Well, if you’re my little sister, too many is never enough….and you pay to keep them in storage and rotate them regularly. Madness, I know.
But, fair do’s, she always looks good.
The striped Bretton top she's selling this time has matching stripes front and back, but a couple of striped garments she's sold in the past did not match up. Ruth looked nice in her Breton top but Julia looked weird in hers. She looked as if she had stuffed a pillow in front of the shirt. People should wear what suits them, and loose, flowing tops do the job for Julia, not clinging cotton T shirts.I loved how she tried to convince us that if you buy a cheap stripy t shirt the stripes won't match up front and back, hers do of course, and that's why you have to pay alittle bitlot more for them - What a loada cobblers Ruth!