stars making a mint on QVC


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Apr 27, 2009
Now there's a surprise. Good article in today's Daily Express about how slebs are raking in it for a few hours work by just putting their name to a 'brand' (and of course making us believe that they actually get their hands dirty in helping to produce/design said products)

Catherine Zeta-Jones is the latest on the US version. Ambitious Holden is reckoned to make £350,000 per year, Lulu's company Synchrostar Ltd is listed as having assets of £469,000, and though Joan Collins is no longer on our QVC, she is reported to have made a comfortable amount from her cosmetics line.

I wonder what old Ruthy's hourly rate is then for her stint on a Thursday night ?? just to oooh and aaah, pull and ping a few clothes on a hanging rail !!!
Now there's a surprise. Good article in today's Daily Express about how slebs are raking in it for a few hours work by just putting their name to a 'brand' (and of course making us believe that they actually get their hands dirty in helping to produce/design said products)

Catherine Zeta-Jones is the latest on the US version. Ambitious Holden is reckoned to make £350,000 per year, Lulu's company Synchrostar Ltd is listed as having assets of £469,000, and though Joan Collins is no longer on our QVC, she is reported to have made a comfortable amount from her cosmetics line.

I wonder what old Ruthy's hourly rate is then for her stint on a Thursday night ?? just to oooh and aaah, pull and ping a few clothes on a hanging rail !!!

Saw this on the internet. Casa Zeta Jones is her bedding and home decor range.
Think like many new brands Joan Collins only went on QVC to kick-start her range people liked she moved on. Her cosmetics have been in M&S for ages. Others get paid by QVC to front ranges that QVC created, its a well-known trick get a well-known face and people buy. Even Lulu is just the face of Time Bomb on QVC elsewhere her name never appears with it. Though it is owned by her ex-husband.

I get surveys from Debenhams(yes I know), but frequently it is a list of known faces from TV shows asking what sort of products would you buy if they fronted the campaign? A few months later bang the whatever range as one as the spokes person. Easy money for the said celeb.
Some of these so called celebs on Q are Z listers or has beens who are prepared to do anything to keep up their lifestyle. The sad thing is people fall for the spiel and buy this stuff.
Not one celeb that has appeared on qvc would ever get me to buy into what they are fronting. I agree with Berryboo...they are imo just has beens or greedy beggers who will do anything to increase their coffers.
Not one celeb that has appeared on qvc would ever get me to buy into what they are fronting. I agree with Berryboo...they are imo just has beens or greedy beggers who will do anything to increase their coffers.

I think they crave publicity in any form.
There is not one so called celeb who would encourage me to buy.What does the likes of Amanda Holden know about home design?I like Ruth L as presenter but how much does she know about the technicalities of clothing manufacture? Not a lot it would seem, she made me smile the other night when waxing lyrical about a sweater described as ‘Intarsia’ saying it was a print (small point but totally wrong).The likes of Lulu & Baroness M actually stop me buying as I don’t want to add to their zillions!
Same with all the celeb chefs putting their name to a set of pans and churning out cookery books- so us mere mortals can make corgetti spaghetti with asparagus and aubergine chips served with pea puree and anchovy froth for the kids, instead of sitting them infront of the TV with turkey twizzlers and alphabetti spahetti and lashings of Lidl ketchup!! :mysmilie_50:

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