Social Media - That was an eyeopener


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I went into a shop last week to try on a dress I`d seen. I didn`t like the dress so took it off and went home. I kept thinking my bra was sticking into my back so when i got home I took off my jumper to see if a bra hook had come undone only to discover a large cardboard tag on an elastic strip was stuck to my back, it must have come off the dress and it was one of those large tags which have the brand name, item description plus the price on it. Someone could now be buying a dress without a tag and perhaps thinking it`s a return.
Wonder how many had said before hand she’ll be taking that back tomorrow

Bet you were glad she’d told you

I sure was. Another outing at Christmas this chap kept nodding at me as I walked down a corridor, I gave him a look as if to say, clear off. I then realised my dress was tucked into my tights at the front and he was trying to draw my attention to it. I hid in the loo for a while. I hate tights, they always roll down and I’m always messing with them so try to avoid wearing them.
I went into a shop last week to try on a dress I`d seen. I didn`t like the dress so took it off and went home. I kept thinking my bra was sticking into my back so when i got home I took off my jumper to see if a bra hook had come undone only to discover a large cardboard tag on an elastic strip was stuck to my back, it must have come off the dress and it was one of those large tags which have the brand name, item description plus the price on it. Someone could now be buying a dress without a tag and perhaps thinking it`s a return.

It’s a good job you didn’t set off the security alarm :mysmilie_17:
I sure was. Another outing at Christmas this chap kept nodding at me as I walked down a corridor, I gave him a look as if to say, clear off. I then realised my dress was tucked into my tights at the front and he was trying to draw my attention to it. I hid in the loo for a while. I hate tights, they always roll down and I’m always messing with them so try to avoid wearing them.


Bet you thought you’d pulled

Think it’s time you stayed in

It’s a good job you didn’t set off the security alarm :mysmilie_17:

Thankfully no I didn`t or I`d have been mortified. Luckily it`s one of those shops which have those grey plastic bobble type things attached to the garments which set off the alarm, not the tags.
Many many years ago when wrap around skirts were in fashion and I worked in a cash office where the door was locked at all times.

Leaving the office to do something I locked the door and walked off only to find the WAR skirt was caught in the door, the fastening came away and I was left in the buff!
When I was at junior school and on the bus with my friends my brushed nylon dress ,with buttons all down the front ,got caught under my friends leg and as I stood up it unbuttoned from the top to the bottom and was hanging off whilst I was walking away. I have never forgotten the embarrassment.
One day years ago out with my hubby he let me walk down a local town high street with my skirt tucked up behind in my knickers
I remember when me and my friend was 15, we were getting off the top deck of the bus and there was these two gorgeous lads from our school sitting by the stairs, me and my friend started to go down them, all cool and sexy, when she slipped and fell on her bum down the bottom three, she reached out to grab me and toook me with her, you could hear said gorgeous lads laughing as we got off the bus. Following week we went to a disco, my lesson that night was, when the disco has ultra violet lights, don’t ever, ever wear a white shirt over your first new bright white bra. :mysmilie_17:
Seems we all have a clothing malfunction story. Mine is from when I was about 19, warm summer's day, out shopping in Nottingham. I had on a loose summer dress which was quite short, and no tights. I suddenly realised the elastic in my knickers had gone and I had to walk along pinching the top through my dress to hold them up. Of course, I managed to let go as I was walking across a pedestrian crossing and my knickers fell around my ankles. (Wouldn't happen now - I never have loose knickers!) Anyway, my dilemma was, do I try to pull them back up, step out of them and pick them up or leave them behind? In the end, I picked them up because I daren't travel home with no knickers. My face must have been redder than the red light holding the cars at the crossing!
It was the Summer of 1971 and I was wearing a mini skirt, no tights and platform shoes and was out for the day in Southport with my fiancee and soon to be husband. Lord Street which was the main shopping area was heaving with people all browsing the shops and as we walked arm in arm I suddenly felt my knickers beginning to slide downwards because the elastic in them had obviously broken. My walk slowed to a snail`s pace and I was literally walking knocked knee`d trying to keep them from falling off.
In the end I could hold them in place no longer and decided to just let them drop and hastily pick them up and shove them in my bag before anybody even spotted what had happened. No such luck. I let them drop, skipped out of them but they caught on the stacked heel and sole of my shoes and they flew across in the footpath in front of god knows how many people.
My fiancee was frozen to the spot with embarrassment and I was trying to find the offending knickers whilst trying ( in a mini skirt)not to reveal my bum and other bits. In the end I retrieved the knickers and did a quick trip to M and S to buy some new ones.
It was the Summer of 1971 and I was wearing a mini skirt, no tights and platform shoes and was out for the day in Southport with my fiancee and soon to be husband. Lord Street which was the main shopping area was heaving with people all browsing the shops and as we walked arm in arm I suddenly felt my knickers beginning to slide downwards because the elastic in them had obviously broken. My walk slowed to a snail`s pace and I was literally walking knocked knee`d trying to keep them from falling off.
In the end I could hold them in place no longer and decided to just let them drop and hastily pick them up and shove them in my bag before anybody even spotted what had happened. No such luck. I let them drop, skipped out of them but they caught on the stacked heel and sole of my shoes and they flew across in the footpath in front of god knows how many people.
My fiancee was frozen to the spot with embarrassment and I was trying to find the offending knickers whilst trying ( in a mini skirt)not to reveal my bum and other bits. In the end I retrieved the knickers and did a quick trip to M and S to buy some new ones.

Even though I cringe with embarrassment thinking about when it happened to me, I still long for the days when my knickers would not have been held up by my fleshier nether regions, as they are now!

I can still remember those knickers (mine, not yours) - they were very dark blue with small pink flowers.

I bet you'll be signing up to every cocking picking event willy nilly!

Damn right. By the way, has anyone seen that show on telly where they are all nude and the old hill billys are all on show? I thought I was drunk and seeing things!!! Well maybe I was :mysmilie_17::mysmilie_11: I do remember Mr CC going to bed at that point ha ha ha.

Damn right. By the way, has anyone seen that show on telly where they are all nude and the old hill billys are all on show? I thought I was drunk and seeing things!!! Well maybe I was :mysmilie_17::mysmilie_11: I do remember Mr CC going to bed at that point ha ha ha.


Real willies? On telly? What have I missed? Were they good willies?
Someone has told me that you are right (I wouldn't know myself) and has full frontal closeups of males and females.

They choose who to date based on their nude attributes.

Apparently it is on Channel 4 called "Naked Attraction"
Damn right. By the way, has anyone seen that show on telly where they are all nude and the old hill billys are all on show? I thought I was drunk and seeing things!!! Well maybe I was :mysmilie_17::mysmilie_11: I do remember Mr CC going to bed at that point ha ha ha.


Are you sure that wasn’t QVC? Turn on any time of the day and you’ll always see a dick. :mysmilie_17:

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