Random sightings of presenters


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We stayed in a Guest house in Llandudno a few years ago and went back one evening and heard the unmistakeable voice of Sue Pollard in the tiny bar. She was in a musical at the local Theatre and as it was her 60th Birthday they popped in for a few drinks after the show as the place she was staying had no bar. She was the life and sole of the party. Met the now infamous Stuart Hall many years ago at Mancester Airport and I see Dave Myres the Hairy biker in town quite often and Norman Wisdom on the beach in Majorca he was extremely friendly and was quite happy to have his photo taken with everyone.
Living in Brighton is great if you like celeb spotting. I've seen a lot of faces over the years but one of the more famous would be Lauren Bacall. I was only 7 at the time and didn't know who she was! Mum pushed me out of the car suddenly and said "go and ask that lady for an autograph!" She didn't say anything but smiled and did so without complaint. We wouldn't normally do this but she was too well known not to. She was fairly well disguised and I often wonder if she thought how a kid in short trousers would have known who she was :) I also, literally, bumped into Adam Woodyatt and was surprised how little he is. I also used to go to London with a friend for cinema premieres and have met a load of people there too and, so far, every one of them has been really nice. I know some people say celebs can be a bit offish with the general public, but I've never encountered that. I've also eaten Arnold Schwarzenneger's apple strudel. Very nice! Mum wants me to mention Andrea Bocelli - we met him in London once and he's her hero! Can't beat Princess Diana though - I'd have loved to have met her.
I once saw Jill Franks in London... she was actually really nice, she overheard me saying oh look its jill franks off qvc and came over to say hello... me and my loud mouth haha
I stood next to Rowan Atkinson once on an underground train, we were both strap hanging. He stared at the ground the whole journey and clearly did not want anyone to speak to him so I didn't! As for QVC presenters I saw Charlie Brook several years ago on the Isle of Wight ferry (I live in Portsmouth and go over often in the summer), he was with his children who were quite young otherwise I might have said hi just to be friendly.
Not a single sleb up my way, maybe because they know they'd have to come armed with a bunch of minders because nobody stands on ceremony for anyone round here.
Back in the day (1960's) my Dad used to organise groups for the local dance hall. So I got to be back stage with the likes of the Stones, the Kinks, Wayne Fontana, Paul Raven (now known as Gary Glitter), Brian Poole etc. Despite this 'hobnobbing' my claim to fame is knocking Sophia Loren for six at LA airport in the 80's! I was concentrating on waiting for my bag on the roundabout and I didn't see this elegant lady stood waiting for her chauffeur to pick up her luggage - I spotted my case and accidentally knocked her off balance in the process; I turned and grabbed her arm apologising profusely, then I saw who it was ! she was lovely and sooooo beautiful, I thought shall I nurture this to become bezzy friends, but no, we exchanged a few words and went our separate ways !
I've never met a QVC presenter as I'm from Manchester.

However, I do see a fair few of the Coronation Street. Hollyoaks and Emmerdale cast when I'm in town. It's funny because my brain doesn't tend to register they are famous, but more that I know them! lol! This actually happened to me last weekend when I was in the departure lounge at the airport. After he walked away, I finally realised he was from Emmerdale.

And speaking of the airport, when I was going to the US in March, there was a footballer at the next table to me in Costa Coffee. So many people kept coming upto him asking him for his autography and a photo. I had no idea who he was and still don't. I like the F1 and ice hockey, lol!
I've never met a QVC presenter as I'm from Manchester.

However, I do see a fair few of the Coronation Street. Hollyoaks and Emmerdale cast when I'm in town. It's funny because my brain doesn't tend to register they are famous, but more that I know them! lol! This actually happened to me last weekend when I was in the departure lounge at the airport. After he walked away, I finally realised he was from Emmerdale.

And speaking of the airport, when I was going to the US in March, there was a footballer at the next table to me in Costa Coffee. So many people kept coming upto him asking him for his autography and a photo. I had no idea who he was and still don't. I like the F1 and ice hockey, lol!

So true - you think you know them from your own life. Let's face it, you don't tend to think of what you see on telly as part of your real life (well, I don't, anyway).
I quite often see Jill Franks as she lives near me. I dont speak to her but I have to say she once spoke to my young son and she was actually really really nice to him. Although I know she's not really liked on here, I think she is probably quite a nice person. :mysmilie_13:
In the 80s I was on a platform at Preston station with Fenella Fielding (frying tonight) and the actress who played Eddie Yeats wife Marion in Corrie (Veronica Doran). I think they were in a play together. The struck me as a curious combination. No one was taking much notice of them.

Back on topic: I've only met Q folk at Q events. Brighton is a good place for celeb spotting...though the highlight for my kids years ago was seeing Kevin Duala (Kevin on Blue's Clues and also on TV flogging cruises and holidays after that...so not a million miles from shopping telly honest). He was in the M&S cafe.

Gosh! I go down to Brighton every few months or so and was shocked at what they've done to that café. The old Cafe Revive was nice. The new place is dark and claustrophobic.
She probably is quite nice as a person, but her personality doesn't come through as a saleswoman. I don't mind her - and I think she's looking better than she was a while ago when she didn't look well.
I saw Lorna Ko once when I was in Westfield shopping centre, with family. I didn't go up and say hi.

Did she pull out a magnifying mirror and tweeze out a stray hair?!!

I saw Courtney the mostly BE Model in Liberty's and Claire Sutton with her kids outside the Palladium after A Chorus Line in a bright yellow top looking very swish.
Presenters sometimes say people recognise them and come up to them in the supermarket or on the street and say such and such. I take a lot of it with a pinch of salt but I suppose they must get recognised quite frequently.

I know one of the models for a particular brand on QVC and I saw a couple of QVC brand ambassadors/guests presenting at the Ideal Home Show but I've never spotted anyone from QVC randomly while out and about. If I did, I don't think I'd say anything because I wouldn't want them to think I was starstruck. On the other hand, I would love to chat and grill them about QVC, the people, their policies, etc.

Has anyone on here ever "bumped into" a QVC presenter and, if so, what did you say or do? Or what would you say/do if you did?

I probably would go and say Hi, if I met any of the presenters that I really liked. Am sure most are fairly friendly and would encourage this (some more than others).
As quite a few like to chat and you can see this via FB etc...in fact am sure a few presenters have met some of their followers or maybe am wrong!?? :mysmilie_480:
Living in East Yorkshire I haven't seen any QVC Presenters in real life.
I remember doing some work at a factory that was laying people off temporary and a big stapling bloke came in and was a bit up himself. I just carried on doing my job and he actually asked me if I knew who he was. I told him no, not a clue and he told me he was a rugby player for a team which at the time was massive in the area and winning everything. I soon put him down by saying nah, I don't watch rugby league, I watch real rugby, Union!
That soon deflated his ego��

My son was funny a few months ago, he had left an audition and was walking to the underground and a woman was walking towards him on her phone. They caught each other's eye, my son said he recognised her but didn't know where from.
She stopped my son and said to the person in the phone she had to go and chat to someone. She told him he was very good look,asked for some pictures of them both together and took his details!
He said she was lovely, didn't like one of the pictures and asked if she could take another and one of him on his own.
I suppose some would say it would have been a different thing if it was a bloke taking pictures of a woman but my son was quite comfortable with it all.
He was high on the meeting for days afterwards!
Never seen a QVC presenter, but I did used to go to the same newsagents as The Worzels when I was little and I think that's enough of a brush with fame for me.
I saw Glenn whilst out for a run prob a year or so ago. He was lovely and helped me run up a hill as I was completely running out of puff!! Really lovely guy!! Oh and I didn't say I recognised him to his face!! X
My claim to fame is every year Ken Dodd opens our local school fate it's only a small affair, due to his commitments and obviously his age now, no one is sure if he'll turn up till the day, his partner is lovely she always came in the Chemist were I used to work for his prescription. Sometimes he'd come in and put on a little comedy act while he waited, I'll give him his due though he'll chat to people and shake your hand and not the least bit pretentious. My other claim to fame is, in 1985 I was on my sister in laws hen night in London and we seen, who was a relatively unknown (or he was to me) actor called Matt Dillon, he was coming out of a club as we were passing and just started talking, said he was promoting a film called Target, we chatted for about twenty minutes then he gave me the phone number the hotel he was staying at he was only there for two more days he said and to give him a ring. Well of course I didn't, he was slightly tipsy and probably wouldn't have remembered anyway, but I'll never know because I didn't ring, seems surreal watching him now on Wayward Pines thinking "I've met him!" :mysmilie_13:

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