So, I'm not a fan of QVC huh?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Crikey. I'm thinking about SCW's mystical powers finding out QVC TSVs way in advance and the amount of sales those must generate for QVC - I often notice that info winds its way onto the QVC UK FB page, which must in turn generate more sales. I know that I've taken advantage of the info that SCW posts and bought stuff from QVC as a result. I can't be alone doing this. QVC would do very well to remember not to bite the hand that feeds it. If it wants to p*ss off its customers, its certainly going the right way about it. If QVC are conveniently blaming this site for a drop in sales, they would do well to take a hard look at their pricing, p&p charges, delivery times and the quality of some of the stuff they sell. QVC forget that they are not the only fish in the online retail pond anymore. There are other retailers out there who are more competitive in every respect and unless QVC get with the program and become more competitive then their sales will continue to nosedive. Certainly, if QVC persist with this sharp practice as per, they can kiss goodbye to anymore purchases from me. In the current state of the economy, QVC cannot afford to be so arrogant towards it customers, which it seems to forget includes us forumites.

What a great post Flamenco. You've got it spot on. How dare Q take such a stand against this Forum? I thought free speech reigned in the UK even if it does rattle cages. Surely such a huge concern can tolerate criticism from a site such as this- any negative comments we make must surely be like gnat bites to them in terms of sales. The audacity of this is quite astounding and I hope Forumites vote by keeping hold of their hard earned cash instead of filling the coffers of QVC. I for one , will not be purchasing anything further from them( although this won't be difficult as I haven't bought anything for a very long time)
Hmmm ... is it 'cause we let each other know about issues? eg: l'occitane/China/testing; DSR/P&P refund; return items in bulk; TheLetter vs 30DMBG. BottomLine - what's their motive? SnarlySupportsST
:doh:they're cheeky barstewards aren't they.......... talk about biting the hand that feeds :headbang:
They may be gunning for us, but I am gunning for them if I can prove the crown was sold at a knock-down price to a presenter because the auction was "fixed", and thus depriving the cancer charity of funds.
Hmmm ... is it 'cause we let each other know about issues? eg: l'occitane/China/testing; DSR/P&P refund; return items in bulk; TheLetter vs 30DMBG. BottomLine - what's their motive? SnarlySupportsST

You're so right there Snarly. I didn't have a clue about DSR until i came across this website, and it has probably cost them money. They can affford it.
I support the forum and us also x BarklySparbs he he
They may be gunning for us, but I am gunning for them if I can prove the crown was sold at a knock-down price to a presenter because the auction was "fixed", and thus depriving the cancer charity of funds.

Go Strato go Strato go go go :clapping:
"QVC would do very well to remember not to bite the hand that feeds it. If it wants to p*ss off its customers, its certainly going the right way about it. If QVC are conveniently blaming this site for a drop in sales, they would do well to take a hard look at their pricing, p&p charges, delivery times and the quality of some of the stuff they sell. QVC forget that they are not the only fish in the online retail pond anymore. There are other retailers out there who are more competitive in every respect and unless QVC get with the program and become more competitive then their sales will continue to nosedive".

Well said.

I placed an order with a high street's online site late yesterday afternoon. Paid £4.50 for next day delivery and Hermes delivered the large/heavy parcel this morning.

Meanwhile the three Liz Earle TSVs which I ordered at the midnight launch on Saturday, and for which I paid the best part of £12 in postage, remain "in process" and I imagine I will be lucky to see them before the weekend.

I don't dispute the value of the Liz Earle TSV (having worked out the value of the kit as £100) but I do think that QVC needs to review its delivery charges and the length of time it takes for orders to arrive.

I haven't bought anything from QVC in ages (the Liz Earle TSV was too good to resist). I will think very carefully before ordering anything else.
Lol have they been in touch to try and stop you "hacking" the TSV's mate?

Or maybe for lessons on how to navigate their new website ha

LOOOL Burlz that made me laugh too much and they been in touch before about something that happend with me finding something and they phoned me and said am i that person of this very site!!! and if they need a lesson on their own website i dont mind charging them
You don't do them any harm SCW. You never ever say a bad thing about anyone. I think you only bring them more money in and
that helps them to get more sales. I'd say they watch this site and have certain names in a list somewhere, they certainly know
who Burly B is, as Julian used to mention him. Not that he does them any harm either, we all moan and groan , but we're still
buying from them, so what do they want, to close the site, and deny freedom of speech, and a right to moan and complain. I think
we're pretty harmless and couldn't possibly harm their sales, what is it a million new viewers every "week or month". So no harm there.
Keep at it SCW, you're a star :star: We're the rebels he he

well i look at it like this if they generated money from links on this site and you think how much i acutally post it would tally up to be a lot so in a way its stupid
Oh, and another thing, their new crappy website must be losing them sales hand over fist!
Hear Hear Flamenco & their p&p pricing is disgusting.

I have just emptied my shopping basket with three Christmas items in (all from last clicks) when I realised the p&p was more expensive than the items!
How VERY dare they? cheeky so and sos. I have spent a queen's ransom with them over the years, I still watch and was in my sad way quite looking forward to Dimonique day which coincides with my pay day and a day off. Had been contemplating a treat or two but have got the hump big time now. Also like others on here I have bought things due to SCW sleuthing and the recommendations of other posters on here (Revitalash being an example). And what about the Slanket thread, most of us rated the Q version the best out there. I think the justified moaning and the joking are outweighed by the extra sales this site must generate.
They are being plain silly and backward thinking (if there is a thing as "backward thinking" ) I am sure many of us have been motivated to buy a lot of things from QVC after reading some posts here. I for one have promoted Slankets , sometimes as if I was one of their salesgirl! I just like few more have posted pictures of items from QVC so that more members can order them, and so many of us have benefited from Supercoolwillow 's help in getting us to know and prepare ahead of buying TSVs.
They should be GLAD that wetake our time and effort to talk about them at all.
If we say anything negative, they should take it as constructive criticism and try to make improvements .........that is the right way to go around, not act like a spoilt, sulking child!!
They should feel privileged that we take an interest in them!
They should feel grateful for our custom in these hard times!
I have spent thousands with QVC.
As a consumer:
I have a right to complain if I find a product unsatisfactory.
I have also praised them when things have gone well with orders or have been impressed with their service.
All in all, they should be grateful that there is a forum such as this, so that they can understand what is good and what can be improved by reading our posts!!
It would be interesting to know exactly how many REGULAR contributors there are on this site.

My point being, if there are for instance around 30 (?) of us constantly commenting on qvc, I find it beyond incredible that a global company can take issue with the comments of such a small group of people, but on the other hand feel quite important that our small group are responsible for their downturn in profits !!!!! You could'nt make it up.

What about the thousands upon thousands of their customers who dont even own a frigging computer, think an App is half an apple, Twitter is wot birds do, and only make their purchases via a landline phone !!!!!!
If people really wanted to do something practical they could become VIP members of this site

How you do this is on the front page.

VIP Membership is given to anyone who makes a donation to We ask for a minimum of £6.00, but you can give as much as you feel happy with. This is a ONE OFF DONATION once you are a VIP you remain a VIP, you never have to donate again.

I know times are hard for a lot of people, but £6 is not a huge one off payment and seeing as Q often levy high P&P charges of £5.95 or more, well, I think that puts it in perspective.
This site gives a lot. It would be nice to think that members would like to give something back.

I would also ask the lukers to join. You must enjoy the site if you visit it.
A boost in membership would give more power to Graham and may even send a message to Q.
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QVC having hissy fit and suggesting this forum affects their sales, what utter rubbish.

I think it was the Dianne Gilman Jean TSV the other day (I might be wrong), but whatever it was they said on the early evening show that 8000 had sold since midnight, which probably means they sold 10000 by the end of the day.

Get over yourself QVC!
They don't want cuustomers who think about what they are buying and criticise. They want a bunch of automatons with blind allegiance who will purchase butler and wilson skull jewelery without question.

I mentioned this thread to my husband, who asked me why I was surprised that big business is undemocratic. I guess he is right.

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