Social Media - That was an eyeopener


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

We will have quite a bit of entertainment on the Q page today with SC going and the binlids goes ape sh*t

Indeed, there is a full-on sense of humour fail by the Q FB mods (or maybe they're irony deficient) with regards to their outdated membership system's attitude towards female titles...the day after their wondrous celebration of International Women's Day - the OP is being deliciously snarky!
Can I ask who or what SC is please ? Also I'm surprised to hear that Birkies have moved on.

EDIT: just seen on another thread that it's Steven Corfield. He's only got one person to blame for that, which is a shame.
This is the latest post on Q's FB page - not entirely sure what the poster expected of Q, no shop would help you out under the same circumstances?!

Really disapointed in the customer care recieved last night. A rather unsympathetic operator and then the same for the supervisor.
An iPhone 6 that was bought by my daughter was taken from her by muggers just within 24 hours after.
Hard to deal with especially as she will have to pay for it the next three months.
Absolutely no help or kindness shown.
She should have insurance and Apple would haver replaced, nothing to do with QVC. What did she expect QVC to say no to worry don't bother paying the rest for the phone you bought?
She should have insurance and Apple would haver replaced, nothing to do with QVC. What did she expect QVC to say no to worry don't bother paying the rest for the phone you bought?

Exactly. Will be interesting to see the reception she gets from Q FB illuminati, they're not going to be sympathetic I'm sure.
ha one had replied "what is it to do with QVC" & the one that asked said "Just thought they might have an insurance that was still valid or they would liaise with Apple to discount the price , just for the sake of good customer service" ummm
ha one had replied "what is it to do with QVC" & the one that asked said "Just thought they might have an insurance that was still valid or they would liaise with Apple to discount the price , just for the sake of good customer service" ummm

Completely and utterly deluded :mysmilie_854:
So I buy a very expensive phone or other product, I get mugged and then I expect John Lewis or QVC or Apple or whoever to give me a refund? Honestly, would people really expect that? I buy a Maserati and it gets nicked out of my garage so I ask for my money back? I'd have insurance for theft surely.

I'm not being unsympathetic as someone who has had things stolen from me (and it IS traumatic and devastating) but it's not the seller/manufacturer's fault. Why would anyone think that?

Now I'm pretty sure this involves one of our members because it is a big bug bear of ours.

During a complaining post a fellow posters reply said that Q would be along any minute cutting and pasting the usual platitudes and insulting OP by signing off with a xx. Low and behold the C &P happened but no Joe X! Further in the posts it was mentioned again and once again Joe (no x) cut and pasted his standard reply.

However on every other thread Joex was replying in the usual kissy kissy manner.

Maybe proof that "I am not a Robot" does exist at Q after all.
We will have quite a bit of entertainment on the Q page today with SC going and the binlids goes ape sh*t

So that's definite then?
It's a shame for Steven that he pays the price for his OH's hair-trigger temper. It is a perfect illustration, however, that social media is a double-edged sword.
Now I'm pretty sure this involves one of our members because it is a big bug bear of ours.

During a complaining post a fellow posters reply said that Q would be along any minute cutting and pasting the usual platitudes and insulting OP by signing off with a xx. Low and behold the C &P happened but no Joe X! Further in the posts it was mentioned again and once again Joe (no x) cut and pasted his standard reply.

However on every other thread Joex was replying in the usual kissy kissy manner.

Maybe proof that "I am not a Robot" does exist at Q after all.

Someone else complaining about QVC and delivery let rip earlier in the day about the non-stop x. It was a serious matter and Joe was giving the x.
Social Media can be very dangerous and seems to bring out the Loons! Look at the Groupies and how easily they become obsessed with everything! :mysmilie_14::mysmilie_14:
Yes, but that is the way it was designed to draw you in, IMVHO. Because you follow someone on Twatter you get to think of them as a friend, and that cosiness is very heavily reinforced by Q I think who want us to feel part of a lovely fluffy family and thus be more willing to spend our money with them. Likewise on FB, you make someone a friend or follow them, someone you have never met who could be a right git in real life. Add in the fact that the snowflake generation is always ready to take offence, and the fact that no one seems to have the slightest appreciation that they themselves might be wrong, and it seems a recipe for disaster to me!
I see they have posted an interview with the head honcho of QUK HR department. Full of the usual spin and sound bites. I know what I would want to tell her!
I see they have posted an interview with the head honcho of QUK HR department. Full of the usual spin and sound bites. I know what I would want to tell her!

In the quote from the HR woman, it says "its (sic) ok not to have all the answers". Eh? This is QVC - surely they tell the staff it's ok to have no answers, as that's been my experience 9 times out of 10 when I've called.

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