Someone please tell Ophelia....


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Just Googled JB and there is nothing on her. Lots of other Jenny Blackwells so its odd that this 'fashionista' doesn't have a background that's visible.
JB used to be a 'mogel' back in the day🤔

Debbie Flint and Simon Biaggi are the worse presenters. Both are cheesy and cringeworthy to watch.Debbie Flint looks as if she wants to slap you into submission and Simon Bore you into submission.
And in Simon's case shout at you so you give in😬
If you were any good,you wouldn’t be on a shopping channel.
The mediocre inspire the new presenters to be just like them,that’s the problem some have been at QVC far to long.
And what did the Chinese do to deserve delboy training, poor sods there ears must have been bleeding.
That's exactly what she's doing, no two ways about it. If she's gonna cut it as a presenter she needs to put a bit more of her soul into it, and not rely on a few phrases that she's picked up from the presenter's phrasebook. I can't actually imagine that it's an easy job. Anne Dawson isn't exactly the most exciting presenter on the planet, but her age and life experience has given her the confidence to give a fluent and believable presentation, and that goes for a few of them. If anything, I think Ophelia's presenting style has got worse, her nervousness and obvious joy was good to see, but obviously you can't be new and awestruck indefinitely, you've got to settle into something that suits you and suits your audience, she is struggling and I'm sure she's feeling it! I do hope she does improve soon.
Not a chance in hell😔

Arghhhh "people are loving it" again at the moment with the jewellery show. And lots of "absolutely's." This presenter is turning me into Victor Meldrew!
🤦‍♀️ I caught the last minute and it was ghastly...
Simon is just embarrassing, cringeworthy. His disingenuous facial expressions particularly irritate me.
He had his bare feet out yesterday🤢

Alison O'Reilly could have done the show by herself as she's so likeable and gives all the information needed - without all the fillers from Ophelia.
I thought that when I saw her! Love Alison and her info. Ophelia is menace🙁

Debbie Flint must have heard the reports on Ophelia's voice and lack of presentation skills because when she was on with Evie yesterday, her voice was soft, angelic, her nose wrinkling grins friendly and sincere looking. Evie was her spiritual self. Debbie was subtle, but her steely and manipulative sales technique was still evident. She was pushing. Is QVC in trouble?
Keep trying Debs my purse will stay shut🤣 They had a Ruthless top on sale today 😲 Eamonn's gonna get it tonight!
They should have Ophelia sell Ronald McDonalds crystal stuff given her past presenting role on The Psychic Channel. Maybe she could hypnotise viewers into buying stuff, don't look in my eyes, look around my eyes ... etc. etc. :rolleyes:

Alison O'Reilly could have done the show by herself as she's so likeable and gives all the information needed - without all the fillers from Ophelia.

It was a double whammy for me, because I'm no fan of Alison either. When I do 'switch on', she never fails to tell us how long she's been in "the industry". Well love, we've all worked in "an industry" whatever our career choice. Then there are the endless history lessons we get just to flog a bit of diamonique !!!!
I think prior to her health problems, Alison O’R was never off the TV and trotting out the same old same old which became boring and annoying. Less is definitely more (for everybody on TV) as she is quite watchable in small doses
Enough said, I simply cannot watch a single showthis gil is on. Her style of talking puts me right off, I immediately have to stop watching.
Are you talking about the presenter with the long blonde hair, or the dark-haired woman who promotes garden lights, etc? Neither of them are very likeable and I imagine they cause quite a few prospective customers to turn off their telly. Personally, I find the garden specialist very difficult to listen to.
Are you talking about the presenter with the long blonde hair, or the dark-haired woman who promotes garden lights, etc? Neither of them are very likeable and I imagine they cause quite a few prospective customers to turn off their telly. Personally, I find the garden specialist very difficult to listen to.
Gill automatic rifle crossfire Gauntlet. She can hardly draw her own breath. Exasperating to watch.
Gill’s got a new word in her vocabulary. Having worn out the use of the word “amazing,“ during a show yesterday she kept saying “brilliant” all the time. 🙄

I usually turn the channel over when she’s on but yesterday I amused myself counting up the number of times she said “brilliant,” until I keeled over from sheer boredom.

Apparently she’s also got masses of Lock and Lock. Presumably she lights them all up with the numerous Luxform products she has.

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