Review rejected again - can we believe the integrity of the review system?


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Oct 8, 2008
By the sea, north Lancs
I know there have been many threads about this in the past but I'm furious I've had a review rejected twice when I can't see any reason for it - I've had a look at the guidelines etc and have complied as far as I can see. Reckon it's because I only gave it 1 star !! :mysmilie_51:

The item is the new Decleor cleanser that basically doesn't suit my skin. I said that it smelt nice but that it immediately made my skin feel very dry and itchy so I had to remove it and then use Decleor Angelique (perhaps this was the reason..) to soothe my skin. I also said I thought the packaging was excessive (someone else had said that so can't be that).

I'm going to try yet again and adapt slightly.

I personally think what I wrote was fair and inoffensive - am I being unrealistic??? I left a review for a M&S winter coat that was odd in the sizing and I was disappointed with the colour and weight of it and gave it 2 stars. They published it and contacted me to say they were looking into the issues I'd raised and were sorry I was disappointed with the item. Plus no p&p for delivery or return. That's customer service - QVC take note.

All this said and me having been on my soapbox for today, I do think this raises issues about the integrity of the review system and it's no wonder they can quote a zillion 5 * reviews with only a token 1* here and there.

Thanks for allowing me to let off steam !!!!
i don't believe, for one minute, that QVC have no control over what reviews are published having had my 1*s rejected when i could see no reason for it. Peeps on their FB page are often mentioning this!
I couldn't agree more with you Lizgregs. Precisely why I didn't bother writing a lengthy 1* review for Fiona's (Decleor's) new cleanser. I've never had anything more drying on my skin before and did not brighten my skin either. It's very poor performing, but expensive cleanser .

I've had so many reviews rejected in the past and again like you have been very careful to comply with their guidelines. All that time and effort spent writing those reviews was just wasted! I haven't left any reviews going on for 6 months now and I don't intend reversing this trend, either. Better things to do in my life than wasting my time.

QVC's review system is obviously not an objective one. People should be allowed to say the truth and state their opinion as long as there is no rudeness. I don't see why should they stop a review (even if other products are mentioned).
The "independant" body in charge of QVC reviews should at least highlight the exact phrase which offends their guidelines and explain why.

Jude xx
Guess what ???? Go on, you'll never, ever guess :dull: Review saying I ordered it first day it aired but it brought my skin out very dry and itchy and had to remove it and moisturise to soothe my skin and then return it as it wasn't for me, has been rejected :headbang:

I have replied to the email asking for specifics as I can't see anything in my review that contravened their regulations. An answer is awaited with bated breath. Perhaps I could call in to the studio when it's next on and they say it has 100 5* reviews and mention my difficulty :call:. Wouldn't have the nerve though.

Update - it's had delivery failure. What a surprise. I'm going to email it to CS asking them to pass it on.
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I am thinking of setting up a page on the main site for reviews, so any that are submitted in the review section here I could copy and paste to a review section on the main site, if you think this is a good idea and more important you would use this please click on the thanks button and if we get enough people intrested I will set it up.

Like you I am getting sick to death with QVC not publishing all reviews.
Oddly I'm seeing a lot of questions over at another forum I post heavily on about moderation guidelines. I'm trying hard to explain why people get moderated - I'm not a moderator but can see where people are critical and where they just posting without context. BTW the mods are a third party interpreting the policy of the company. Thats where it is similar to this thread as moderation is inconsistent. Some have taken it further quite successfully and got answers out of management about it.

BTW, I can't see what's wrong with the above review submissions!
I agree with all thats said about reviews - there seems to be no ryhme or reason to accepting or rejecting a review.

I like to leave reviews as I read them and find them a help myself.I try to comment on the things that I would find useful,other than "thanks QvC its great,keep 'em coming":puke: as at the end of the day,what use is that to me,when deciding to purchase:taphead:
The basic gist of what I wrote initially was that I had looked forward to it arriving, having seen it at launch. Then when it arrived I used it immediately but it made my skin dry and itchy and I had to remove it and then use Decleor's Angelique to calm my skin again. I also said a little seems to go a long way so if it did suit your skin it would last ages. I then said it obviously didn't suit my skin and I therefore returned it. Also mentioned the excessive packaging (but others have had reviews posted with this included). That's it. I can only see that there is mention of another Decleor product but it wasn't in a derogatory manner - far from it. Second attempt I missed the angelique reference.

My third attempt just left it that it dried my skin and made it itchy instantly so I had to remove it and moisturise to soothe skin. Then that it was not for me so was returned.

I am so annoyed because I think they go on so much about reviews and the fact that they are completely independent and are all posted (as long as they aren't offensive) and I actually do think they are a good idea but they have to reflect opinions accurately.

Perhaps QVC don't want to post bad ones on this product as it's not due to be launched to the normal retail market until next year from what I heard and they don't want to upset Decleor and have the reputation/launch in a blaze of glory being damaged....That doesn't take away from the general rejection that seems to be unfairly prevalent.
Review Rejected

Reading my emails today, I came across one from QVC: your review has been rejected. But it didn't give a reason. I had posted a review for the philosophy hope in a tube eye and lip cream, extolling the virtues and effectiveness of said product. I did say that, although I did find the vit C / serum booster irritated my sensitive skin, the hope in a tube and the hope in a jar moisturiser were great for my skin. I felt that I was being extremely positive about the product and gave it 5 stars. I don't even think I was being negative about the products I couldn't use. I explained the reason for this was because I have sensitive skin.

QVC hope that I will continue to post reviews but, to be honest, I don't know why I bothered. Obviously, if QVC feel that what you post is not conducive to the positive promotion of a product, they decide not to publicise your comments. Heaven help me if my comments had been negative.

Incidentally, I have had posts rejected before, but this is the first time QVC have emailed me to tell me.
I wish they would reject ALL the reviews which are written in bloody CAPS!!!!!!!!!!, and all the reviewers who can't differentiate between, their, there and they're, and all those who write reviews in text speak and all the fecking idiots who write a review before they've even received the bleeding product.

I could go on, but I feel an aneurysm bubbling...................
SUCCESS !!!! (Well sort of..)

QVC CS lady rang this afternoon saying she has seen what I wrote on each of the reviews and said she could see why their (interesting in view of the fact it's supposed to be independent) moderators may have rejected them but that in her opinion they were being over-zealous so she could post one for me and did I have a preference? No I said to which she said she would post the first one (the one I could perhaps understand being rejected) within the next 12 hours......My id on QVC is lizzyg and it's for that Decleor cleansing mousse so if you have nothing better to do, have a look when it goes on. I've just looked and it's not there yet but the last couple of reviews have said the same as me. Perhaps we have indicators on our accounts for being on STF!!!!!
I posted a review recently and expected it to be rejected but it wasnt. It was a 4 star review about a ring that i loved but said there was a problem on the sizing so I said returned and got replacement in new size and:

'Thank goodness for Distance Selling Regs to be able to return for refund of all costs.'

Very surprised it was approved because it was promoting the DSR!!! :clapping:
I know there have been many threads about this in the past but I'm furious I've had a review rejected twice when I can't see any reason for it - I've had a look at the guidelines etc and have complied as far as I can see. Reckon it's because I only gave it 1 star !! :mysmilie_51:

The item is the new Decleor cleanser that basically doesn't suit my skin. I said that it smelt nice but that it immediately made my skin feel very dry and itchy so I had to remove it and then use Decleor Angelique (perhaps this was the reason..) to soothe my skin. I also said I thought the packaging was excessive (someone else had said that so can't be that).

I'm going to try yet again and adapt slightly.

I personally think what I wrote was fair and inoffensive - am I being unrealistic??? I left a review for a M&S winter coat that was odd in the sizing and I was disappointed with the colour and weight of it and gave it 2 stars. They published it and contacted me to say they were looking into the issues I'd raised and were sorry I was disappointed with the item. Plus no p&p for delivery or return. That's customer service - QVC take note.

All this said and me having been on my soapbox for today, I do think this raises issues about the integrity of the review system and it's no wonder they can quote a zillion 5 * reviews with only a token 1* here and there.

Thanks for allowing me to let off steam !!!!

I am really annoyed my review was rejected today for a Decleor cleanser which I said dried my skin out and totally stripped it of any moisture! I was very fair and could not see any reason why it should have been rejected; I think it's because I only gave it one star. I don't normally write reviews unless I have something good to say because I don't want to dwell on being negative however this product, which Fiona had a hand in developing, is rubbish in my opinion so wanted other people to know.

It will make be think twice about the validity of these reviews; ok if you are praising something but you have to tiptoe very carefully with a negative one otherwise it will be thrown out for who knows what reason. QVC has gone down it my estimation now and I've been a regular customer for over 10 years.
I had a review rejected for the Liz Earle Brightening Treatment because I said it was the only product of her range that brought my face out in angry red spots.. I was only being honest ffs.
What really annoyed me was them inferring I had infringed some guidelines and when you look at the list I found it really insulting to be accused in that way. Obviously they are very prickly about their beauty ranges; perhaps they don't want to upset the suppliers.
I have stopped posting reviews on QVC now and have stopped reading them as as far as I can see they are cherry picking the reviews they like and just indiscriminately rejecting the rest.
This makes the whole review process invalid as how do we know how many low star reviews have been rejected, so not lowering the star average which they are so fond of quoting.
I had a review rejected for the Liz Earle Brightening Treatment because I said it was the only product of her range that brought my face out in angry red spots.. I was only being honest ffs.
Having some medical knowledge , I just wonder if some reviews have been rejected when they describe what sounds almost like an allergic reaction to something in the product. Redness , itching and spots developing rapidly could be due to an idiosycrasy relating to the individual person rather than a true criticism of the product --------- if you get my gist !!!!

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