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Silly Moo
Feb 4, 2009
Ooop Narth, bordering on Insanity
Anyone else been offered a free membership to the Travel(?) club?
I was called up by customer services this morning and told i could have a free month's membership. I just kept saying YES to try and get rid of the person really...so I wasn't really paying attention :54:

i was also waiting for the catch - you know the one where you have to quote your credit card number and remember (ha ha :31:) to cancel before the month was up, but no, there was no catch!

So they are sending a brochure to me in the post. It's not just holidays, it's all sorts of stuff.

Can anyone enlighten me what's in it for me and if i buy something, will I get loads of money off?? ;)
ooh Mrs James, that sounds like it...

but the difference here is they haven't taken any card details....well none that I am aware of! I haven't given any.

I hope that they cannot just "acquire" my details from IW?

They made it sound like it was IW and not a separate company, but the name sounds the same. :33:
looks like people have been debited without handing over details!
I wish I hadn't agreed now :12:

And there's no number to call back as it was with-held.

Might just call IW customer service in a bit!
I will not be ordering from Ideal World ever again and I will not speak to anyone who calls me claiming to be from IW. I am disgusted by them.
Oh Lottie - I got stung by this mob via Price drop, which company I haven't been near since. When you get their bumph make absolutely sure that you cancel straight away or they will have £90 (that's what it was when they had me) from your account via Ideal World. I did get most of my money back but minus about £15 for the dreaded p&p, handling and late cancellation fee. By the time I managed to get the refund I was too tired to take up with thm the matter of the charges.

Sorry to give you a fright but make sure you phone immediately, there will be a number (I rang price drop and was given a totally different number on an automated message, so they new perfectly well what was hapening). This number may not work, as it didn't for me and I made the mistake of assuming that this |"fantastic new service" just hadn't got off the ground. I rang Price drop customer services several times only to be transferred, until the last time when I refused to budge and miraculously they could cancel from there. I then wrote to Price drop stating that I wanted to cancel (written record may be important). This sorry process has been shortened here, but took a month to resolve.

Once again, sorry to frighten you, and on reflection you may be able to avoid all this if you have a word with the card provider, again I made the mistake of giving my debit card details to Price drop, so had very little protection.

I wish you the best and hope you can get rid before they take any money.

Thanks Argey - i'm going to call IW tomorrow and cancel my card records with them (after checking exactly which one they have!)

What annoys me more than anything is the way financial info which is supposed to be encrypted can be passed on like this. :12:
I'm sure it can't be legal! When you buy something from a company, they often give you the option to tick the box which allows them to pass on your details to "well chosen" other companies, but one wouldn't have thought that meant your credit card details, and then for them to actually use them without your consent? that can't be right. I really think Watchdog should be involved in this one!
They get around this by having the shopping channels "sell" their wares in just the same way as any of the other suppliers, so ultimately I suppose your "contract" is with Ideal World or whoever else you may accept this offer from. The catch is as usual in the small print whereby your failure to cancel within the one month's stipulated period is seen to be your acceptance of the offer.

Argey (trust no-one with even a remote interest in your purse) :53:
If I order from IW I always do it online. (I can't bothered to spend time listening to a long message whilst pushing the required buttons.)

So can I assume that I won't be offered the dubious delight of a phone call from the Travel Club as I don't order by phone? I do have a block on cold callers as well though, so hopefully that will be 'protection' enough.
If I order from IW I always do it online. (I can't bothered to spend time listening to a long message whilst pushing the required buttons.)

So can I assume that I won't be offered the dubious delight of a phone call from the Travel Club as I don't order by phone? I do have a block on cold callers as well though, so hopefully that will be 'protection' enough.

Hi Toril,

I can't see that you will have any problem on the web site - just don't tick any strange boxes :33:

If I order from IW I always do it online. (I can't bothered to spend time listening to a long message whilst pushing the required buttons.)

So can I assume that I won't be offered the dubious delight of a phone call from the Travel Club as I don't order by phone? I do have a block on cold callers as well though, so hopefully that will be 'protection' enough.

Hi Toril, I always use the online order process with IW and C&C but I received a phone call from IW telling me that as I was such a valuable customer they wanted to offer me a 'special' offer on a new brochure. I explained that I was not interested in any catalogues and he said it was a holiday brochure with a difference. They offer holidays with other exciting products too. I was lucky, I had literally just read the original thread about this 'scam' company called Travel Steps. So I told him I was not interested in anything he had to offer and he hung up.

I have never bought over the phone but they had all my details to hand. Beware!

Love to all
Thanks argeybargey and Buttercorn. I'll make sure that I don't tick anything I shouldn't do, when I order online...........and I'll get ready to slam the phone down on anyone who rings to offer me a holiday.

I do have a block on cold callers, as I said, but one stupid company seemed to find a way round it (and I don't mean IW.)

I kept getting calls over a period of a several weeks which started with a few second's silence, when I picked up the receiver, and then I got my ears blasted by a loud foghorn noise, followed by the words "This is your Captain calling." Needless to say, his call lasted for the time it took me to put the phone down. It was obviously a recording and probably linked to a holiday offer (hopefully not on the Titanic) but irritating nonetheless.
Thanks argeybargey and Buttercorn. I'll make sure that I don't tick anything I shouldn't do, when I order online...........and I'll get ready to slam the phone down on anyone who rings to offer me a holiday.

I do have a block on cold callers, as I said, but one stupid company seemed to find a way round it (and I don't mean IW.)

I kept getting calls over a period of a several weeks which started with a few second's silence, when I picked up the receiver, and then I got my ears blasted by a loud foghorn noise, followed by the words "This is your Captain calling." Needless to say, his call lasted for the time it took me to put the phone down. It was obviously a recording and probably linked to a holiday offer (hopefully not on the Titanic) but irritating nonetheless.

I kept getting that one! Also another one that started with a few second's silence followed by a cheesy American voice saying "congratulations"...I didn't stay on the line long enough to hear what else she had to say!
I got my ears blasted by a loud foghorn noise, followed by the words "This is your Captain calling." Needless to say, his call lasted for the time it took me to put the phone down. It was obviously a recording and probably linked to a holiday offer (hopefully not on the Titanic) but irritating nonetheless.

Sorry, but that made me spit tea all over my monitor :18: what a knobhead!, if there was any doubt about it being related to IW, that's all the proof we need to know it's them
I got stung in the ar*e with a similar thing last year through pricedrop tv. I was offered this holiday club thing for £4.99 for a year with free hotels.

The catch was you had to spend a minimum of around £50-£80 on food FOR EACH PERSON in the hotel before you got it free:12::12::12:

Needless to say I never used it, and I felt a proper tit.....:32::32::32:

12 months later I had £99.99 taken from my bank account without me knowing it. They say they sent a letter informing me they intended to take this money from my account, but I never received such a letter.

I took 3 phone calls and two letters (one to ofcom) before I got my money back, being a good Scot I made sure I did....:9::9::9:

I was FURIOUS at these fu*king robbers.....and even more furious at pricedrop tv. I have never shopped with them since.

Please dont let these legalised criminals away with this....BA**ARDS....:12:


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