Ruth Langsford


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It's funny how Ruth's official title is "QVC Ambassador" yet the only place you ever hear her talk about QVC
I like Ruth, and - from what I've seen - the bits they've had on her shows have at least been a bit more wearable. Less of the clown garb with the lairy patterns that I consider synonymous with QVC. She clearly didn't feel comfortable in that grey cardigan (which I thought looked really nice on her), as she kept tugging it closed in that self conscious way I do when I'm wanting to cover my stomach! What annoys me is that, from the very first show, it became apparent that either, a) Ruth isn't a QVC customer, or b) She is a QVC customer, but has decided to play dumb about all their "USP's", 30 day mbg, advanced orders etc, so that she can feign amazement when the presenter clues her in. It actually just makes it look like she's lying in the ad where she says she loves shopping with them. [/SIZE] I remain to be convinced she'd be seen dead in any of their wares, and don't really understand why she felt the need to take this gig.

Agree with all the above, and when she does the promo her hands are all over the place. She waves them about for every word - clearly this is part of the "how -to- speak- in- front- of- the- camera" course, but she goes overboard with her mitts, like she's drying them in the air ! When you see news journalists, comperes, presenters, they're all at it, none can speak without flayling hands, but Ruth does do it to extreme.
I don't understand why she took on Q, especially when she wishes she could spend more time with her 80+ year old mother and her sister does the lion's share of contact. What's to stop her?
It's funny how anyone famous associated with QVC never talk about it in articles or on their programmes.

If Q are paying Ruth a shed load of cash its poor value for them if she is not publicising it beyond QVC .
I don't understand why she took on Q, especially when she wishes she could spend more time with her 80+ year old mother and her sister does the lion's share of contact. What's to stop her?

I wouldn't have thought it took up too much of her time. An hour or so to have a few bits shoved under her nose so she could pick out one or two as it seemed to have been the same items over and over each week and a few hours a week for 6 weeks to do the tv slot.
I always thought that I liked RL. I did use sky+ for her qvc shows so that I could FF the twaddle (most of it) Her promo
video really does my head in, she talks with her hands wafting about, and imo she knew nothing about qvc until she got the job of a qvc Ambassador...:mysmilie_17: We can only think that herself and Eamonn must be on the bread line, is there anything left (on tv) that they haven't had a hand in.:mysmilie_845:
I see gnasher Langsford and her old man are on the front cover of the D/Mail weekend supplement. I wonder if the dress is Nina Leonard or Anttony :mysmilie_19:
Those promos do make me laugh, they talk about QVC like it's the only shopping website ever created, as for AH she's new to QVC (her words) so she's obviously thought it was crap for 24 years, too crap and down market to even look (until they started selling her products of course) and as for Ruthie, she's just full of it. How annoying it must be for poor Eamon that she........talks.......then stops.......a lot. :mysmilie_15:
Saw the DM article, at least QVC was mentioned (plug!).I didn't look like Ruth, has she gone down the 'work done' route? I do hope she wears some of her Q creations on her mainstream TV progs.
I like the Ruth and Jackie combination. They seem to get on well. It isn't their fault that the clothes are either boring or hideous. (I especially hate all those ghastly ongenu prints that look so dated).
I like the Ruth and Jackie combination. They seem to get on well. It isn't their fault that the clothes are either boring or hideous. (I especially hate all those ghastly ongenu prints that look so dated).

I couldn't agree more on the prints I haven't seen a single pattern that I have liked and been tempted to buy at all.
I like the Ruth and Jackie combination. They seem to get on well. It isn't their fault that the clothes are either boring or hideous. (I especially hate all those ghastly ongenu prints that look so dated).

Another hour of ghastly, Jackie's dress was far worse than that too.

I'll be honest, I have personally never thought of Ruth as a fashion icon/adviser/stylist whatever. But, I did enjoy the combo Ruth/Jackie.

There are many ranges on Q which I would not be seen dead in, and for someone of my generation, some of these so-called new prints and designs, well let's just say they've all been here before, and I dare say before some of the presenters and fashion house stylists were born.
Well I`ve just been browsing the fashion photos from Royal Ascot. Lots of ladies dressed to the nines for the races and not a Yong Kim, Onjenu, Join, Renee, Antthony, Kimmy or Nina Leonard frock to be seen. I wonder why lol and so much for Q`s day at the races, garden party etc mantra !
Well I`ve just been browsing the fashion photos from Royal Ascot. Lots of ladies dressed to the nines for the races and not a Yong Kim, Onjenu, Join, Renee, Antthony, Kimmy or Nina Leonard frock to be seen. I wonder why lol and so much for Q`s day at the races, garden party etc mantra !

Gosh I'm shocked at that with the amount they shift :mysmilie_3:

Was there anything nice you could make out where it was from?

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