This post appeared:
Really feel let down with QVC, I lost my job because of Covid 19, been waiting weeks for any benefits, so informed qvc about my situation. They took all my flexi pay payments out of my account leaving me with nothing to pay my rent and buy food for two weeks. I have tried to speak to someone and no one has rang me back. I feel totally desolate
QVC team told her to email CS she replied it says not to email at this time. Others replying that QVC do not give payment holidays its a credit agreement and they are not responsible for her circumstances! Someone else has given an email to try as they did over their plant order and got a reply.
Made me think I wonder how many more people are in the same boat suddenly lost their jobs and it does take I think 6 weeks for universal credit to pay you? The banks and other credit companies have given payment holidays but the idea that QVC will I just cannot see that happening.