Returns or Not?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Not sure tbh, I don't work there anymore so nothing to lose! As far as I know they don't read the threads, certainly in my time there I never heard of this forum mentioned. They check on ebay to see if staff members are selling products from the staff shop and they do that by IP address so maybe they do something similar here, but not to my knowledge!

Thanks for that. Always look a friendly place to work, everyone seems to have a laugh, which is nice.

I work in a hospital and we were told we're not allowed to talk, as we're too busy. (But we do anyway) :tongue:
this issue of returned goods sent out at (whether or not full price) and the blatant lie by qvc that they don't do this, really does need to be sorted out once and for all. most of us have had more than one bad experience to the extent that unless it's a brand new item, first showing and you order that day, there's about a 50% chance you'll get a return. maybe we should send a copy of the numerous threads about it on here to the CEO.

the icing on the cake is the fact they bang on and on and on and on about how sale goods in shops have been dragged over the floor etc. in 99% of cases, again, not true and even if it is, a dusty mark that you can see and decide about is far preferable to a sweaty crotch. this is very unlikely to happen anywhere else because other mail order companies and high street stores just wouldn't take the item back!

sooo if qvc are going to continue with their much trumpeted policy of actively encouraging people to use everything for 30 days, they need to balance that with another policy - NO returns are to be resold, regardless of condition. then whether or not it's suitable for resale won't be an issue. yes, some of it has just been tried on once as in a store blah blah but they don't know that do they? they can still shunt them off to the outlet stores so what's the big deal.

i hope diamondw, you make sure you get your return postage back. just disgusting. is it even legal to sell used underwear?
Not sure tbh, I don't work there anymore so nothing to lose! As far as I know they don't read the threads, certainly in my time there I never heard of this forum mentioned. They check on ebay to see if staff members are selling products from the staff shop and they do that by IP address so maybe they do something similar here, but not to my knowledge!

They couldn't do that here, only admin and moderators have access to IP addresses. I would be surprised if they could do it on Ebay too.
I think it depends on how long the items were gone for, if I send back say a fashion item as it doesn't fit, suit or is not as described it goes back within a couple of days so u know its just been tried on & returned, if something is returned after 2 weeks or even a month then u know its probably been worn a far bit

Not necessarily a good rule of thumb, I buy things and I dont always get to try them on straight away. But even those that I do, sometimes I think hmmmm not sure I'll try again later - I put them back in the bag and come back to them generally at the weekend. Then when I've decided which ones I definitely don't want I package up and wait for someone to kindly queue up in the PO for me to return them.

I work really long days and don't have an option of receiving, trying/deciding, and returning in a couple of days. But then I have never ever returned anything I have worn (as against tried on).
Not sure tbh, I don't work there anymore so nothing to lose! As far as I know they don't read the threads, certainly in my time there I never heard of this forum mentioned. They check on ebay to see if staff members are selling products from the staff shop and they do that by IP address so maybe they do something similar here, but not to my knowledge!

They couldn't do that here, only admin and moderators have access to IP addresses. I would be surprised if they could do it on Ebay too.

They couldn't see our IP addresses Sazza but they would be able to see which of their staff accessed the ST IP address
GoodPost OurJanie! What if ... those of us who know we were sold Used items, wrote an email [for each item] to the CEO, copy to TradingStandards. Detailing Order#, Item#, description of used item. And a blurb, how Q states they don't resell used items as New. And we send them on the same time on a given day? Just a thought.
GoodPost OurJanie! What if ... those of us who know we were sold Used items, wrote an email [for each item] to the CEO, copy to TradingStandards. Detailing Order#, Item#, description of used item. And a blurb, how Q states they don't resell used items as New. And we send them on the same time on a given day? Just a thought.
I like shopping with QVC and I've no interest in causing trouble for them.
They couldn't see our IP addresses Sazza but they would be able to see which of their staff accessed the ST IP address

Assuming staff did it from work! They would be more likely to do it from home particularly to sell on Ebay!
I am only aware of having one "return". That was a dress and it clearly was a return because of how it was packaged but it was clean and all the labels were attached. I'm confident it was simply tried on and sent back. I'm perfectly OK with that.

I buy very few clothes these days. I mostly buy jewellery and quite how is know that had been worn I don't know. I used to buy skincare and body stuff ... that ought to be obvious. I do also buy nail polish and again that ought to be obvious. But is it??! And I buy the odd handbag.

I've really cut back on my spending across the board and that includes QVC obviously. I think I've just got enough of everything. After my marriage went phut and I suddenly could buy what I wanted without justifying myself to anyone I went a bit mad. Then I lost a couple of stone and there's my excuse for a new wardrobe! I enjoy shopping but spending less is the order of the day.
Not necessarily a good rule of thumb, I buy things and I dont always get to try them on straight away. But even those that I do, sometimes I think hmmmm not sure I'll try again later - I put them back in the bag and come back to them generally at the weekend. Then when I've decided which ones I definitely don't want I package up and wait for someone to kindly queue up in the PO for me to return them.

I work really long days and don't have an option of receiving, trying/deciding, and returning in a couple of days. But then I have never ever returned anything I have worn (as against tried on).

Sadly there has to be a point where QVC take responsibility & a hit in profits for there 30 day MBG they can't have their cake & eat it it is a business but at some point they have to realise enough is enough & they simply can't send out clothes that have possibly been worn for long periods it is just wrong on so many levels they should have a system in place but seems not!! I just suggested a couple of weeks off the top of my head but personally I think it's long enough for anyone I too work very long hours & often 7 days a week & live in the country where post offices still close for lunch & that's if u can find one but I still manage
I've had some really awful experiences of receiving returned items.

With fashion, returned goods tend to be sent in a clear plastic bag with a white sticker with two barcodes on it... if I get one of these now, I look extra hard to make sure the item is OK.

I've had dresses that smelt badly of smoke, another of heavy perfume, two have had makeuo on the neck... a Kipling bag with a chocolate stain (at least I *hope* it was chocolate) and some Philip Kingley shampoo which had clearly been opened (the pump was full of product already and the stopper was missing).

When this happens, I phone CS and ask for a returns label and ask for a 'red bag' so that the item can be inspected when I've returned it... that way, 'feedback' can be given to the warehouse person that passed it as acceptable for being returned to stock.

I'm not unhappy to receive returns BUT only if they are in saleable condition... I don't think Q has enough quality control with its returns - and that's the bit that lets them down.
Tiddlywinks, first I heard of the RedBag. Can you elaborate? SnoopySnarly

After having a few 'used' items and getting a bit fed up, I complained to the CEO's office... they sent me a returns label and a red sack to return them in. Apparently the red sack helps them stand out at the post room and then the contents can be inspected.

I always ask for this to happen now if I feel the goods are used and not in a saleable condition... it's a faff but I want it on record that the condition was down to the previous customer and the QVC poor quality control rather than my fault.
Sadly there has to be a point where QVC take responsibility & a hit in profits for there 30 day MBG they can't have their cake & eat it it is a business but at some point they have to realise enough is enough & they simply can't send out clothes that have possibly been worn for long periods it is just wrong on so many levels they should have a system in place but seems not!! I just suggested a couple of weeks off the top of my head but personally I think it's long enough for anyone I too work very long hours & often 7 days a week & live in the country where post offices still close for lunch & that's if u can find one but I still manage
Well I'm glad that works for you but it wouldn't work for me and whilst Q offer 30 days I'll take 30 days if I need to. I believe I have statutory rights that entitles me to be able to try things and then return them in a saleable condition within one calendar month.
Q presenters tell customers to wear and wash and wear and wash clothes as many times as they like within the 30 days - they need to take a more business responsible approach if they can't live up to the things they say.
Assuming staff did it from work! They would be more likely to do it from home particularly to sell on Ebay!

I've never thought of it that way actually, how would they know which staff member it was just from their personal home IP address? They did catch a few people though selling on eBay so they must have some sort of system in place.
Well I'm glad that works for you but it wouldn't work for me and whilst Q offer 30 days I'll take 30 days if I need to. I believe I have statutory rights that entitles me to be able to try things and then return them in a saleable condition within one calendar month.
Q presenters tell customers to wear and wash and wear and wash clothes as many times as they like within the 30 days - they need to take a more business responsible approach if they can't live up to the things they say.

I have a feeling you are misunderstanding what I am saying I am not saying they should change the 30 day MBG I believe they are bound by TV regs for this what I am saying is that QVC should consider if items have been gone for over two weeks before being returned, which they should know when scanned in, they should automatically assume they have been worn/used for more than just trying on so should have a system in place to either inspect these items thoroughly for condition or put in sales. I'm not sure why you seem perturbed by this or if you have just got the wrong end of the stick but I know what their terms are god knows they tell us often enough but if a business has such terms then they need very good quality control QVC need to take some responsibility for this part of their business and it is only their customers that can encourage them to do so really now I know about the red bag I will certainly use that then hopefully they may start to loose too much money to ignore the problem.
You'd think they could check, 2 seconds would be enough in most cases & it's not like they don't charge enough for the p&p!
Someone posted on here that they received a clarisonic from Q that was discoloured & had clearly been used, ewwww!

I have to say, I just buy the odd TSV nowadays when it's a beauty item. The other internet retailers are winning the better value race now imo on the other items they sell.
... personally I think it's long enough for anyone I too work very long hours & often 7 days a week & live in the country where post offices still close for lunch & that's if u can find one but I still manage

I'm not sure why you seem perturbed by this or if you have just got the wrong end of the stick
Probably got something to do with the way you have written your first response, sounds very much a criticism just because you manage....

I don't think it's necessary to put an artificial time period in place and only check items that are returned after 2 weeks, I think if they allow people to wash and wear and then return then they should check everything that comes back into the warehouse. When I receive an order I want to know the item is new.

I personally think that the 30 day MBG should be an extension of DSR - you can return if you don't like it, it doesn't fit etc or if it isnt what you thought, or doesn't do what they said on air so in effect it's faulty. Q clearly doesn't have processes in place to cope with anything more than this so they should stop pretending.
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Or employ more inspecting staff. A lot of their clothes are extortionate by comparison to other retailers, not much to ask considering eh.

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