Social Media - That was an eyeopener


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If QVC, its presenters and guests actively encourage people to write blogs, tell us every little detail of their personal lives, promote their books and businesses and post personal photos of themselves etc etc etc then QVC and its guests and presenters should expect feedback, positive, negative and indifferent. Their social media team can delete comments which may be nasty and rightly so but this person individually messaged each poster and that was wrong.
If someone wants to swish their hair on screen that`s fine but if someone wants to comment that they find such action irritating, much the same as df`s finger wagging is irritating or JF`s hand clawing is irritating or AD`s ya knowing is irritating or so on, then that should be fine too and doesn`t warrant the kind of abusive messages I`ve seen. this is one of them. I`ll type the text because the post shows the person`s name who sent the abuse.

Just reading your comments in your nasty little group about my husband.
He hasn`t let his roots go and if it gives you pleasure in stating so because you look like a horse you dried up ****ing **** then carry on !
The comments are not nice and when you bunch of ugly bitches look in the mirror everyday and see the minter looking back you`re bound to be jealous.


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If QVC, its presenters and guests actively encourage people to write blogs, tell us every little detail of their personal lives, promote their books and businesses and post personal photos of themselves etc etc etc then QVC and its guests and presenters should expect feedback, positive, negative and indifferent. Their social media team can delete comments which may be nasty and rightly so but this person individually messaged each poster and that was wrong.
If someone wants to swish their hair on screen that`s fine but if someone wants to comment that they find such action irritating, much the same as df`s finger wagging is irritating or JF`s hand clawing is irritating or AD`s ya knowing is irritating or so on, then that should be fine too and doesn`t warrant the kind of abusive messages I`ve seen. this is one of them. I`ll type the text because the post shows the person`s name who sent the abuse.

Just reading your comments in your nasty little group about my husband.
He hasn`t let his roots go and if it gives you pleasure in stating so because you look like a horse you dried up ****ing **** then carry on !
The comments are not nice and when you bunch of ugly bitches look in the mirror everyday and see the minter looking back you`re bound to be jealous.

Good lord, that is vile and talk about an over-reaction - sure, it's petty to point out that someone needs their roots doing, but definitely doesn't warrant such an abusive response.
The original post about the hair was in a closed group and someone from that group reported the post to Stevens husband who in turn sent vile private messages.
If QVC, its presenters and guests actively encourage people to write blogs, tell us every little detail of their personal lives, promote their books and businesses and post personal photos of themselves etc etc etc then QVC and its guests and presenters should expect feedback, positive, negative and indifferent. Their social media team can delete comments which may be nasty and rightly so but this person individually messaged each poster and that was wrong.
If someone wants to swish their hair on screen that`s fine but if someone wants to comment that they find such action irritating, much the same as df`s finger wagging is irritating or JF`s hand clawing is irritating or AD`s ya knowing is irritating or so on, then that should be fine too and doesn`t warrant the kind of abusive messages I`ve seen. this is one of them. I`ll type the text because the post shows the person`s name who sent the abuse.

Just reading your comments in your nasty little group about my husband.
He hasn`t let his roots go and if it gives you pleasure in stating so because you look like a horse you dried up ****ing **** then carry on !
The comments are not nice and when you bunch of ugly bitches look in the mirror everyday and see the minter looking back you`re bound to be jealous.

Wow! He's a bit of an arse isn't he?! Facts are facts and to me SC does look ridiculous with that hair. I think he's nice but in my own personal opinion, which each and every one of us are allowed and that's why I stay here on STF and don't venture off, because we're all allowed to express that opinion, he looks like a right, and left, chesticle. Ok SCs husband, whenever you're ready.
The complaints re DF's self-promotion are gaining momentum on Q's FB page - wonder if Q will finally cave and do something as they can't keep ignoring this many complaints!

I wouldn't hold your breath! :mysmilie_15:
I was under the impression that he was well liked, second only to the lady BA for the brand.

Unfortunate for him and his Q job that his partner is a bit of a wally.

As soon as I saw the bit about someone swishing their hair, I knew it was about Steven Corfield. Yes, he is very popular and I completely understand that because he's very sweet on air but we never know how people behave off air. Can't say I'm a fan myself.

Good lord, that is vile and talk about an over-reaction - sure, it's petty to point out that someone needs their roots doing, but definitely doesn't warrant such an abusive response.

Steven's not responsible for what his partner does and says but it sounds like the guy is in the habit of doing this so Steven needs to "'ave a word"!

The original post about the hair was in a closed group and someone from that group reported the post to Stevens husband who in turn sent vile private messages.

Even this makes me raise an eyebrow - someone "reported the post". I only "report" things to people in authority, like the Police. The partner is obviously known as a rottweiler, someone who will react and put the boot in. I think there are slight anger management issues.

Wow! He's a bit of an arse isn't he?! Facts are facts and to me SC does look ridiculous with that hair. I think he's nice but in my own personal opinion, which each and every one of us are allowed and that's why I stay here on STF and don't venture off, because we're all allowed to express that opinion, he looks like a right, and left, chesticle. Ok SCs husband, whenever you're ready.

I think most of us will be on your side, shopperholic, if you get "reported" to the over-protective one. I'll get my Viz book of rude words ready.

Omg what a vile response from YC mans husband.

I think Steven needs to go home and light a nice calming candle, maybe something with Camomile? Or something cleansing for his potty mouth.
If my husband or son wrote such abusive comments to someone who was connected to my work in any way, shape or form, a customer, client or employer etc then sadly it would also reflect on me too. Yankee Steven needs to have quite a few words with his partner because those messages were sent to Stevens customers, albeit indirect customers but customers all the same.
Steven is on telly and relies on presenting a good image in order to sell the brand he represents. Having an abusive partner who gets his kicks from effing and jeffing and calling those customers f**king c**ts by PM or other means is bad news for Steven and if this guy had half a brain he`d realise he`s doing his own husband more harm than good.
I think if he posted a dignified response it would have had a much better effect, his comments just make him sound utterly vile.

I think someone's hit a nerve with their comments about his hair, they must get remarks and funny looks all the time. I've seen him at an airport and he looked bliddy ridiculous, stood there flicking it about, it had a 'just dyed' look and looked even more stupid with his formal clothes. I pointed him out to my daughter who doesn't watch QVC and she found it hilarious, saying 'are you sure he's from QVC??' probably thinking he's not your usual shopping telly presenter type :mysmilie_17:
****** hell!!! Nasty piece of work! As for the person who thought it would be a good idea to send the comments to the nut job husband. You are a moron!

I have no interest in YC, have thought his hair near lit candles health and safety but hey if he wants to torch himself not my problem.

Hope this works??? Especially for nut job husband.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Whatever gallantry there may be in defending his husband is completely undermined by this level of profanity. SC definitely needs to sit his other half down and pointing out to him the damage he is doing to SC and YC.

What level of infantile behaviour can we look forward to next? I haven't heard any reports of other guests or presenters rushing to foulmouthed defences of their partners... Only the strange DF cultists seem to feel the need to take dissenters to task.

So I say SC's other half is being foolish, and counterproductive. He needs to be a bit more Zen and calm down.

As many in the public eye have found to their cost... There is such a thing as bad publicity, and a damaged reputation can take a long time to repair... Just see the efforts David Beckham is currently making to salvage his good name.
I think if he posted a dignified response it would have had a much better effect, his comments just make him sound utterly vile.

I think someone's hit a nerve with their comments about his hair, they must get remarks and funny looks all the time. I've seen him at an airport and he looked bliddy ridiculous, stood there flicking it about, it had a 'just dyed' look and looked even more stupid with his formal clothes. I pointed him out to my daughter who doesn't watch QVC and she found it hilarious, saying 'are you sure he's from QVC??' probably thinking he's not your usual shopping telly presenter type :mysmilie_17:

There was no need for him to post anything let alone send vile private messages. What was posted about Steven's hair was in a closed group and not out in the public domain therefore nothing to do with him. he only knew what had been said was because some one from the closed group sent him screen shots.
Well, I am shocked, and that is quite rare for me, and I swear a lot in private. I really like Steven and may be in a small minority, but I rather like his hair too! However, that is a VERY rude post from his husband and is the perfect reminder of why I would never want to join FB. When I first read it, I thought WE were the people he was vilifying, but then read the saga in proper order. But at first I felt a bit queasy wondering if we were the effing whatevers in question! I haven't seen any of the anti-Steven posts so don't know if they were written in a similar vein. I wonder if he will post an apology when he has calmed down!!!!
Well, I am shocked, and that is quite rare for me, and I swear a lot in private. I really like Steven and may be in a small minority, but I rather like his hair too! However, that is a VERY rude post from his husband and is the perfect reminder of why I would never want to join FB. When I first read it, I thought WE were the people he was vilifying, but then read the saga in proper order. But at first I felt a bit queasy wondering if we were the effing whatevers in question! I haven't seen any of the anti-Steven posts so don't know if they were written in a similar vein. I wonder if he will post an apology when he has calmed down!!!!

He needs to! He has also made the mistake of thinking anything on social media is private!
The post in the closed group wasn't anti Steven at all it was about his hair swishing and roots. He needs to apologise to those women he sent his vile messages to.
The C word is the worst of the worst offensive swear words in my opinion. I wonder if this language is the norm in their house.

"Have you lit the f*!?\^g Clean Cotton again, you w**k%*?"
"Yeah, I've had it up to my t**s with Fresh Cut Roses, so you can p**s off, you c*?*!"
Am I correct in saying he runs/owns a YC shop as well as being on Q? If so I imagine a fair few of his regulars are part of Q FB so I would say it is a double shot in the foot.

Does he own the shop and is the (not so) better half also part of it?

I think a big damage limitation exercise is required.

Maybe more to it than meets the eye?

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