So ... are we all ready for 10pm then?


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Registered Shopper
Jul 8, 2008
... and John's second shift on TJC.

Got my jimjams on and have lit the fire ... I don't intend venturing very far from the sofa tonight, although might not stay up to watch the whole shift.
I'm sure another opinion of mine that won't go down to well but...

I find him a little overrated!

Nah .. one man's meat is another man's poison. How boring it would be if we all liked the same things/people ... twould be like Stepford Wives in real life << shudders >>
Nah .. one man's meat is another man's poison. How boring it would be if we all liked the same things/people ... twould be like Stepford Wives in real life << shudders >>

That is something we agree on!

Hang on....Where do I know this guy from? Is it Rocks tv? I'm getting to a point, as I've not kept up, where I'm a tad unsure what channel I am on :mysmilie_697:
Hang on....Where do I know this guy from? Is it Rocks tv? I'm getting to a point, as I've not kept up, where I'm a tad unsure what channel I am on :mysmilie_697:

He was at Rocks & Co but you'll probably know him better from This Morning if you ever watched it? He was the Fashion Correspondent for many years as well as being Costume Designer on many top films such as Four Weddings and a Funeral and Notting Hill. He's a really lovely man with a wicked sense of humour.
It's awkward is it not? With Rocks&Co "streamlining", a lot of presenters have gone, and are bound to appear on other shopping channels. TJS is one of the first of many I'm sure. How do you, with respect, without any lieu time (3ish months), go from saying R&Co were great to say TJC are great AND keep your credibilty as a presenter? I don't know.... But, good luck to them! As a presenter, that must be hard. Newbie with newbie opinions I'm sure, but my niece is ponting men in the right direction!
I don't get it. I'm sorry. I am new to the forum, but I just don't get it.l He's not cery good. I liked him on This Morning, but I don't get him with jewellery. He wqas rubbish at R&Co and he's not any better now. I like TKC stuff but not TJC. Don't like their visuals, the way they look on screen. it's such a small window. Sorry. I just don't get it.
Don't watch TJC if you don't like the channel. I don't like watching GEMS TV, so I don't. It's really a very sinple concept.
Hi Lustrous, welcome to the forum!

Your comments are valid. It's your opinion that counts.

John Scott has a vocal following on this forum who I find intimidating at times.

I watch TJC to buy jewellery and not because JS is on.
In my opinion, it's going to take a few weeks or months for JS to settle into the TJC format.

Welcome to the forum Lustrous. Hope you enjoy padding around here and joining in the chat. I think the nature of being a tv presenter means you'll have a strong purrsonality and engender strong feelings about your style - John Scott more so than others.

I must have a look at him on TJC. I saw him on Rocks and thought he was quite funny, even dangerously so. At the end of the day, they all have similar patter. Haven't watched any jewellery channels for ages - my jewellery buying has been seriously curtailed for several months so I've been avoiding temptation by not watching.
I'm not spending at the moment either. Used to enjoy watching John on R&C but gave up watching them a while ago, so was pleased to see that John would be popping up on our screens at TJC as they are my preferred jewellery channel.

I just find John funny & naughty. He has an amazing memory for people and recalled something I texted him about at R&Co last Christmas which I mentioned in my "welcome to your new home" email to him on his first night at TJC.

I fell asleep shortly after he started his shift last night and woke up 15 minutes before he finished!
I just got used to John Scott presenting on R&C, rather than being on this morningl I liked watching to see what shirt he would be wearing, he wore some really nice shirts, always impeccably scrubbed up, and cheerful, I like him, at least he has a personality, and pzazz - I would prefer John Scott presenting to James Nocharisma Russell any day of the week - and now John has shifted up a few channels!

At times its like one great big game of musical chairs - when the music stops, you have no idea as to who will be working on which jewellery channel! But you cant blame folk if they arent happy with their working enviroment, you have to feel happy and contented - so his moving is all the better for us, and R&Cs loss! lol :mysmilie_12::mysmilie_82:
I just find John funny & naughty. He has an amazing memory for people and recalled something I texted him about at R&Co
Yes he has. I texted him yonks ago at R&Co about something and sent him a welcome text at TJC and he said 'that was from pinkpussycat who watches in bed on her laptop' but he left out the bit about my *******....well it was his first turn and it was early. :mysmilie_61:
I have days where I watch and enjoy the presenting but then on another day, same presenter, same style it irritates me! I must be approaching a difficult age :mysmilie_61:

The little I've seen of this guy he seems quite colourful, certainly different to the others so today I like him :mysmilie_12:
It's awkward is it not? With Rocks&Co "streamlining", a lot of presenters have gone, and are bound to appear on other shopping channels. TJS is one of the first of many I'm sure. How do you, with respect, without any lieu time (3ish months), go from saying R&Co were great to say TJC are great AND keep your credibilty as a presenter? I don't know.... But, good luck to them! As a presenter, that must be hard. Newbie with newbie opinions I'm sure, but my niece is ponting men in the right direction!

Welcome to the forum Lustrous.

Whilst I agree what you say here most definitely applies to most of the presenters, imho John's presenting style is very different. The most I've heard him saying is that a piece is lovely or it's a great price but I've never heard him ranting on for ages about how anything he's selling is "the best you can get" or "better than any other channel" or "the best I've ever seen". Nor have I seen him gasping, dropping his jaw, faking orgasm or pleading with the producer not to drop the price again - unlike some I could mention (on other channels)!!

John is just John. He's funny, witty, friendly, kind and just a lovely person who imho presents in a style where you can sit back and be entertained, have a laugh and buy something you like without being begged to do so!

Just my opinion of course, but one of the very few presenters I can actually watch.

ps Love Derek & Derky as well of course!

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