So does annyone know what the crypt-keepers..err sorry Joan River's TSV is tonight?


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Black & White. I didn't order them for exclusivity, just for practicality.

Im not suggesting you did order them for exclusivity,what I'M saying is that they are not as exclusive as Joan Rivers is trying to make out,even with the addition of the photochromic lenses or whatever the heck they are called.

Anyway...Good Luck wiv em!
I was surprised to hear Alison Keenan say that an eye test costs £35-£40. I paid £18 odd 2 years ago, so I'm shocked that they've gone up so much. I thought the price was "regulated" by the NHS ?


I didn't watch the show, but I hope she wasn't using the cost of eye tests to persuade people to buy these reading glasses, rather than get their eyes tested (she wouldn't say this in so many words, but the implication could be there if she was even bringing this up!).

Eye tests do more than just test for vision: they test for eye health! It's important to get your eyes tested once every two years if you wear specs - I don't know what the line is for people who don't need them, but as you get older (maybe into your 40s?), I would imagine that's also the recommendation. eg I had a work colleague (in her 50s) who got her eyes tested just as a matter of routine, because she wore specs, and they found she had the early stage of glaucoma!
Personally I think they're a great idea. I have to wear reading glasses for close up stuff - I can see the specials menu across two rooms no bother. However, I cannot read on the beach, by the pool, or anywhere I might be relaxing in sunlight because I need to also wear sunglasses in bright sunlight. To me they're a perfect holiday accessory.

I don't know Topaz: I think if you feel you need reading glasses, you should get your eyes tested at an opticians to get the correct prescription. I know reading glasses are freely available to buy without prescription, but I wouldn't do it. Nothing personal in my comments, and perhaps I feel this way because I'm nearsighted (can't see far away, but OK without specs to read ie I've the opposite problem to yourself) and have been wearing glasses and getting my eyes tested for many years!!
I found I just needed a little 'help' with close up work like reading, computer screen and sewing (I do cross stitching) and found a pair of these over the counter reading glasses did the trick. I do get an annual eye test through my job and have taken my reading specs along with me to show the opthamologist what I'm using. I was told that for my needs (natural ageing) they were ideal and that I didn't need specific prescription lenses for any other eye problems. The only problem I did have was being able to sit and read in the sunshine and Joan's glasses will now solve that problem. They may be a little overpriced compared to ordinary reading glasses but for me personally they are worth it. No doubt, like everything else in life, if they become more readily available the price will drop.

Just saw this Topaz! Glad to hear you get your eyes tested!
Love Joan so much. Hope she is on with Charlie later, they are the funniest pairing, as she brings out his nautiness. She is so funny and doesn't care what comes out of her mouth. I managed to get the grey chrystal and black pearl huge necklace. My first purchase from her, can't wait to get it, it looks fabulous!
Good old Joan! She's totally irreverant and doesn't give a monkeys what she says. I always enjoy her shows and have a giggle. I've never bought any of her stuff, but if I hadn't recently had my eyes tested and now have varifocals, I would have ordered a pair of her specs.
I don't know Topaz: I think if you feel you need reading glasses, you should get your eyes tested at an opticians to get the correct prescription. I know reading glasses are freely available to buy without prescription, but I wouldn't do it. Nothing personal in my comments, and perhaps I feel this way because I'm nearsighted (can't see far away, but OK without specs to read ie I've the opposite problem to yourself) and have been wearing glasses and getting my eyes tested for many years!!

In my earlier reply to another poster I did mention that I have annual eye checks through work, they give us vouchers, and I took my reading glasses along to check with the optician that they were OK for me to use. I do appreciate your concern though Mariecat.

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