Social Media - That was an eyeopener


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Nice one "our Pat" but that frock will never fit you. As you can't slim down your chesticles I'd suggest you eat a load of chocs and get those size 10 hips up to a size 16/18. Kissy kiss kiss.
Had a laugh as did someone on Facebook about a poster saying how much they love CHuntley. She is so lovely and normal and just like us. One poster did put up laughing face emjoi in reply.:mysmilie_17:
Nice one "our Pat" but that frock will never fit you. As you can't slim down your chesticles I'd suggest you eat a load of chocs and get those size 10 hips up to a size 16/18. Kissy kiss kiss.

Monty Bojangles chocolate of course.Another alternative they could try is to sew two halves of different sized dresses together. Add a belt to disguise where the stitching is and there.......Lots more money for Q.
I had to smile at the guy who called the Saturday night show a load of cack but shook my head in disbelief at the stupid woman who says the Elemis cleansing balm gives her contact dermatitis on her hands but she still wants to use it on her face and is asking how she can do so without it making her hands flare up ? I`ve had contact dermatitis on my hands from using a house cleaning product which didn`t agree with my hands and if she`s prepared to have the terrible itching, cracked and sore skin all for the sake of a face cleanser then she must be totally stupid. Why on Earth did she buy the cleansing balm when she already knows what it does to her ?
I had to smile at the guy who called the Saturday night show a load of cack but shook my head in disbelief at the stupid woman who says the Elemis cleansing balm gives her contact dermatitis on her hands but she still wants to use it on her face and is asking how she can do so without it making her hands flare up ? I`ve had contact dermatitis on my hands from using a house cleaning product which didn`t agree with my hands and if she`s prepared to have the terrible itching, cracked and sore skin all for the sake of a face cleanser then she must be totally stupid. Why on Earth did she buy the cleansing balm when she already knows what it does to her ?

Why can't she just buy a different cleanser for God's sake?I have noticed so much flaming snobbery on Q concerning which brands are cheap/good/usable/fit for the charity shop etc.If her hands suffer then obviously one of the chemical or natural ingredients affect her.Apart from wearing gloves or applying with a spatula a la cake icing ,how else can she do it? The video clip shown for the Saturday show was awful.I really cannot bear to watch the Saturday show.
And there is always the smug git (his own words - I assume it is a male) who has "got" his multiple TSV's.

No you twat - you BOUGHT them, you aren't lucky, you parted with your £££ and they are laughing all the way to the bank.
I also could not believe the woman saying she had trouble with the cleansing balm annoying her dermatitis, I wouldn't want to put it on my face in that case.

I know the balm can break me out in spots, so had to wash my face with the Sensitive Wash after using it. I first noticed when I used a face mask suddenly got some tiny spots, mentioned this at the Elemis counter. I was then told,' oh the balm is very moisturising and you should not use it before a cleansing mask'? The Emma Hardie I think is more moisturising that the Elemis one and it never breaks me out.
And there is always the smug git (his own words - I assume it is a male) who has "got" his multiple TSV's.

No you twat - you BOUGHT them, you aren't lucky, you parted with your £££ and they are laughing all the way to the bank.

Did he post a photo of them all arranged for the camera....with kisses and hearts and smiley faces?
I also could not believe the woman saying she had trouble with the cleansing balm annoying her dermatitis, I wouldn't want to put it on my face in that case.

I know the balm can break me out in spots, so had to wash my face with the Sensitive Wash after using it. I first noticed when I used a face mask suddenly got some tiny spots, mentioned this at the Elemis counter. I was then told,' oh the balm is very moisturising and you should not use it before a cleansing mask'? The Emma Hardie I think is more moisturising that the Elemis one and it never breaks me out.

the list of ingredients is soooooooo long no wonder her hands are flaring up. whe i see the qvc models with no make up i have to wonder whats irritating their skin
Just read a woman asked why is the TSV being sold days earlier, it shouldn't be called a "Today's" Special Value, hope someone explains to her that they buy excessive amounts of the TSV and can't risk being lumbered with them all so just to be on the safe side, they let people buy it days before.
I see the complaints have started already about Tili calendar. Apparently they only had 100 and they sold out immediately they were released at 9am.
OH!!! Sh*t Storm on the Tili and QVC pages. Seems last night people phoned CS and where able to buy then. So if people told their friends and they order bet very very few available this morning. Some saying they sat and refreshed non-stop just before the official release time and it was gone end on 9am.

Of course there are people saying for more money on Ebay.
basically they had 140 in stock last night & when i went to bed i was told there was 118 left & a big notice on the system telling them not to sell before 9am ect yet some of the operators dont read their notes where it would say not to sell till a certain time & they just put the order though regardless as they wont of seen the notes telling them not to

its a crazy system but thats how it is
Anyone who bought one needs to open and check theirs. Seems some have found products are missing from the calender. Spotted this one the Tili page, they said they had heard others having items missing. QVC are sending out the missing items to customers.
I can`t see why so many people are getting their knickers in a knot over a cardboard calendar filled with mainly sample sizes. It`s been and it`s gone, save the 40 quid or spend it on something else, life won`t end and Christmas will still arrive on the 25th December whether you get to open a cardboard door everyday or not. I daresay everything which is in the calendar will have already been in Tili boxes or will end up in future Tili boxes and if people are silly enough to pay inflated prices on Ebay then bigger fools them.
I can`t see why so many people are getting their knickers in a knot over a cardboard calendar filled with mainly sample sizes. It`s been and it`s gone, save the 40 quid or spend it on something else, life won`t end and Christmas will still arrive on the 25th December whether you get to open a cardboard door everyday or not. I daresay everything which is in the calendar will have already been in Tili boxes or will end up in future Tili boxes and if people are silly enough to pay inflated prices on Ebay then bigger fools them.

i agree the calendars are filled with samples that you usually get for free. and not worth the inflated prices and don't get me started on crackers and those baubles
If they only had stock of 140 then it was going to sell out in 5 minutes anyway so hardly matters when it went on sale as so few people would get it.

First world problem.

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