It was embarrassing listening to him & I simply had to turn it off.
This ^^
We're regular Gems TV viewers in our house - and its on for most of the day between other programs. Last night though, we had to switch off. It was awful. The only other presenter that has the honour of being switched off whenever she appears is Vicky Carr.
Peter is out of his depth. Last night, there must have been a world record breaking number of "Not only....." and "Extraordinary"' mentions.
He's going to get Gems into trouble with the ASA soon if he's not too careful. I suspect there's a lot of his old Bid haters watching him in the hope he'll fail - and they'll be on his case if he keeps making the slips ups he has been making.
So far this week, we've had filled rubies referred to as natural rubies (they're not natural if they've been treated or enhanced). Gems were quite open about them being treated on their graphics - but Peter missed it.
He also referred to Ethiopian Opals as being "Not only from Ethiopia. Not only from Australia. Not only from other parts of the world". Ethiopian Opals come from Ethiopia only Pete - the clue is in the name.
He also said Golden Beryl had plenty of shiller - which is strange because you only get schiller in Moonstone and Labradorite (or as Pete calls it, Labradite......).
I appreciate he's new - but he really should avoid giving descriptions if he's unsure of the stones because it could come back to haunt him if someone wants to be awkward and report him to the ASA.
I like Gems TV (a lot) - but taking on PS was a huge mistake in my opinion. Their Gemporia facebook page rarely has complaints about presenters - but since Peter Simon started, its been flooded with posts about him. I've never seen any presenter divide opinion so much. On their Gemporia page, it seems he's either loved or hated. No in-between.