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Not an avid card maker but I brought a few lovely kits from QVC and like you Turandot, did A level Art at school and at one point in my youth, by profession was an artist. I recently gave all of my kits to my adult niece, there was loads looking at it in the cold light of day, far too much for someone who wasn't that passionate about it. She has made one card and has said she will be going on to use them with her young daughter but I really reckon it'll be hardly used. My best friend inherited her late mother in laws crafting goods, she had so much, having looked at it I think thousands of pounds worth all purchased form QVC and IW and I really think my friend won't be touching it. The money those shopping channels must have made from people such as her. I look at all the craft shops in town and they look far more sparse than they used to be.

Jewellery, I used to buy a lot from QVC, love all the old ranges but agree it's far too over priced now and things have radically changed, sad to see the old familiars go.
loved carol smith her crafting hours made me forget a lot of my worries at the time...

This is such a good point. I started watching QVC while I was on long term sick leave with depression and for a time it was a "life saver". Back then there was such a range of products that it was 3 months before I saw the same thing again.
I think Alan and Barry got a big too big for their boots on IW and I'm almost sure one of them got the sack so the other followed. They then caused problems on their online site and then became very unpopular on craft websites/ forums. I don't think they were honouring orders and people were having problems getting refunds, it's quite a few years ago now but they seemed to go from hero to zero within quite a short time.

Then they went on another selling channel but didn't take off with that either....goodness knows what they are up to now.

I wish Dawn all the best with whatever it is she is doing now but I do hope she is being sensible.
She has already had her fingers seriously burned by her last husband who was South African, I hope to goodness she doesn't become another statistic in the number of women taken for rides by men just wanting a way into this country.
Trashy mags seem to have a new story of this happening very month and one of the TV channels has had a series on about the subject.

I hope she is just having a really nice holiday, relaxing, getting a bit of a tan before going home to her recently renovated home and beloved dogs and getting on with life at a pace which suits her
I think Alan and Barry got a big too big for their boots on IW and I'm almost sure one of them got the sack so the other followed. They then caused problems on their online site and then became very unpopular on craft websites/ forums. I don't think they were honouring orders and people were having problems getting refunds, it's quite a few years ago now but they seemed to go from hero to zero within quite a short time.

Then they went on another selling channel but didn't take off with that either....goodness knows what they are up to now.

I wish Dawn all the best with whatever it is she is doing now but I do hope she is being sensible.
She has already had her fingers seriously burned by her last husband who was South African, I hope to goodness she doesn't become another statistic in the number of women taken for rides by men just wanting a way into this country.
Trashy mags seem to have a new story of this happening very month and one of the TV channels has had a series on about the subject.

I hope she is just having a really nice holiday, relaxing, getting a bit of a tan before going home to her recently renovated home and beloved dogs and getting on with life at a pace which suits her

Alan & Barry did briefly appear on BidTV once or twice, but I don't think it was popular...

As for Dawn I hope she is happy too and although its not really our business; maybe thats why she moved there this time rather than him coming here?
I really would be suprised if she has moved there, she has been joking on facebook about the weather here being good but she bets that will change when she comes back so maybe she has just gone for a nice long holiday.
I would always watch a whole hour of Smashbox when Timber was the guest same with the original Lee from Philosophy and the late Jill Goldsmith when she was the Molton Brown guest. These days I will look on line if there is anything I am interested in. The guests these days are rather lack lustre and don't do anything to make me want to watch them.
Dawn B was one of the few actually talented guests who could take very little and produce something lovely - this gave hope to all of us that "we could do that", and so we all spent like fury buying the products on offer. I remember Craft Days, and shudder at what I spent, knowing you couldn't get the on air items locally. Too late did I realise that I didn't want the bulk collections of 20 odd quid, but just a few items, and it soon became apparent that the money made was in flogging the products. It was useless trying to 'sell' your homemade cards, as every other bugger was doing the same ! I too have curled up paper going to waste in the garage, the remnants of what's left after selling my crafting products cheap at craft fairs.
Thinking back to shows I've watched on QVC, I wondered what happened to the craft shows? I used to watch Dawn Bibby religiously, but it all seemed to go down the plughole. I was sad when I discovered she was getting divorced, then she moved over to Ideal World? I did enjoy her shows and they inspired me to make cards, but QVC don't seem to do anything like that now. Can't believe they weren't popular ?

Oh Miss Ellie, just Moonpig it and be done with it! Actually you could cut up some of Debbie Flint's "novels" and use them for some lovely "deCYEWparge" (she never could pronounce "découpage" correctly). You could turn it into wallpaper to juxtopose with an artex ceiling! Who'd want to be pissing around with all those soppy beads and velum and stamps and pokey-tools and ink pads and rollers and sticky stars and transfers and glitter and ribbons and sequins? Oh God! My blood pressure is going up at the mere thought of it. THen there was Dawn who would look like a combination of Alison Young, Miss Piggy and Glenn Close from "Fatal Attraction," who would look very self-consciously and uncomfortably into the camera before speaking in a simpering voice before saying something very obvious like: "This is a biro pen. It draws very thin lines. If you want a thicker line, you can go for this marker pen. Look! It's a sharpie and I am going to draw on some acetate for you and do some craffding. Craffding, yes craffding!"

I don't wish her any harm but good riddance, I say! She was one of the few people I just couldn't warm to.
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Well the one show which hasn't changed is Lori Grainier - they are exactly the same products as when I first started watching. For someone who keeps inventing things she isn't producing many of them.
Oh Miss Ellie, just Moonpig it and be done with it! Actually you could cut up some of Debbie Flint's "novels" and use them for some lovely "deCYEWparge" (she never could pronounce "découpage" correctly). You could turn it into wallpaper to juxtopose with an artex ceiling! Who'd want to be pissing around with all those soppy beads and velum and stamps and pokey-tools and ink pads and rollers and sticky stars and transfers and glitter and ribbons and sequins? Oh God! My blood pressure is going up at the mere thought of it. THen there was Dawn who would look like a combination of Alison Young, Miss Piggy and Glenn Close from "Fatal Attraction," who would look very self-consciously and uncomfortably into the camera before speaking in a simpering voice before saying something very obvious like: "This is a biro pen. It draws very thin lines. If you want a thicker line, you can go for this marker pen. Look! It's a sharpie and I am going to draw on some acetate for you and do some craffding. Craffding, yes craffding!"

I don't wish her any harm but good riddance, I say! She was one of the few people I just couldn't warm to.

I know we're all different and like different things but the thought of crafting bores me ridged, I mean, why spend four hours and £22 to make a card, when you can just pop to Card Factory and get a beautiful hand made one (or not, they have a choice) for 99p.
I don't even 'do' Moonpig now, not since I discovered Zazzle !!

As for Lori Greiner - inventor extraordinaire - I was always suspicious of what she did ACTUALLY invent because her 'stuff' has been seen elsewhere. I remember particularly some slip on wedge sandals with interchangeable tops which were first seen in abundance on I.W - a couple of years later they were shown on Q as an 'invention' of LG ! hmmmmmmm......
I suppose it's a bit silly to go to all that trouble to make a card when you can now buy very cheaply. I laughed at your words Julius but it was a hobby and it did give a sense of satisfaction and achievement. Something that did it for me though was seeing Tesco sell ten Christmas cards fir a pound, it was then I knew I'd never sell my handmade ones and recoup much of the outlay. Dawn? Ah don't be cruel, she's a nice lady, not flashy, smarmy or glib. Big chains started churning out pretty cards at a fraction of the cost of home made ones. I liked those days at Qvc though, it's not the same anymore, something you're pleased about I think ?
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I don't even 'do' Moonpig now, not since I discovered Zazzle !!

As for Lori Greiner - inventor extraordinaire - I was always suspicious of what she did ACTUALLY invent because her 'stuff' has been seen elsewhere. I remember particularly some slip on wedge sandals with interchangeable tops which were first seen in abundance on I.W - a couple of years later they were shown on Q as an 'invention' of LG ! hmmmmmmm......

I don't think they should be allowed to say that something is unique if it's not strictly true. Things like that make you distrust them and wary about their claims. Has someone new come in to QVC? It's just not the same. It reminds me of M&S. I used to see loads of clothes that I loved but someone came in and I didn't like any of it fir a long time. They kinda lost the plot.
I agree about M&S. I can never see anything to take my fancy these days but find the same with other high street stores,Next, BHS, New Look. I feel that QVC need to have a bit of a shake up. The expensive 'fashion' ranges and boring same old beauty products are just turning customers away. I used to have QVC on in the background first thing in the morning and last thing at night but I don't even bother to do that now.
Dawn has posted a photo on Facebook showing her painting flowers for new designs so I wonder if she is going to be selling her own range of products again.

I understand what people are saying about the effort of making cards but if you really enjoy the process of crafting then spending a couple of hours making a card is no different from spending a couple of hours watching a film i.e. you are doing something you enjoy.
I think that because the crafting process gives people pleasure, cost is really a secondary factor. I can't see the pleasure in making cards, but then I buy quality knitting yarn which others wouldn't shell out good money for.

I never really took to Dawn Bibby's designs. They always looked a bit "scribbled" to me and I liked some of the other card-makers' stuff much better.

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