Sara Griffiths - you just can't help yourself, can you?


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< Rant >

I watched a recording of the Ninja TSV midnight hour which would have been fine without SG. She just can't bear to let the guests speak for any length of time without interrupting their train of thought and going on to something unrelated, eg she interrupted the guest, Caroline, who was just about to talk about the blades to talk about something else. At the end of that SG brought the subject back to the blades again, but why???? Is she a control freak? Is she just a puppet doing exactly what The Gallery tell her to do? in which case they need lessons in manners, too.

And talking of manners, what sort of example is it to any children who may be watching (okay, maybe only a few, but still it's the principle) to interrupt and monopolize a conversation? Where is the respect in that? When the camera flicked back to Caroline, I saw a glimpse of irritation which she quickly covered, but I can't say I blame her.

In SG's favour, I suppose she's not interrupting in the middle of sentences any more, at least not in that hour, but she's still monopolizing and controlling and it's not pretty viewing.

< End of rant >
Totally agree Thatu, why do they bother having guests at all? It can't be to explain about the product because they never get to explain it due to the constant interruptions. SG and Anne Dawson were both given a Nutri Ninja, why? It's not like they're ever going to be honest is it? After all, it's not worth losing you job over saying somethings is crap when you got it for free.
Perhaps she just misses being an actress. There was a re-run of a series called The Chief a few months ago on a Sky channel. She played the stroppy teenage daughter of the police chief.

She must think "Lights, camera, action..."
she is the worst presenter imo. she monopolises the presentation. shes rude and totally irrirating. really was glad when she left now shes back it does not make for great viewing.
I thought this thread was going to be about her horrifying rudeness on the tsv launch show last night! But you haven't mentioned the incident which left me speechless and slightly shocked!
She was talking about a set of 12 lock and lock brightly coloured little round containers with the lady who does Easiyo (and usually does ninja too which I thought was a bit insensitive to have relegated in the same show...!) when she decided to start ordering a set for herself. But it wasn't a quick click (so much for tapping the app!!), it was an obvious, long procedure which left Jilly (remembered her name now!) talking to herself, staring at Sara, and a bit floundered. The camera stayed on Sara who kept 'yeahing' and making non sequiturs because she wasn't listening to a word the guest was saying. It really peed me off! Rude woman!

And if I have to hear one more story about "my little boy", which sound completely impersonal, I shall scream ;)
shopperholic, I wonder exactly the same about the pointlessness of having guest presenters - they get interrupted constantly by presenters who obviously only like the sound of their own voices - so why bother with the guests at all? I would HATE to have to go along to Q to promote something and get, say, Jill Franks constantly chipping in and talking over me; I'd chuck whatever it is at them and walk off. They must get complaints, because it's frustrating for the viewers, too, but nothing changes. Why, oh why, don't they realise we want FACTS about the product, not a load of irrelevant carp. This is why I can't watch Q for more than 10 mins at a time - I just can't stand the ego maniacs.:mysmilie_51:

Totally agree Thatu, why do they bother having guests at all? It can't be to explain about the product because they never get to explain it due to the constant interruptions. SG and Anne Dawson were both given a Nutri Ninja, why? It's not like they're ever going to be honest is it? After all, it's not worth losing you job over saying somethings is crap when you got it for free.
I thought this thread was going to be about her horrifying rudeness on the tsv launch show last night! But you haven't mentioned the incident which left me speechless and slightly shocked!
She was talking about a set of 12 lock and lock brightly coloured little round containers with the lady who does Easiyo (and usually does ninja too which I thought was a bit insensitive to have relegated in the same show...!) when she decided to start ordering a set for herself. But it wasn't a quick click (so much for tapping the app!!), it was an obvious, long procedure which left Jilly (remembered her name now!) talking to herself, staring at Sara, and a bit floundered. The camera stayed on Sara who kept 'yeahing' and making non sequiturs because she wasn't listening to a word the guest was saying. It really peed me off! Rude woman!

And if I have to hear one more story about "my little boy", which sound completely impersonal, I shall scream ;)

You are right! I watched the video of this, and one minute in she begins to order, tapping the app, and for another minute just says 'yeh' at intervals, and one "really?" in a "whatever' tone of voice, as if to say "carry on while I do something important and pretend to listen".

if I were showing the product I would say "am I boring you?"
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I know! I'm not sure why it wound me up as it wasn't long but I just thought it was the height of rudeness to her guest!
I would've loved it if Jilly would had asked if she was boring Sara :) but she's too polite!
I thought I could tell she was being told to concentrate on the product via her earpiece (or at least I hoped she was being!)
I missed the rest of the show, unfortunately, because I couldn't stand another minute of SG so I was spared the agony of the slow ordering. Since Jilly whatsername is one of the few good guests and knows her stuff AND demonstrates the Ninja normally, it's odd AND RUDE, YES, QVC, that she was relegated to playing second fiddle on the same show to someone who doesn't have the same presenting experience. Could it be that Caroline, the ex-model, suits their profile better? Who knows. It was completely insensitive though, whatever else it may or may not have been.
Are these presenters really so enthralled they have to make personal purchases whilst presenting on-screen? Methinks it's a ruse to make the viewer want to buy. After all these presenters have a prep space / time and must surely know what they are going to be selling well in advance!
Obnoxious woman. I've yet to see her presenting in a pleasant and professional manner - I either turn the volume off or change channels these days.

On the subject of professional, I was watching one of the Christmas lights shows yesterday and was bemused and amused to see one of the guests yank out her phone to show the presenter (can't remember who it was, but they were obviously taken aback :giggle:) and the camera a picture of her child! Who cares?! Stupid woman! She made herself look like a complete twit.
Are these presenters really so enthralled they have to make personal purchases whilst presenting on-screen? Methinks it's a ruse to make the viewer want to buy. After all these presenters have a prep space / time and must surely know what they are going to be selling well in advance!

Of course it's a ruse, they see what's coming up in their show hours before but all of a sudden she wants to order them there and then, it's like when they do the "oh no it looks like it's going to sell out wish I'd ordered before I came on air" and the classic "save me one" that's Chuntleys favourite, a bit of the old reverse psychology, ridiculous.
Obnoxious woman. I've yet to see her presenting in a pleasant and professional manner - I either turn the volume off or change channels these days.

On the subject of professional, I was watching one of the Christmas lights shows yesterday and was bemused and amused to see one of the guests yank out her phone to show the presenter (can't remember who it was, but they were obviously taken aback :giggle:) and the camera a picture of her child! Who cares?! Stupid woman! She made herself look like a complete twit.

I don't suppose it was that awful Abbi woman was it?
I would just LOVE to know the age group of those in the Gallery; in their 20's I should think, who have no life experience after Yuni, of manners and etiquette, - they do not control the Presenters in a fitting manner, and make jokes in the earpieces which is the height of rudeness to the viewing audience. On the occasion you get to see the floor crew, they're all looking important with headphones on, dressed from the charity bag and don't look much older than my paper boy !!! So it doesn't surprise me at all when old fashioned professionalism no longer exists on the box.
Gosh , can't someone tell that horrendous woman to shut up and let the guest talk .She honestly gets of my nerves .
I would just LOVE to know the age group of those in the Gallery; in their 20's I should think, who have no life experience after Yuni, of manners and etiquette, - they do not control the Presenters in a fitting manner, and make jokes in the earpieces which is the height of rudeness to the viewing audience. On the occasion you get to see the floor crew, they're all looking important with headphones on, dressed from the charity bag and don't look much older than my paper boy !!! So it doesn't surprise me at all when old fashioned professionalism no longer exists on the box.
I find that to be a bit of a generalisation about my generation. I'm 30 so have just moved out of my 20s, but all of my friends have good manners and are professional at work, we have worked exceedingly hard to get to where we are and that isn't possible by being rude and disorganised.

There are varying degrees of manners and etiquette throughout all generations, I feel.
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I thought this thread was going to be about her horrifying rudeness on the tsv launch show last night! But you haven't mentioned the incident which left me speechless and slightly shocked!
She was talking about a set of 12 lock and lock brightly coloured little round containers with the lady who does Easiyo (and usually does ninja too which I thought was a bit insensitive to have relegated in the same show...!) when she decided to start ordering a set for herself. But it wasn't a quick click (so much for tapping the app!!), it was an obvious, long procedure which left Jilly (remembered her name now!) talking to herself, staring at Sara, and a bit floundered. The camera stayed on Sara who kept 'yeahing' and making non sequiturs because she wasn't listening to a word the guest was saying. It really peed me off! Rude woman!

And if I have to hear one more story about "my little boy", which sound completely impersonal, I shall scream ;)

She also did that when she was on with lee Hobein (tech guest) and was non-communitive. I honestly think they shouldn't be allowed to 'tap the app' on air, DF(female), CH and CR have all done it as well, though at least the others either wait until the break or can 'multitask'. With regards to the conversation, they have been 'not listening' to the presenter, whether that is because they are listening to the 'voices in their head', whether they are just totally disinterested in that product or just don't like the presenter, it makes in my opinion a very rude show. Some presenters can 'carry it off, like CB, CR, MM JK and of course the vets, JR and DF. The 'gallery' should only speak when necessary and they should go on a refresher 'smelly telly' course!
If tapping her App takes her as long as it does for me, she's ****** lucky she can get anything ordered by the time the presentation ends! I'm having terrible trouble these days. Although I have to say that there is very little that makes me want to spend money with Q at the moment. Back to the topic - ghastly woman!

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