Hi all, I haven't posted for ages because a) been under the weather with a stupid (ie annoying but non life-threatening) health problem and then b) I lost my password! Duh. But I still follow the posts and it's good to be back!
Anyway, I would really appreciate your advice... I've been lusting after a pear-shaped tanzanite Rhapsody pendant for over a year. Last week I finally gave in and bought one! It arrived today. It is beautiful, but...
I'm having some doubts about the colour of the stone. It was sold as AAAA, right? And I know that tanzanite turns different colours with every small change of the light - that's one of its attractions. This 5 carat stone has some beautiful deep blues in it, but it also seems to have quite a noticeable paler violet/greyish area on the left, visible in some but not all light conditions. I was expecting an AAAA tanzanite to be consistent in 'Vivid' colour all the way through... wouldn't you?
I have a ring made from an ungraded 4ct oval tanz from tjc - they didn't even claim it to be AAA - which is very nearly as rich in colour, but without any paler bits to distract the eye. In shaded sunlight, it's incredible - I can't stop looking at it. I was expecting as much or more from a tanz described as AAAA. Wouldn't you?
Am I expecting too much? Is the colour variation something to do with the pear-cut? This item cost A LOT of money and I really can't afford to keep it unless I'm 100% happy with it. I've probably just answered my own question, but I would love to hear your opinions!
I've tried to photograph it but not yet got one good enough to show what I mean. It actually looks fantastic in the pics and they don't show the paler patch! Maybe it's me, maybe I'm being too fussy? I'll post an image as soon as I've got one I'm happy with! xxx
Anyway, I would really appreciate your advice... I've been lusting after a pear-shaped tanzanite Rhapsody pendant for over a year. Last week I finally gave in and bought one! It arrived today. It is beautiful, but...
I'm having some doubts about the colour of the stone. It was sold as AAAA, right? And I know that tanzanite turns different colours with every small change of the light - that's one of its attractions. This 5 carat stone has some beautiful deep blues in it, but it also seems to have quite a noticeable paler violet/greyish area on the left, visible in some but not all light conditions. I was expecting an AAAA tanzanite to be consistent in 'Vivid' colour all the way through... wouldn't you?
I have a ring made from an ungraded 4ct oval tanz from tjc - they didn't even claim it to be AAA - which is very nearly as rich in colour, but without any paler bits to distract the eye. In shaded sunlight, it's incredible - I can't stop looking at it. I was expecting as much or more from a tanz described as AAAA. Wouldn't you?
Am I expecting too much? Is the colour variation something to do with the pear-cut? This item cost A LOT of money and I really can't afford to keep it unless I'm 100% happy with it. I've probably just answered my own question, but I would love to hear your opinions!
I've tried to photograph it but not yet got one good enough to show what I mean. It actually looks fantastic in the pics and they don't show the paler patch! Maybe it's me, maybe I'm being too fussy? I'll post an image as soon as I've got one I'm happy with! xxx