Random sightings of presenters


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Feb 27, 2012
Presenters sometimes say people recognise them and come up to them in the supermarket or on the street and say such and such. I take a lot of it with a pinch of salt but I suppose they must get recognised quite frequently.

I know one of the models for a particular brand on QVC and I saw a couple of QVC brand ambassadors/guests presenting at the Ideal Home Show but I've never spotted anyone from QVC randomly while out and about. If I did, I don't think I'd say anything because I wouldn't want them to think I was starstruck. On the other hand, I would love to chat and grill them about QVC, the people, their policies, etc.

Has anyone on here ever "bumped into" a QVC presenter and, if so, what did you say or do? Or what would you say/do if you did?
I've just spotted Claudia Sylvester giving Novak Djokovic a kiss at the tennis it was in my newspaper,I have no desire to bump into any presenters unless it was DF and I would tell her a few home truths.
I've just spotted Claudia Sylvester giving Novak Djokovic a kiss at the tennis it was in my newspaper,I have no desire to bump into any presenters unless it was DF and I would tell her a few home truths.

I don't think you'd be the only one!

(I'm quite surprised I didn't know who Claudia Sylvester was but just googled her and she only left QVC in 2011 - I was definitely watching well before then.)
I never have been overawed by 'celebrities'; consequently, if I did see a presenter, I would not feel the need, or desire, to acknowledge them. Why would anyone? They flog products on a tv shopping channel. I meet hundreds of customers outside of work, who speak to me; I don't think this elevates me to celebrity status. But I recognise them, having dealt with them, face to face. If a viewer - effectively, a stranger - approached a presenter, they wouldn't know them from adam. I think it's a bit weird.
Maybe we should do a "What would you say to certain QVC presenters if you saw them?" thread? I have seen a few famous people randomly. I saw Geri Halliwell walking her dog in Hyde Park, and I saw Brian Ferry buying crystal figurines in John Lewis in Oxford Street! Have never seen anyone from QVC though. I would quite like to meet Jill Franks just to see if she really is as narcissistic as she seems on the telly. She may be quite different in person. I would be fun to meet Claire Sutton and see if she still puts on that baby powder advert voice. It would be fun to meet Debbie Flint and tell her how rubbish her books are! Hahahahhaha!
I saw Pipa once but didn't speak to her. I also saw the very lovely Amica. I must have been looking at her trying to work out how I knew her as she smiled that lovely smile at me. Then I worked out who she was. Such a pretty woman.

I went to an Elemis evening at my local Champneys spa and Emer was there. She's was so nice.

That's my lot. I work in central London quite a lot though so I've seen quite a few celebs. I don't feel the need to talk to any of them. With the exception of Lewis Hamilton. My son would have brained me had I not asked for an autograph.
I think its all part of their 'spiel' about having people 'come up to them' - all the "celebs" are at it - makes them feel important I suppose.

Many years ago I did see Claire Sutton with hubby (very good looking) and young children in John Lewis in Welwyn Garden City. She caught my eye as she was wearing a Bet Lynch type leopard print coat - could have been one of Dennis Basso's. No, I didn't speak to her, no reason to, and I'm not one for accosting mini celebs.

I remember as an estate agent in WGC hundreds of years ago, when in walked Adam Woodyatt (Ian Beale, Eastenders). All the staff sat open mouthed, and I didn't recognise him straight away, but dealt with him in a professional manner, taking all his details down. No, I didn't ask for his autograph - I find that a bit naff tbh, but yes, I did sell him a property !
At my friend's wedding I was sat next to a very famous footballer. I think he still playing for England at the time. She thought I wouldn't be in awe of him. I was ready for him to be a bit bumptious but he wasn't. His suit was made of the most beautiful fabric I have ever seen in my life. He was friendly, funny and really nice. His girlfriend, however, was very stand offish.
I saw Lorna Ko once when I was in Westfield shopping centre, with family. I didn't go up and say hi.

Most famous person I've met, many moons ago when I worked in a bookshop, I served Princess Diana... who knows, William and Harry may have read books I recommended :mysmilie_50: She was lovely.
Well in dear old Belfast, we don't get QVC presenters wandering the streets.:mysmilie_17: I have a thing of looking at people and thinking, do I know you? Then walking on.

But, Honor Blackman lovely woman gave me a big smile as I walked passed her.

Warren Michell(Alf Garnet), was doing something over here way back. He was staying in a local guest house not far from my flat. I used to walk pass him a lot and took me ages to realize who he was. The thing was he used to nod and smile at me and I hadn't a clue who he was.

Anthony (can't remember his surname) Dr. Green in ER and Goose in Top Gun. He actually stopped and asked me directions!!!! It was the next day I found out he was over doing publicity for some show. I thought, "oh you look like the guy from ER. Married to Jeanne Lobel the Stila founder!" Never asked him, give directions, he smiled and thanked me. I was more impressed with the Stila connection, that of course was when Stila was a brilliant brand and not the watered down thing of today.
walked past maddona with her daughter in oxford street opposite selfridges such a lovely calm soft voice she has. met amica in a l'occitane shop buying shea butter soap beautiful, tall gracefull amica. see joyce the plus size model as she lives very near to me. looks much slimmer and taller in real life. see betsey the model with the gap in her teeth. she is totally the most stunning model in real life. she was shopping in my local sainsburys. every single person was looking at her...
I am not someone who is over awed by today's so-called celebrities, so even if I saw any of them 'in the street' I'd walk on by, however, that being said, I don't honestly believe that people go up and chat to them, I really don't think that if you saw them outside the studio you would recognize them instantly. I don't think there is one that I'd want to chat to, hence I've never gone to any of the outside shows/presentations etc.

The only thing I'd love to know is if they have an honest privately held opinion of certain guests, and what that guest (not naming them) are really like.

Other than that, I just don't believe half of what they say.
Blue skidoo we can too!

In the 80s I was on a platform at Preston station with Fenella Fielding (frying tonight) and the actress who played Eddie Yeats wife Marion in Corrie (Veronica Doran). I think they were in a play together. The struck me as a curious combination. No one was taking much notice of them.

Back on topic: I've only met Q folk at Q events. Brighton is a good place for celeb spotting...though the highlight for my kids years ago was seeing Kevin Duala (Kevin on Blue's Clues and also on TV flogging cruises and holidays after that...so not a million miles from shopping telly honest). He was in the M&S cafe.
also met bodie (i think thats his screen name) of the proffesionals in a department store in oxford street. i did run after him for a autograph. sorry but i had to

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