Nah .. one man's meat is another man's poison. How boring it would be if we all liked the same things/people ... twould be like Stepford Wives in real life << shudders >>
Hang on....Where do I know this guy from? Is it Rocks tv? I'm getting to a point, as I've not kept up, where I'm a tad unsure what channel I am on :mysmilie_697:
Yes he has. I texted him yonks ago at R&Co about something and sent him a welcome text at TJC and he said 'that was from pinkpussycat who watches in bed on her laptop' but he left out the bit about my *******....well it was his first turn and it was early. :mysmilie_61:I just find John funny & naughty. He has an amazing memory for people and recalled something I texted him about at R&Co
It's awkward is it not? With Rocks&Co "streamlining", a lot of presenters have gone, and are bound to appear on other shopping channels. TJS is one of the first of many I'm sure. How do you, with respect, without any lieu time (3ish months), go from saying R&Co were great to say TJC are great AND keep your credibilty as a presenter? I don't know.... But, good luck to them! As a presenter, that must be hard. Newbie with newbie opinions I'm sure, but my niece is ponting men in the right direction!