Some pics


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Registered Shopper
Nov 12, 2008
Hi All

As promised last week, here are some pics of SOME of the stuff I've bought from Rocks & Co. I'm having trouble getting decent (ie non-blurred) pics, so, I'm attaching 4 pics for your perusal:

1) a white gold morganite (and diamond) trilogy ring
2) a silver green amethyst and marcasite pendant
3) a silver freshwater pearl and white topaz bracelet
4) a white gold moldavite and diamond ring

If anyone has any suggestions on the ideal lighting conditions and flash settings for jewellery, please let me know! The moldavite and diamond ring in particular does not look anywhere near as good as in real life.



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What great taste you have Wickerman. They're all lovely and I'd be very happy with any of them! I would give you some photography advice but if you've read other threads here you'll see that particular subject is not my forte! My pics are the worst I've seen on here!!

Well done on both your purchases and your pics.

ps I really want some Moldavite now!
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I have that moldavite ring too, isnt it stunning, all of your other pieces are gorgeous too, looks like your collection is off to a good start:30:
Lovely pieces there wickerman. Your pics aren't that bad and we can see the jewellery is lovely. I particularly love the green amethyst pendant. I do wish though, that Rocks would sell more green gems in yellow gold, but that's a small point.
I try to wait and take my pictures in sunshine. The colour seems better then and you don't need a flash, but someone I'm sure will be along to give you some proper advice because some of the photos posted on here are really good.
What great taste you have Wickerman. They're all lovely and I'd be very happy with any of them!

Thanks Klosblue. However, what I'd say is about 80% of the pieces this channel sells in white gold, and about 99.5% of the Vintage range (it's a shame it's all in silver tbh, even though it's easy on the pocket :9: ), is stuff that both me and (more importantly) my wife really like.

I've now bought 9 pieces from the channel, 8 of which are to be Christmas presents (the other being a Chalcedony ring which I nabbed for NINE QUID)... and I'm now finding that I can't just watch it during ad breaks like I tend to the other shopping channels - as there's almost guaranteed to be something on that I really want to buy, at a really really good price.

It's so annoying, but I'm thinking I may have to go cold turkey until after Christmas.

Plus it doesn't help my wife sitting there saying "ooh that's really nice" .... "oh I really like that" ... "oh that's beautiful" (etc) for some white gold ring at like 35 quid and I'm feeling really tight because it's obvious she wants it and it's an absolute bargain, but if I add an item to my basket, I'll then want to maximise what I get for the P&P so I'll end up with another order of 3 or 4 items, and I'll need three or four trees worth of paper to get it all wrapped!
Lovely things there Wickerman.
I agree with Jacqualina, I always take my bling pics in natural daylight (even better with sun, but that's a bit too rare to wait for nowadays!!!).
What a lovely husband you are, I've read there are a few like you around, might have to look at trading mine in...
Hi Wickerman, what lovely purchases you have made there I've bought a few (cough, cough) items from rocksandco and have been really impressed with the quality of their jewellery and their prices really do like the moldavite I've just received some earrings and the colour is alot nicer shade of green than I thought it would be. Hope you're wife likes all the jewellery you have bought for her (how lucky is she) I'm sure she will though wish my husband would show some interest in jewellery buying he just says 'you pick something' I'm looking out for xmas pressie at moment:)
Lucky Mrs W and all the recipients of your planned gifts Wickerman, some lovely pics there and only the tip of the iceberg it would seem :gasp:

I'm no expert when taking pics, but usually do mine in strong artificial light with no flash or bright natural light next to a huge window, again no flash as it seems to wash out all the colour. The jewellery rarely looks as good in the pics as it does in real life though. Personally I'm please if one in five comes out in focus! Thank Heaven for digital cameras eh? :whistle:
Lucky Mrs W and all the recipients of your planned gifts Wickerman, some lovely pics there and only the tip of the iceberg it would seem :gasp:

I'm no expert when taking pics, but usually do mine in strong artificial light with no flash or bright natural light next to a huge window, again no flash as it seems to wash out all the colour. The jewellery rarely looks as good in the pics as it does in real life though. Personally I'm please if one in five comes out in focus! Thank Heaven for digital cameras eh? :whistle:

I know what you mean mysmilie_1456

Well done Wickerman on your purchases, very nice selection there. The green Amethyst pendant shows up very well in particular.
Wickerman your wife is a very lucky lady and she definitely has you well trained!

I've just noticed where you're from - and to think some folk say us Scots are tightfisted!! We just know how to grab a good bargain don't we :Laughing1:
Thanks to everyone who has commented on the pieces, it's much appreciated. Looking forward to Christmas, that's for sure.

Re your comments Klosblue, unfortunately (for me) I'm not Scottish, I just know a good thing when I see one, and therefore now live here... but on the down side, the suggestion about taking pics in the sunshine is one I'll have to pass on until about April of next year now (at the earliest)! Only joking, the weather here is as good as anywhere I've ever lived, it's just a misconception "down south" that the weather's awful up here.

Totally agree it's a damn good job we have digital cameras nowadays, as I too am a meber of the "click/delete" club. Imagine waiting two weeks for the film to come back from Truprint and finding every pic blurred (plus the 10-15% that have been mysteriously lost) - nightmare!

As well as replying to the various points above, I'm also writing this morning to let you know that I've had an interesting experience with a "web" item I added to my last Rocks order. It was a pair of jade earrings which were advertised at £25.39 I think. It didn't seem a bad deal so I added them....

However, when the order arrived, I was flicking through the "invoices" and found that the jade earrings had been charged at £10, and then today I've checked my credit card statement and what I agreed to pay is now what's been charged (ie £15 less).

Question is, should I contact them like I would if my card had been charged £15 MORE???
That's up to your conscience MrW, but I would because I'd feel guilty about it once I'd noticed it. I haven't really checked my invoices properly, but after all the comments on here I think I'd better sit down with them and my cc statement and make sure everything is ok.
Just another angle Wickerman, you've already put this info in the public domain and we know Rocks&Co read the forum, so wait and see if they respond...though I would doubt they will.....adversely to you.

It may be that their computer has charged you the price for a TV sale rather than the web prices....which we all know are very inflated!
Just another angle Wickerman, you've already put this info in the public domain and we know Rocks&Co read the forum, so wait and see if they respond...though I would doubt they will.....adversely to you.

It may be that their computer has charged you the price for a TV sale rather than the web prices....which we all know are very inflated!

Yes, I was aware that by posting it here it would raise it to their attention - and following jacqualina's "conscience" reply I did actually contact Customer Services earlier just to ask them about it.

I feel sure you're right the price I've paid is the price they have sold for on TV, but still, I was happy to pay £25+ for them, so if they've made a mistake on my behalf, because I'm that kind of a guy and because I like them, I'll allow them to rectify it if they so wish.
the weather here is as good as anywhere I've ever lived, it's just a misconception "down south" that the weather's awful up here.

I've just noticed where you live - my aunt and uncle lived there for many years and I had a couple of summer holidays there when I was much, much younger. I remember some very fine, soft rain, and some glorious sunshine :D

(and I'm 'down south'!)
I've just noticed where you live - my aunt and uncle lived there for many years and I had a couple of summer holidays there when I was much, much younger. I remember some very fine, soft rain, and some glorious sunshine :D

(and I'm 'down south'!)

Well we've been having some fine rain the last few days, and it's been soaking us to the skin while we've been out walking the dogs!

For those of you interested, here's an update on the earrings pricing issue:

"The final auction price was £10.00 for the earrings and this is what has been charged."

I'm wondering (can Rocks & Co Helper please confirm this??) if the prices shown on the website are just "start price"s and are items that will be shown on the TV within the next 24 hours, so if you add them to the basket, you're just putting in an "early bid" and you'll pay the TV price.

Has anyone else bought anything from the web, and, if so, what have you been charged?
Well I have been glued to R&C site trying to nab my ruby ring and came to the conclusion that if it's on the web, it won't be aired that day and the CS lady I asked confirmed this although I have to say I've been told different things such as I will get an email on dispatch and 'oh no you won't' - well it is panto season :hide:

It would be nice to think that items would be charged at the lower auction price if bought from the web display, but when I asked if they would honour the price of a piece that I lost from my basket, they said they couldn't do it as it wouldn't be fair :confused: although I don't see how. I'm not prepared to try it anyway but if some brave soul wants to have a go and report back.............. :whistle:

Anyway I've just got the very same piece for even less that I originally had it - £79 instead of £87 so I'm glad they said no. :whoohoo:

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