Review rejected again - can we believe the integrity of the review system?


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I had a review rejected for a piece of jewellery that I'd given five stars. I'm baffled as to what would have caused it to contravene guidelines. My guess is that the reviews are assessed by a panel of low-paid people of variable literacy, who have to interpret guidelines and often get it wrong. So it's a system of limited value to customers, which may come as a huge shock to Catherine Huntley...
Having some medical knowledge , I just wonder if some reviews have been rejected when they describe what sounds almost like an allergic reaction to something in the product. Redness , itching and spots developing rapidly could be due to an idiosycrasy relating to the individual person rather than a true criticism of the product --------- if you get my gist !!!!

I have never had a review rejected- even one where I gave 1 star to a product because I said QVC had totally mis-sold it. I did once post a review of Cleanse and Polish, stating I had an allergic reaction, and slating QVC CS because they didn't bother to reply to my email asking for advice about the product (Liz Earle did, and were super helpful), and that got through. I wonder if they are publishing a representative sample of reviews, so that it keeps the amount reviews managable on their website? I would hope they are not skewing the results, and clearly there are a lot of products with get very poor reviews (and end up in Last Clicks!).
I have posted many reviews and never in the past had one rejected that is why I was so surprised when it happened. And I just can't fathom why? It just makes you think something is not quite right here and I won't look at the reviews in quite the same way again.
Have had reviews rejected for a hair removal buffer that burnt the skin ff my shins. I,m seeing a trend here. seems to be whenever anyone mentions any damage to their skin that they get rejected.
Well I've just had one rejected too. It was for the Or Paz ring which has the roses around it. All I said was that the roses rubbed the fingers each side which was bearable because it was so pretty. The fact that it had turned my finger green was un-bearable and so I was sending it back. I gave it 2 stars. I don't understand which guidelines I broke as similar things had been said in other reviews:wonder:
I have had reviews rejected by QVC as well so I don't bother to make any reviews or read the reviews. I think they are cherry picking the reviews to suit themselves which must be wrong. I get fed up when they keep harping about certain products have so many 5 stars to their name!! Its supposed to be a third party who checks the reviews but I wonder if QVC have more of a say in the reviews than we are actually told!!
Its supposed to be a third party who checks the reviews but I wonder if QVC have more of a say in the reviews than we are actually told!!
Of course they have as who is paying the so called independent third party if they are not paid by QVC who is??
I don't know of any company who would review the hundreds of reviews that they must receive each day for free, would you work for nothing?
I once wrote a really really snotty review about Kelly Hoppen bedding being like market stall tat, and said it was cheap and nasty.........guess what, they printed it. I was gobsmacked.
i recieved an e-mail telling me that a review for the l'occitane 5 piece facial soap was refused.

went on the qvc website to rewrite it and the same review was posted on the qvc website.


amazom print all reviews even some bodering on slanderous lol!

all i can think of is that the companies that sell through qvc insist on certain criteria for reviews. oddly this scews the review system in favour of the vendors.:cash:
I have had a 4 star and a 5 star positive review rejected. I emaild to ask why and they said I did not meet the guidelines? I emailed them for the parts of my positive review that cause the issues and they said they are not allowed to tell me that.

I now don't bother to write a reviews.
I had a five star review rejected, for an Elemis kit. The e-mail QVC sent actually stated that I had breached the pricing part of the regulations which baffled me. All I'd said was that the kit was amazing value as the price of the eye cream was the same as the whole kit so you got all those extra items for the price of one! So I was extolling the virtues of shopping with QVC and still they rejected it!!

I rarely write reviews now, why spend time and effort if they're only going to pick the ones they like? I take the star ratings with a giant bucket of salt now too seeing as they're virtually meaningless...
I've had reviews rejected in the past too so this thread made me put that to the test again and I've submitted two honest negative reviews, both items I gave 2 stars and both have been accepted! I'm gobsmacked!
I submitted a negative review of the Mally TSV yesterday and that's been published today.
I've had reviews rejected in the past too so this thread made me put that to the test again and I've submitted two honest negative reviews, both items I gave 2 stars and both have been accepted! I'm gobsmacked!

Had my review rejected again! And I didn't say anything much only it didn't agree with me and only gave it one star. I'm going right off QVC and if the reviews are independent why do get an email from the QVC team? There must be some consumer watchdog or something that you can make complaints about concerning this type of thing; I didn't consider I broke any rules, perhaps only their one of daring to give a beauty brand just 1 star.
As QVC presenters rely on the validity and impartiality of reviews in their sales pitches, I'd think the ASA would be interested in any aspect of rigging scores. It's just difficult to measure I suppose? They might question how independant the review system is; the presenters always seem to make a huge deal of this.

If asked would QVC give the name of the "independant" company which adjudicates it's reviews?

Is there a comprehensive list of guidelines that this "company" relies on? I don't understand why they don't explain what aspect of a review is unacceptable, and why, if the system is impartial and transparent?

Personally I'd return reviews for spelling and grammar correction and reject those written in capitals or submitted for completely the wrong item, but on the whole I find them really useful in deciding not or what to buy.

Jude xx
Personally I'd return reviews for spelling and grammar correction and reject those written in capitals or submitted for completely the wrong item, but on the whole I find them really useful in deciding not or what to buy.

Jude xx

I agree with what you say Akimbo but the last paragraph is also a personal thing with me. All capitals can even be a bit hard to read as is lack of punctution and basic grammar. Perhaps the independent judges should highlight questionable areas of text with yellow so that the reviewer can know exactly where the perceived problem is. Or give a brief comment as to exactly which area is a problem. It would help and also be fair and respectful of the reviewer's effort and time in writing a well thought out comment.

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