I called IW today and after being kept on hold for as long as they could get away with, I was put through to (allegedly) a "Manager" called Brendan Carter who sounded more like he came from Bombay. :12:
He stated that Pressplay are a "sister organisation" so it doesn't sound at all like they are disassociating themselves to me! (as someone mentioned on another thread)
I was not given a definitive answer as to how my encrypted credit card details could be passed to another company (sister or not)
I was not given a definitive answer to why I was mislead about the status of this company on the phone.
I was also not told how my marketing preferences had been set to something I would never have considered selecting either.
I have asked that my credit card details are removed from IW's database, that they personally see to it that my details are removed from their "sister company's" database and that my marketing preferences are altered. I slso asked that they credit me for the cost of the calls I was making to put things right and demanded this was all confirmed in writing within 7 days, or I would be informing Trading Standards and any other interested parties.
I have also called Travel Steps (Pressplay) who said that I should have had various things explained properly (including the company status with respect to IW) - but then they would wouldn't they?
And they also confirmed that they would cancel my "membership" and inform me in writing that this had been done.
Fingers crossed....