Small but Lovely Delivery


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Well it may only be a little delivery but it terms of value for money it's excellent!

First up is a Morganite (2.30ct) and diamond ring in 9k rose gold - £37. In all honesty the Morganite is too pale, it's almost colourless in some lights but from the side it does have some peachy tones. It's a keeper because it's pretty and for £37 you can't argue!



This is my favourite and I've been wanting this ring for ages. It's a Green Quartz from China and 6.55ct (worryingly inspired by Victoria Beckham!). Again this dropped to £37 - so a complete no brainer! I love it. It's a very dark bottle green and looks almost black on the hand but has flashes of intense green when moved around.



This is how it looks on the hand when it's not reflecting the light and the green, this is probably the worst it looks but the above photo shows how the light catches it when moved.
Ive been tempted by the green quartz lovely ring, i had some morganite earrings today and they are lovely.. enjoy your rings im on a look out for a morganite ring now.....
I really love that morganite ring. I have some morganite earrings and they too are very, very pale but could possibly pass for pale pink diamonds......:54:

I've had a bit of a word with myself and although I love the design of the Morganite, because it's so pale I know I won't wear it, so back it must go ...........
I have morganite earrings and pendant and the colour is lovely, much deeper colour than pendant I bought from Gems which I can now see is a really wishy washy colour.

I've had a bit of a word with myself and although I love the design of the Morganite, because it's so pale I know I won't wear it, so back it must go ...........

Thats a shame because it is a lovely ring.

Dont like green so the green quartz is not for me but hope you enjoy it.

I've had a bit of a word with myself and although I love the design of the Morganite, because it's so pale I know I won't wear it, so back it must go ...........

Good decision Meeshoo. Are you under a different name on rocks?
Two very nice rings Meesh, but if the Morganite doesn't blow your socks off, well then....back it should go.

The GQ is a lovely density of green, almost reminded me of Green Tourmaline, but as you say, rather darker. I like the cut, bet it looks very significant on. Well done.
The green quartz is fab isn't it Meeshoo, snaffled it for my Mum a couple of weeks ago, and she absolutely loves it. At certain angles it really flashes neon along the long edges of the stone. Think it was £39.

I've ordered the green quartz ring too - but am having it delivered in the New Year. Just one question Meeshoo - is it coated?

I did ask Rocks twice but no one seemed to know.

I've ordered the green quartz ring too - but am having it delivered in the New Year. Just one question Meeshoo - is it coated?

I did ask Rocks twice but no one seemed to know.


Don't think it's coated Miss K but do think it's dyed or irradiated (possibly both). A simple test to see if it's irradiated is to look through a Chelsea filter and if it goes red then it's irradiated. Just had a look (although the lighting at night is not best to do this) and it stayed green so my betting is that the gem has been dyed but in all honesty I need to have a look again tomorrow to be sure.

There is a lot of confusion about green quartz and prasiolite/green amethyst because technically they are all the quartz family. Genuine prasiolite is very rare indeed and the majority thats on the market today is irradiated quartz from poor quality amethyst. I suspect that this is the same for green quartz but need to do a bit more research to be sure. Certainly natural green quartz is not common so I suspect for £37 this gemstone has had some treatment somewhere along the way.

In all honesty the only way to be completely sure is to have it analysed or get Rocks to confirm. Is there anything in their book? I haven't looked but the answer may be in there somewhere! Will do a bit more research and if I find anything will post up. In the meantime though, for the price/size/weight etc I'd highly recommend it!


Meesh x
I've ordered the green quartz ring too - but am having it delivered in the New Year. Just one question Meeshoo - is it coated?

I did ask Rocks twice but no one seemed to know.


I did ask Steve about this before he went away and its definitely not coated, as Meeshoo said. Sorry that we've not given you any clarification on this before Miss Kitty.

Hope that helps.
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Meesh, Honey, Sweetie, Darling, let Momma Basket have a quiet word. The morganite is pale, granted but it has sen-sational sparkle, is in a very pretty design and rose gold. Well worth the minimal amount of moolah required and you will wear it. Now then, sorry but the green quartz didn't do it for me, sizeable though it was. It looked a bit like a boiled sweet and somewhat unnatural in colour, I'm just not sure it's you Poppet. Think on and let Momma know what you decide. :spider:
Meesh, Honey, Sweetie, Darling, let Momma Basket have a quiet word. The morganite is pale, granted but it has sen-sational sparkle, is in a very pretty design and rose gold. Well worth the minimal amount of moolah required and you will wear it. Now then, sorry but the green quartz didn't do it for me, sizeable though it was. It looked a bit like a boiled sweet and somewhat unnatural in colour, I'm just not sure it's you Poppet. Think on and let Momma know what you decide. :spider:

Dearest Momma Basket - what you after????!!!!!! Nope, Morganite is going back because I really won't wear it. I asked hubby what colour he thought it was and he said "white, well actually it doesn't have a colour" which says it all". Mind you, he thinks the green quartz is "boring"! What a fussy gem expert he's turned out to be :20:

I was seriously considering keeping it for the design and rose gold BUT I won't wear it and all these £37 add up when you do that! Mind's made up I'm afraid. Back it goes but I do recommend it to others who aren't such a fussy mare as me!
I did ask Steve about this before he went away and its definitely not coated, as Meeshoo said. Sorry that we've not given you any clarification on this before Miss Kitty.

Hope that helps.

Thanks very much for that Katherine - you guys are just tops in terms of customer service!

Meesh - thanks very much for your reply. Thanks also for all your tests. I think you must have a lab at home!! Maybe you can be our CSI director (Coloured Stone Investigation).

I don't mind if stones are treated as long as it is permanent. I love to wear perfume & have quite an acid skin, so I don't think the coating would last long on me.

I have this & think it would be a good match:

Thanks very much for that Katherine - you guys are just tops in terms of customer service!
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