Richard Jackson TSV 06/01/14


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This has to be the most ludicrous TSV they have ever come up with. I think anyone buying bird seed by mail order is surely misguided and gullible. I buy it from Home Bargains or the local market and find a kilo bag lasts ages especially this year as the winter has been quite mild. QVC will neve r tempt me to buy while they are having this sort of TSV. I would not buy anything with R.J. on the label as I can't stand the ****** man or his manic smile and the way he talks out of the side of his mouth.
"tuppence a bag" is certainly not the case, if you pay £30 for this. As we have boxers, I don't like to encourage birds into my garden anyway. Bird seed can be bought so economically in places like home bargains.
I used to love watching the birds feed and bought my bird food from local shops but since I adopted a cat and discovered she is a born murderer I`ve sadly stopped feeding the birds, for their own sakes. I can`t stop her, she goes out hunting and if I try to keep her in all the time she just sits at the patio doors scratching and yowling to go out. I try not to encourage the birds at all now and she`ll even steal youngsters from the nest or snaffle birds whilst feeding etc. The death rate has certainly decreased since I stopped putting out food and we have a piece of waste land at the rear of the house so she goes hunting there instead. Cats eh ?
I find that cats around my area have stopped the birds so i cant enjoy seeing them in garden now sadly, as far as tricky dickie is concerned i am quite sure he will have his fingers in a few more pies before the season is out.
Aldi had an offer on bird seed before Xmas - about £8 for 12.5kg.
Otherwise I get it from my local pet shop - about £12 for 20kg.
This stuff on QVC may be 'luxury' but is such a rip off.
My birds are happy with anything!
Our bird population decreased immediately they stuck a cable box near our house, and the local cats and foxes who steal eggs have seen off most of the rest of them. I feel like putting a danger notice on our hedge because it's so upsetting to see little eggs smashed. Besides which, woodpigeons have taken over a neighbour's huge pine tree and gobble up everything in sight. I'd love to see more little birds around, but it isn't to be. In any case, I wouldn't pay the QVC price for what I can get from our local farmshops and cornmill. I'd much rather support local traders.
I think you will find de jager are doing young plants now and, i noticed some very poor reviews of T@M young plants on qvc website and, they seem to have changed to garden express.

Everything I have bought from de jager, either direct or from qvc, has been excellent, although not young plants. I have ordered some to see how they are.

Richard Jackson is a business man - the whole point is to make money. Don't like him, don't buy.
I don't like him and don't buy and am fully entitled to express my opinion are you his mother?
This has to be the most ludicrous TSV they have ever come up with. I think anyone buying bird seed by mail order is surely misguided and gullible. I buy it from Home Bargains or the local market and find a kilo bag lasts ages especially this year as the winter has been quite mild. QVC will neve r tempt me to buy while they are having this sort of TSV. I would not buy anything with R.J. on as I can't stand the ****** man or his manic smile and the way he talks out of the side of his mouth.

You go, girl! Don't hold anything back. I suppose if you love birds, you would pay it unnecessarily, in my opinion, when birds will be as satisfied with seed from the cheap shops, or bread.
I used to breed boxers and, currently have two, a dad and his son. I must admit, I do spend quite a bit on their food, as it is organic, natural and holistic. I chose, however, to have my dogs, who incur vets bills, feeding costs, etc. You know that when you decide to get a dog, and mine are part of my family. I don't believe you can form a relationship with wild birds, pigeons, etc. Without wishing to 'ruffle any feathers' - couldn't help myself! - they are lucky to be fed at all, as so many people don't think twice about them. We used to have a neighbour who put food out for the birds, and we had seagulls forever flocking to our garden.
This tsv is way overpriced and if all bird feed was so highly priced, the birds wouldn't get fed. The quality may be superior to that from the £ shop but, as I don't know what calibre of food they are being given by other well meaning folks, will it really make a difference? I'm not convinced.
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I love watching the birds in my garden and feed them from October to March. but I can't stand the smarmy RJ and I don't watch his shows anymore so I won't get tempted by his selling speil...

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