor old Paul McC, there is Jon Sople the news correspondent in the U.S - , Simon McCoy also on 24 hour news has tried to hide the grey, and it just doesn't work. As a man ages his face tends to become 'bulbous' like - think Tom Jones as he is now compared to his younger face, hardly the same bloke ! so the hair when dyed looks more than slightly ridiculous.
The best possible thing Tom Jones did was to dump the hair dye. He now looks distinguished rather than a saddo clinging to a long past youth. Funnily a friend who is about 25 years younger than me was upset when he lost the dye which I thought rather odd as I had expected young folk to think it a bit of a joke.

Paul just hasn't aged well at all (did it all start with the awful HM?) which is often the case with people who have a pretty baby face whereas Ringo who could hardly have been called a looker now looks better than ever because he has grow into his looks and is not trying to look young, good yes but not young.
I like Stephen. He's got a "young fogey" look about him, but he always looks like he's made an effort to look his best to be in our living rooms, and I really like that about him and the other guests who have made an effort. I just wish that ethic could be true of presenters such as Debbie Flint and Julia Roberts. Debbie in particular normally looks like she's dressed in the dark... and always with those terrible white peep-toe wedges.

Stephen is enthusiastic without being gushing, and he always seems really relaxed yet totally professional. Definitely one of the best guests, along with the fantastic Rosa. :mysmilie_59:
I'm confused as to why a man's hair would be difficult to dye to a dark colour. Or am I missing the point? To me that means its more difficult than the same for a woman. I was once a dark brunette but now I have a smattering of grey throughout and a couple of almost white streaks but it all dyes evenly. Someone asked me recently how my hair was still so dark given my age ... I smiled and thought what a daft question.
With some home dyes the grey bits can go a pinky orangey shade. Probably not with professional jobs but I'm too mean to pay as I have very short hair and it would need done each cut. I would love to go a really good shade of grey but I still have too much natural dark hair, think in terms of piebald pony which is not a good look.
I'm not grey at all, I have very dark brown hair. Once I was going through a retro phase and wanted to look like Limahl from Kajagoogoo. I got a product called Sun In and sprayed bits which were supposed to go blond under a hairdryer. Unfortunately it went more of an orangey shade and looked quite odd. I discovered that I'd used the hairdryer on too much of a high setting. When I did it second time round I just let my hair dry in the sun and it worked fine!
Well I've seen him in the flesh last year in the taxi queue at JFK airport and I can report that his hair is most definitely dyed, in fact I think it was freshly dyed as it was very dark around the hairline and was positively glowing from the after-dye conditioner :mysmilie_13: I was stood watching him for about 15 minutes and he was turning round all the time, constantly flicking and stroking his hair, and he looked bliddy ridiculous!!!!
Well I've seen him in the flesh last year in the taxi queue at JFK airport and I can report that his hair is most definitely dyed, in fact I think it was freshly dyed as it was very dark around the hairline and was positively glowing from the after-dye conditioner :mysmilie_13: I was stood watching him for about 15 minutes and he was turning round all the time, constantly flicking and stroking his hair, and he looked bliddy ridiculous!!!!

Great post! Maybe he was worried that his "Honeysuckle & Fuchsia" candle only had a couple of hours' burn time left.
I'm confused as to why a man's hair would be difficult to dye to a dark colour. Or am I missing the point? To me that means its more difficult than the same for a woman. I was once a dark brunette but now I have a smattering of grey throughout and a couple of almost white streaks but it all dyes evenly. Someone asked me recently how my hair was still so dark given my age ... I smiled and thought what a daft question.
Men's head hair is different from female head hair according to my old hair dresser. Using the dark colour causes red tones in men's hair. She also told me that she advises her staff to wear padded bras as men's hair is very strong like needles and gets embedded all over the place. Funnily enough my current hairdresser confirms this when she said that she sometimes has to use tweezers to remove hair shards.
I like Stephen. He's got a "young fogey" look about him, but he always looks like he's made an effort to look his best to be in our living rooms, and I really like that about him and the other guests who have made an effort. I just wish that ethic could be true of presenters such as Debbie Flint and Julia Roberts. Debbie in particular normally looks like she's dressed in the dark... and always with those terrible white peep-toe wedges.

Stephen is enthusiastic without being gushing, and he always seems really relaxed yet totally professional. Definitely one of the best guests, along with the fantastic Rosa. :mysmilie_59:

He does seem rather sweet and is passionate about his candles! Your comments about Julia and Debbie made me laugh - JR gets it right sometimes to be fair! Not so sure about DF - maybe she doesn't really like to be on trend! :mysmilie_19:
He does seem rather sweet and is passionate about his candles! Your comments about Julia and Debbie made me laugh - JR gets it right sometimes to be fair! Not so sure about DF - maybe she doesn't really like to be on trend! :mysmilie_19:

Maybe Debbie Flint dresses so badly because her eyesight isn't what it might be due to dry eyes. She rarely BLINKS.

That demonic stare, she reminds me of Chuckie :mysmilie_59:

He's an odd fellow. I can imagine him making a pilgrimage to Stonehenge or something like that.

No way! He's far too clean and tidy for that lol. My brother used to go to Stonehenge solstice or whatever it was, and the only thing he has in common with Steven is long hair (and not clean!!).

No way! He's far too clean and tidy for that lol. My brother used to go to Stonehenge solstice or whatever it was, and the only thing he has in common with Steven is long hair (and not clean!!).


I agree candycane! When I saw him he was wearing black trousers with a white formal long sleeved shirt tucked into them, so not looking very cool and trendy at all, in fact looking older than his years as he is rather 'portly' too.

In fact, I've just looked and he ALWAYS wears a formal looking long sleeved shirt, sometimes with a V neck jumper over it :dull:
It may be a trick of the light but every time I watch Stephen it looks like he has naturally ginger hair but dyes it black. Maybe it's my TV but I notice this every time I see him. Not that there is anything wrong with this if he does, just that I noticed.

Last time I saw him on Q I thought his hair needed a touch up as it was looking decidedly ginger.
Men's head hair is different from female head hair according to my old hair dresser. Using the dark colour causes red tones in men's hair. She also told me that she advises her staff to wear padded bras as men's hair is very strong like needles and gets embedded all over the place. Funnily enough my current hairdresser confirms this when she said that she sometimes has to use tweezers to remove hair shards.

How odd! I presume there must be something behind that but I'm devilled if I understand the reasons behind it.
I guess because men's hair is generally more coarse and dye can be more tricky to 'take' to it?
Men tend to cut it short more often than women do (not Steven of course). And many don't really bother with conditioner so yes I can see how the resulting coarser and more porous hair might be harder to hold colour. But Steven treats his hair like many women do, do maybe there is something in the "different male hair" thing.
Out of the mouths of babes..
Whilst watching the lovely Steven presenting with Dale just now.
My son "mummy is he wearing a wig? ".
Me "no darling, it is his own hair".
A few moments later...
My son "is he pretending to be a girl?"
Me "no, darling. Some men like to have long hair, and that is ok. I prefer short hair on men, though."
No more comments so far :)
I'm not grey at all, I have very dark brown hair. Once I was going through a retro phase and wanted to look like Limahl from Kajagoogoo. I got a product called Sun In and sprayed bits which were supposed to go blond under a hairdryer. Unfortunately it went more of an orangey shade and looked quite odd. I discovered that I'd used the hairdryer on too much of a high setting. When I did it second time round I just let my hair dry in the sun and it worked fine!

Ah, yes. Good old Sun In. You're very lucky your hair didn't go green. I remember a friend of mine (male) using it and it went a very strange green colur. He ended up having to have it all shaved off. Devastating for someone with a mullet!

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