Saggy knockers and no teeth. Welcome to Pilates.


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The "dog rough" comment would be down to me then. Sorry if you don't like it backstreet girl, and I agree it's harsh, but that's EXACTLY how she appears to me and as such she isn't a good advert for healthy eating or Pilates for that matter. As for the question of bullying, I will say only two things-1. You don't know me 2. Bullying has been done to death on this Forum on many previous occasions and you will never get a consensus of opinions about what is or what isn't bullying.
Wow I just read all the posts since mine. I made MY comments because that photo did actually make both Marjoleine and Jill look like the gruesome twosome and in my own experience, trying to stay ultra thin has its consequences on your health in some cases. It's their choice to lead their lives however they want and to eat as little as they want but it doesn't make them look good once they get past 30. That's just a fact backed up by the photos, not bullying. I also don't think it should be made out on QVC that being so skinny is good, good, good. A little weight past 40 makes you look better I think :clapping:

At the end of the day, isn't that why they're punting their stuff on the telly? MB and JF don't give a flying faff whether we live on fat or water, wheter we're 20 stone or 2 stone, as long as we buy their stuff and make them money. They don't care about us, they care about their own bank balance.
i would remind the naysayers there is a sticky categorically stating criticism of presenters is permitted.

it's a shame that whenever there's a funny thread with everyone having a laugh, the same people have to wade in and attempt to spoil it. because they have zero sense of humour, their aim seems to be to spoil threads for everyone else. a blind man could see it. those with a sense of humour don't need to defend themselves or their posts. just ignore and keep up the good work.

big hugs to (((vampy)))
Please can we not let this thread go the same way as others have with petty point scoring spoiling it for everyone leaving Sazzy or Graham no option but to close it !!!
I haven't seen 'The Same People' wading in. I have seen some posters not agreeing with the comments made by the OP and if they don't find any humour in what is being said surely they have every right to say so.
Please can we not let this thread go the same way as others have with petty point scoring spoiling it for everyone leaving Sazzy or Graham no option but to close it !!!

Well said, DD. let's all just agree to differ and let it rest there.
In this thread, there have been the following: comments saying Marjolein looks 'dog rough'..... likeing them to Iggy Pop and Worzel Gummidge.....calling them the Gruesome Twosome.... of course people can say what they want on a forum like this, free speech and all that, but it just amazes me how cruel and nasty people on here are. These aren't general criticisms about a presenter's way of presenting or comments on what they are wearing, but akin to school playground bullying, except the presenters can't hear what you're saying (but they can read what you're saying if they come on here). I know they are in the public eye and people say they should therefore accept that there will be people who don't like them, but comments on this thread just show some forum members up for what they really are - nasty bullies who I wouldn't like to meet in the real world.

I'm not talking about all comments on this thread, I agree that Marjolein is particularly slim and I don't think it does her any favours, but why all the name calling? I'm getting a mental picture of some of you now and I don't like what I see.

OH PLLLEEEAAASSSE! Take a look at the real world! Plenty of soul gutting dreadful situations to consider, pray for, evaluate. Personally I'd rather ponder on something worthy of my time than laying into normal people who are having a laugh. Oh & if you think that's unbelievebly cruel please remember that the women in the pic in the opening post are trying to make as many people as poss spend huge amounts of money on purchasing very expensive FITNESS equipment from their show!
Personally I find your post offensive and ridiculous. If it's too "cruel & nasty" for you to bear I really don't know why you contributed to the thread.
As for not wanting to meet myself & other forumites in person as were "such nasty bullies", rest assured, you won't hence this is an internet forum & people only arrange to meet in person if they want to with poeple whom they have become friends with.
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Have to agree with Nikki here. I dont venture on the forums too often but it seems like a crime now to have a laugh at the expense of some of these heinous presenters (some of which do nothing but insult our intelligence). Please don't feel the need to defend these PAID people....go create a gratuitous fan thread if you feel the need.
Huge thanks for the hugs, happy old bat here :flower:

It did cross my mind that JF was advised at some point to avoid gaining weight and she is taking it to the max which is fair enough and none of my business.
MB has a very fractious disposition in my opinion but I can't say that about JF. She can be petulant but it's not her default setting.

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