Social Media - That was an eyeopener


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'Just want to thank QVC for being there and being so reassuring all this crazy year love you all


They’re a shop 😂
Next time I’m in Asda I’ll go round thanking the staff and tell them I love them, then you’ll see me on Sky News getting matched out the store. 😂

QVC give you nothing, except easy pay, which doesn’t cost them a penny..........Oh sorry they do give you something, a headache, stress and a nasty letter if you return too many things. They’ve removed all traces of Christmas from the website, so they’ve had what they want off customers now, job done 😂
I can’t open the ‘Community’ section of Q’s FB page, think I’ve been ex-communicated.

I was scolded a few months back for what was a very valid comment but they obviously thought otherwise.

Bit peeved because a quick read of the ridiculous posts would cheer me up. 🙄
I'm not on fb, however, to have a laugh I go on the Q's page & click on posts & then across to visitors posts. I assume the system doesn't recognise me so it shouldn't boot you off.
'Just want to thank QVC for being there and being so reassuring all this crazy year love you all

Funnily enough I saw that comment today and thought "Oh dear" how very sad. Trouble is she's just the tip of the iceberg speaking for the many people who see the presenters as their friends, love the reassuring babble in the background which is fine as long as they're not buying anything - cause it's folk like this who are keeping these charlatans from offering competitive prices and honest offers. My late mum used to have shopping channels on in the background quite a lot....but I'll give her this, she had a healthy disdain for the products and very rarely bought anything!
Nobody who is trying to sell you something for their own gain is your friend, in my view.
You may have friends in sales, but in my experience, they don't try to sell stuff to you when they are off the clock.
It is often lonely and vulnerable who are duped into thinking the Q, and others like them, are their friends. It is a shame but when you become isolated, as so many are now, it is a seductive idea.
Nobody who is trying to sell you something for their own gain is your friend, in my view.
You may have friends in sales, but in my experience, they don't try to sell stuff to you when they are off the clock.
It is often lonely and vulnerable who are duped into thinking the Q, and others like them, are their friends. It is a shame but when you become isolated, as so many are now, it is a seductive idea.
Yes there are scammers going around but I do know some elderly people think that they do not want to be rude and reject someone who comes over as nice and friendly to them and you are the evil one if you try to stop them.Meet Miss Suspicious! The number of times I have tried to separate my then partner from some friendly person on the street/ shop selling full on.I was told to go when I tried to halt the transaction!
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Nobody who is trying to sell you something for their own gain is your friend, in my view.
You may have friends in sales, but in my experience, they don't try to sell stuff to you when they are off the clock.
It is often lonely and vulnerable who are duped into thinking the Q, and others like them, are their friends. It is a shame but when you become isolated, as so many are now, it is a seductive idea.
I remember many moons ago agreeing to become an Avon rep, I was a stay at home mum and could do with bit of extra money, so thought why not. I remember getting a few orders from family and friends but not enough to qualify for any benefit to myself and I remember always bringing the A word into conversation with friends hoping that they'd want the next book, and I could sense a bit of eye rolling, and when I listened to myself I thought "my friends are gonna start avoiding me if I'm not careful - think I'm gonna have to call it a day" so I stopped hassling them. I had a bit of a brainwave and asked the proprietor of the local corner shop whether I could leave a pile of catalogues in the shop with order forms and that I'd collect them up on a certain date and see how I did..they agreed, and actually I did pretty damned well, the catalogues all went and most of them came back with orders. Delievery was a bit of a pain as I don't drive so I'd have to walk the orders round...but I met a lot of people, and sold quite a lot of Avon. Gave up in the end when I found myself an evening job a couple of nights a week...but a friend like you say, doesn't try and sell you stuff! Amazingly as well a customer up the road took over my round so I still got Avon and made a new friend.
Scammers rely on trusting natures and good manners.
In my view, it is perfectly possible to be polite and friendly and still say no thanks. I do that all the time with chuggers. They will have had a crappy day with rudeness at every turn. Why would I add to that?
I was always polite but they got the message.
I always answer the phone with my town name's police station to unknown/unexpected numbers ('hello, Trumpton police station, how may I direct your call?"). They don't stay on the line and never ring back :D
When they ask for me I tell them that she's abroad & that I work for her looking after her animals, which is true, just a tad stretched out.

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