Silver Mexican Ring TSV


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It's super beautiful, Im sorry I passed on it

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Yes, that's an idea, thanks watersiren. As you have the same ring too, do you recommend anything you've seen that's hammered from a silver range?
Yes, that's an idea, thanks watersiren. As you have the same ring too, do you recommend anything you've seen that's hammered from a silver range?

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p>hi helena, i have got my eyes on a pair of earrings i believe would match well with the ring. it is item 689587, <?xml:namespace prefix = u1 /><u1:City><u1:place>Taxco</u1:place></u1:City> Traditions Hammered Circle Drop Earrings Sterling Silver, at the clearance price of £24.24. please have a look at the website, if you are interested.:21:
so was i! so i ordered another ring with trq, which was also new and prettier imo. and the price was just £19.50 (item no 693944).

i just received this ring. it is very beautiful, but half the size of the tsv ring. i am a little dissapointed with the size, but i do not have the heart to return it. it is still great value, but it really brings home the fact that the value of the tsv ring was just phenomenal. :11:

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