I can't work out how they are still going, especially since the increase in postal charges. I keep thinking I'll flip over to the channel one day and it will have disappeared, but no, it's still there.....still shouting, still talking BS, still 'rare' jade or 'rare' pearls. The prices now are just off the wall and GC's a joke, so I stopped watching it ages ago.
Honestly? I really am perplexed. It's either jaw-dropping stupid prices, terrible tat or Groundhog Day.
Yesterday we had:
Tanzanite Distinctly average Tanzanite in 9K gold, set with tiny zircon, for £600 for goodness sake.
Uruguay Amethyst an hour ended up not starting until twenty-five to the next hour, with Adina reading from a PowerPoint off screen with her clicker, bullsh*tting to the max about rarity and what "the industry" says is the best and then rushing in two silver rings - one at £100 right at the end. Makes me cross when so-called experts tell you what's "the best". I'm sorry madam but a flat, plain purple stone - however intense - is beaten hands down by a fully pleochroic Zambian amethyst that displays reds, blues, pinks and purples. I don't give a **** what price manipulating "experts" say.
London Blue Topaz fronted by Toby made me feel sorry for Jeff (standing in). I give a lot of latitude to Toby but he was in full BS mode yesterday about the availability of topaz. Jeff didn't know how to react, bless him. If it had been Steph (who has just got worse and worse, in my opinion) or the Carr creature or shouty Norris, we would have had verbal ecstasy all round. To me, the silver pieces looked quite light for London Blue. Odd.
Diamonds two more hours of those Angolan "pink" diamonds with Ellis and Troth.
Gem Collector had a 20ct Ethiopian opal (boring, just large). Jim did his usual and just plonked it on the turntable - who just looks at an opal from the side, for goodness sake?! - but doing that showed a defect/chip on the back at the edge. Alex would have seen it and withdrawn it immediately.
Today it seems we have
Kimbie Yet another scented set of items for two hours. Seems as if that's all Ellis sells when she's on!
Blue Amber from Adina, later. Can't bear to watch that car crash of deception.
Gem Collector Jim mentioned that he might have an hour of "new" Ametrine. I don't have high hopes. My advice? Jump on to eBay/Etsy, find an old Gems TV item, pop out the stone and scrap the metal.