Slim n Lift! Cringeworthy TV or what?!


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I generally adhere to the 'don't feel the trolls' rule on forums but on this occasion I will make an exception - Julius, you seriously need to take stock of your attitude towards people in general, as it quite frankly, stinks!
I don't think you are a woman hater, or a gay hater, I think you hate pretty much everybody! You have a chip on your shoulder the size of Nebraska & you might consider doing something about that before it buries itself so deep into your psyche that eventually nothing will shift it!

You might upset a few of the ladies on here, many being, until they came on here, unused to forum life & (although this one is tame compared to many out there!), perhaps easily upset but I doubt you'd rile BB, no matter what you came out with, he has far too strong a personality & is far too confident in himself as a human being in general to be upset or have his life affected in any way by your snide & clearly designed to cause offence comments!

Burly is on occasions a bit bl**dy rude & sometimes his comments do sail a bit close to the wind but I have never known him be intentionally cruel or hurtful, whereas you on the other hand are malicious & spiteful & unlike BB (& others!) not even witty & amusingly intelligent in your delivery!
People will only give you so many chances, maybe you should think on that & if you really don't like it here try posting comments to articles in the Daily Mail instead, at least all the red arrows that would follow would give you the 'attention at any cost' you so obviously crave!

I generally adhere to the 'don't feel the trolls' rule on forums but on this occasion I will make an exception - Julius, you seriously need to take stock of your attitude towards people in general, as it quite frankly, stinks!
I don't think you are a woman hater, or a gay hater, I think you hate pretty much everybody! You have a chip on your shoulder the size of Nebraska & you might consider doing something about that before it buries itself so deep into your psyche that eventually nothing will shift it!

You might upset a few of the ladies on here, many being, until they came on here, unused to forum life & (although this one is tame compared to many out there!), perhaps easily upset but I doubt you'd rile BB, no matter what you came out with, he has far too strong a personality & is far too confident in himself as a human being in general to be upset or have his life affected in any way by your snide & clearly designed to cause offence comments!

Burly is on occasions a bit bl**dy rude & sometimes his comments do sail a bit close to the wind but I have never known him be intentionally cruel or hurtful, whereas you on the other hand are malicious & spiteful & unlike BB (& others!) not even witty & amusingly intelligent in your delivery!
People will only give you so many chances, maybe you should think on that & if you really don't like it here try posting comments to articles in the Daily Mail instead, at least all the red arrows that would follow would give you the 'attention at any cost' you so obviously crave!

Very elequently put kitten with claws, think a lot of us agree with what you said :bow:
Kitten I am very sorry if I have upset you and anyone else. I truly did not mean to upset anyone. I certainly don't have a chip on my shoulder nor am I malicious, nor do I seek attention, nor do I hate everyone. I simply do not know where you would get these inferences from, and I don't particularly care. The personal nature of your comments betray a slight touch of hypocrisy but I am not going to turn this into a slanging match.
Kitten I am very sorry if I have upset you and anyone else. I truly did not mean to upset anyone. I certainly don't have a chip on my shoulder nor am I malicious, nor do I seek attention, nor do I hate everyone. I simply do not know where you would get these inferences from, and I don't particularly care. The personal nature of your comments betray a slight touch of hypocrisy but I am not going to turn this into a slanging match.

Oh go on, there's nowt to do until the Closing Ceremony tonight. A good old ding dong will pass a few hours.

You didn't upset me btw.

(so excited about the Spice Girls!)
Going off piste a bit here, but shouldn't it have been called the Beckham Games ??? wot with Mrs performing (use the word loosely) tonight, and Mr having more column inches and photos of him this fortnight, than any of the more worthy competitors !!!!!!! (he even went to a shopping mall to surprise folk so they could have their photo taken with him !) I'd have run a mile and thats the truth. I dont want to be part of his publicity campaign to get a knighthood that Simon Fuller so badly wants for his client. RANT OVER.
I do think that a lot of people look for negativity where there is none. BurlyBear is gay but was not offended by my comments because he has the intelligence and insight to read and understand them, not extrapolate them and then make a load of hypocritical comments! I like an intelligent debate but not a slanging match. Let's leave that to EastEnders and Jeremy Kyle! Maybe that's more some peoples' ting! I will leave the vindictiveness to the bunny boilers!
Oh go on, there's nowt to do until the Closing Ceremony tonight. A good old ding dong will pass a few hours.

You didn't upset me btw.

(so excited about the Spice Girls!)
So excited about George Michael,what a fantastic Olympics this has been.
Kitten I am very sorry if I have upset you and anyone else. I truly did not mean to upset anyone. I certainly don't have a chip on my shoulder nor am I malicious, nor do I seek attention, nor do I hate everyone. I simply do not know where you would get these inferences from, and I don't particularly care. The personal nature of your comments betray a slight touch of hypocrisy but I am not going to turn this into a slanging match.

You didn't upset me at all (I have the skin of a rhino!) & tbh, I'm only trying to help in a way, you'd find this place a lot nicer if you didn't keep pissing people off all the time, as I've also seen perfectly reasonable & pleasant posts from you!
As for 'inferences', I can only judge what I see/read & if you can't remember what you write sometimes.....well now, that would be worrying....?
Re. the 'hypocrisy' comment, if you're hoping to instill even a twinge of guilt in me with that, no can do, you are way way out of your league in the mind games category, if pyschological warfare were an Olympic sport I'd be polishing my gold medal already! lol

You know perfectly well how you come across in many of your posts, so at least have the guts to stand up for your own comments; I would & I'm as mean & nasty as hell in RL but I mainly save my vitriolic tendencies & comments for those who have truly irritated me, I don't amuse myself by sitting thinking of things to type designed to upset or windup people on a blinkin' forum & I do this clever thing of thinking about what I'm about to write before I write it, I find I have to apologise a lot less later that way & apologising is not my favourite occupation generally.....!

I don't dislike you personally, I don't know you but I remain firm in my conviction of disliking many of your comments & at times, your rather unpleasant attitude & for that I make no apology whatsoever. If you can't see the less pleasant side of your own posting persona yourself, then that is very much your problem, not mine & that is simply a statement of fact, not a personal insult, unless that is how you choose to see it.

Oh go on, there's nowt to do until the Closing Ceremony tonight. A good old ding dong will pass a few hours.

You didn't upset me btw.

(so excited about the Spice Girls!)

Ugh, you tasteless little beast, seriously....the Spice Girls??? They won't be singing y'know (well hopefully not anyway! lol) - I think I might watch though & if I wish really hard the equipment might fail & they'll all be stood there, miming away to nothing, total silence..........OMG, that could actually happen, I am so going to watch, just in case it does.....!
Ugh, you tasteless little beast, seriously....the Spice Girls??? They won't be singing y'know (well hopefully not anyway! lol) - I think I might watch though & if I wish really hard the equipment might fail & they'll all be stood there, miming away to nothing, total silence..........OMG, that could actually happen, I am so going to watch, just in case it does.....!

Or maybe they"ll fall off the taxis that they"re standing on. :wink: But i cant wait to see
Take That, WOW :ninja::ninja:
Julius imaging youre relaxing reading a thread and you come across the post that
was deleted, as it was offensive, bit of a schock and not relevant or needed on a
shopping forum thread. I think you"re doing it to get reactions and posts but its
not going to happen
Ugh, you tasteless little beast, seriously....the Spice Girls??? They won't be singing y'know (well hopefully not anyway! lol) - I think I might watch though & if I wish really hard the equipment might fail & they'll all be stood there, miming away to nothing, total silence..........OMG, that could actually happen, I am so going to watch, just in case it does.....!

Sing? Are you mad??? I don't want them to sing, of course not! I want them to stand there looking fabulous, and mime so it sounds ace!

As for the Beckham empire, I have to admit that I quite like them. And no I don't fancy him but I do like looking at him. He wears clothes well. I think his current look is very distinguished appropriate for recent events. As for Vicky, I like looking at her too. Lets face it, if being a clothes horse isn't a viable career then an awful lot of models are going to be out of work.

And now she designs a range herself of course, or so we are led to believe. The stuff certainly does seem to have her distinctive style running through it so I'm inclined to believe she does have some input to the design. Maybe she's like Harald - doesn't bother with the boring sewing bit.
Sing? Are you mad??? I don't want them to sing, of course not! I want them to stand there looking fabulous, and mime so it sounds ace!

As for the Beckham empire, I have to admit that I quite like them. And no I don't fancy him but I do like looking at him. He wears clothes well. I think his current look is very distinguished appropriate for recent events. As for Vicky, I like looking at her too. Lets face it, if being a clothes horse isn't a viable career then an awful lot of models are going to be out of work.

And now she designs a range herself of course, or so we are led to believe. The stuff certainly does seem to have her distinctive style running through it so I'm inclined to believe she does have some input to the design. Maybe she's like Harald - doesn't bother with the boring sewing bit.

Oh fine, I give up/in, yeah go on, you sit there bouncing up & down on your sofa, clapping your little hands with joy at the sight of the Spicey ones jigging about in pwetty outfits & miming away to their heart's content, I hope you enjoy it, I really do! :heart:
(And at least it'll stop you buying anything you want but don't need for a half hour or so & then feeling guilty for it! lol)

VB as designer though? No, I highly doubt she bothers with the 'sewing bit' & that her designing input doesn't extend beyond thrusting a few scribbles on the back of an envelope at a real designer & instructing them in what fabric & colour it would look most pwetty!
Shame for all those who actually went to college & actually learnt their trade but we all know that's the way the world is, yadda yadda yadda but to give the silly cow an award for 'designing' (or rather co-designing in the way of 'co-writing' so beloved of celebrities! *snort*), that was a bit of a kick in the teeth for many I reckon! :down:

Gotta agree about David though, squeaky voiced & thick as a plank he may be but he sure is a snazzy dresser, especially for a Brit as our men (sadly) generally have all the style & fashion sense of a sack of parsnips! lol
Can't wait for the whole family to sod off back to the U.S where they pay their taxes. We have REAL sportspeople now to act as role models, not some poser in his underpants.
Kitten_with_claws - didnt Lulu Guinness say she was pleased to have been give an honorary degree, as she'd never been to college? Just because someone doesnt have a formal qualification doesnt mean they dont have the skill, just not a piece of paper to prove it.

Re David Beckham, no strong feelings about him one way or the other but dont understand why he always seems to get a hard time over his voice - whats wrong with it? And what has he done that attracts the stupid label? In tv interviews ive seen he always came across really well, as a nice guy who dotes on his family. No offence intended just curious why he gets these labels?
Kitten_with_claws - didnt Lulu Guinness say she was pleased to have been give an honorary degree, as she'd never been to college? Just because someone doesnt have a formal qualification doesnt mean they dont have the skill, just not a piece of paper to prove it.

Re David Beckham, no strong feelings about him one way or the other but dont understand why he always seems to get a hard time over his voice - whats wrong with it? And what has he done that attracts the stupid label? In tv interviews ive seen he always came across really well, as a nice guy who dotes on his family. No offence intended just curious why he gets these labels?

And plenty of people have the piece of paper but none of the skill!

I think with DB it's because the voice doesn't match the looks. As for doting on his family.... Rebecca Loos anyone? Yes I do believe he went "there" and that VB forgave him because she could see what was at stake. This marriage now represents a business partnership as much as it does a family. Breaking up would damage the brand too much to contemplate. Whether either of thm are having jiggly jiggly on the side I don't know. I can't see her doing it, she wouldn't want to smudge anything, but him? Hmmmmm.
And plenty of people have the piece of paper but none of the skill!

I think with DB it's because the voice doesn't match the looks. As for doting on his family.... Rebecca Loos anyone? Yes I do believe he went "there" and that VB forgave him because she could see what was at stake. This marriage now represents a business partnership as much as it does a family. Breaking up would damage the brand too much to contemplate. Whether either of thm are having jiggly jiggly on the side I don't know. I can't see her doing it, she wouldn't want to smudge anything, but him? Hmmmmm.

I think he gives sport a good name, and he seems genuinely interested in his fans.
Can"t see him having a woman on the side, as they"d be selling their stories to
the numerous papers, who would be queing up to buy. But that baby is so cute :cool:
Sport a good name ? um, which match was it again that he kicked an opponent and was sent off ??? - I supposes it depends on your viewpoint, but he wasn't even that good a player, yet because of having a brilliant Agent and who he's married to, he 'pops' up everywhere (even on the white cliffs of Dover in his knickers for pete's sake).

A good question to ask is : What will David Beckham be remembered for. Not for captaining England to glory thats for sure.
:Bloody el its hard to believe that this tread started with a pair of fatty pants

Oops sorry for saying fatty

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