Random musings/no argument zone


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Peter, Peter, Peter for goodness sake spit those marbles out! You are rambling.

Whoops, spoke too soon, now he is shouting at me!

I like this line: "just open it up and show it in the daylight" That is fine, but I did that a few weeks ago Peter and got arrested for it!
Well, they should rename it "Bid at Gems" now. Gawd, that was toe curiing!
He's just the same, thought he might have put his professional head on, but nope, same old BIG "It's Peter Simonnnnnn" intro, mispronouncing, fake shock/suprise, etc etc etc, what's a taverna err err diamond?? and who is Jim Bowman, lol, and then at the end we get the same old goodnight routine, i was half expecting Marina Berry to pop up.
I know he was nervous, first night and all that but, he's going to have to get his act togther, put his ego back in it's box, switch off the cheesy behaviour, dump the BIG intro, change the sad, tired goodnight routine, and act like he knows what he's selling, or is that too much to ask.
Lol, Aaahhh, Jim.Brooman on now, phew and relax :mysmilie_14:
Well, they should rename it "Bid at Gems" now. Gawd, that was toe curiing!
He's just the same, thought he might have put his professional head on, but nope, same old BIG "It's Peter Simonnnnnn" intro, mispronouncing, fake shock/suprise, etc etc etc, what's a taverna err err diamond?? and who is Jim Bowman, lol, and then at the end we get the same old goodnight routine, i was half expecting Marina Berry to pop up.
I know he was nervous, first night and all that but, he's going to have to get his act togther, put his ego back in it's box, switch off the cheesy behaviour, dump the BIG intro, change the sad, tired goodnight routine, and act like he knows what he's selling, or is that too much to ask.
Lol, Aaahhh, Jim.Brooman on now, phew and relax :mysmilie_14:

He'll never change, because what we saw last night IS him getting his act together...it's not going to get any better than that.

I can't believe they let him introduce himself...'Live from the heart of the Midlands !' indeed - What a load of old baloney ! You'd think someone who'd worked for a channel with a reputation as bad as Bid's was at the end would show a bit of humility, realise how lucky he is to be still working and do a simple handover with the presenter who preceded him...but no, he couldn't be seen to be doing that...the old ego was as rampant as ever. No doubt he's been regaling Gems staff with tales of "when I was at the BBC" since he landed there. And, as always, he can't even be bothered toget a basic thing right, like the names of his colleagues ! So disrespectful. What must they think of him after that performance, I wonder?
He'll never change, because what we saw last night IS him getting his act together...it's not going to get any better than that.

I can't believe they let him introduce himself...'Live from the heart of the Midlands !' indeed - What a load of old baloney ! You'd think someone who'd worked for a channel with a reputation as bad as Bid's was at the end would show a bit of humility, realise how lucky he is to be still working and do a simple handover with the presenter who preceded him...but no, he couldn't be seen to be doing that...the old ego was as rampant as ever. No doubt he's been regaling Gems staff with tales of "when I was at the BBC" since he landed there. And, as always, he can't even be bothered toget a basic thing right, like the names of his colleagues ! So disrespectful. What must they think of him after that performance, I wonder?

I didn't watch it but dear god who are the casting agents giving ex-Sit-Up employees air time again?

If they want a resume just look on Youtube! :grin:
I did watch the resurrection of Saint Peter and to honest it was nice to see him back.... I know we all say this and say that but I have missed the BID TV family for all its faults it was in a strange way comforting and easy to watch (excluding Sally when she stormed up to the camera... that was border line frightening)

So good luck Peter but try and slow it down!
I did watch the resurrection of Saint Peter and to honest it was nice to see him back.... I know we all say this and say that but I have missed the BID TV family for all its faults it was in a strange way comforting and easy to watch (excluding Sally when she stormed up to the camera... that was border line frightening)

So good luck Peter but try and slow it down!

Really? Peter is anything but that. Last night was really hard work. Loud, "in ya face", repetitive gibberish. His poor 1980's "comedy" makes me cringe. It's so corny and out-dated its unreal, and just doesn't fit in with the image of the channel.

Jim Brooman came on and presented calmly, professionally and smoothly. That's how it should be done.
According to Mark Ryes twitter there was an RIP Bid TV party on 22 May.

I wonder who went and if any juicy gossip?

Lisa Brash if you went spill the beans!
Really? Peter is anything but that. Last night was really hard work. Loud, "in ya face", repetitive gibberish. His poor 1980's "comedy" makes me cringe. It's so corny and out-dated its unreal, and just doesn't fit in with the image of the channel.

Jim Brooman came on and presented calmly, professionally and smoothly. That's how it should be done.

Yep, PS just pointing at the merchandise and repeating "Just look at that...JUST LOOK AT THAT !!!" doesn't really cut it on Gems.
Yep, PS just pointing at the merchandise and repeating "Just look at that...JUST LOOK AT THAT !!!" doesn't really cut it on Gems.

He said he has to do some Gem Exams soon, given he been selling jewellery 'for nigh on two decades' i'm surprised he hasn't done so already :mysmilie_59:
I doubt they would Mr Paul, I distinctly got the impression he already thinks he owns the place.

They're probably terrified of him :mysmilie_59:

I said this exact same thing last night as we watched. His whole intro, grand goodbye, the way he shouts and comes across just makes it come across that he thinks he really is a big celebrity.

Even the way he was hyped up before by the presenters and Steve Bennett (via his Facebook page) - plus the Bid style corny intro - just made it seem like he was getting special treatment.

By doing things like that, I wouldn't be too surprised if it doesn't irritate other employees. All of the others just change over normally - having a little chat with their colleague as they swap over. They don't have a big song and dance arrival to their show - so it must irritate them slightly to see someone coming in with the Billy Big Time treatment.

At Bid it was different - he'd been there for 10 years or so, and he was probably their longest serving presenter. He'd kind of earned the right to be the "main guy" so to speak. At Gems, he's an outsider that's just come in and given silly intro's and allsorts to make him feel at home.

I'm hoping last night was just a one off - a bit of a final mickey take at Bid more or less (after all, he did get a few digs in about call costs when he took great pleasure in pointing out that Gems was a local call rate). If he does exactly the same tonight though with his big intro, etc - then it looks like it's a permanent feature. That will then make a mockery of Gems TV. It's going to be like watching Bid TV again (and as a result, they'll certainly lose viewers in our household - and we've spent thousands between us in the 12 months we've been watching).

You would think that after losing his job, he'd just be grateful for finding a new job and accepting that he's got to change his style to fit in. But it doesn't look that way.
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does anyone know when he is on again?

I find it amusing that all (most of) the ex bid lot, were vocal about ''new opportunities'' etc ... when the truth is they all applied for whatever shopping channel **** was up for grabs.
It was funny last night when the woman presenting before Peter pre-empted his introduction, and then nervously asked him if it was OK for her to have done that. They seem to be in awe of him for some reason. To be fair he seemed a little calmer last night, but still has the weird habit of dropping in a bit of innuendo into his pitches at random moments. It just seems so inappropriate for this channel, even more than it did it Bid.
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If the on screen graphics are to be believed (which I'm not sure about) then he appeared to be moving stock.
Still preying on the elderly and the vulnerable 'If he promised to buy you diamonds all those years ago now you can buy those diamonds for yourself.'
Sally has flooded my YouTube feed with 17 new videos. go check them out guys and girls https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0IWxNZ-HVwPJUfk-X7Ymog

I have to say that despite a few errors her website looks professional so she should be applauded for that.

But, much like Bid, I see she's flogging Skin Pharmacy potions at 'sale' prices and claiming they cost some 4 times less than their supposed 'standard' tariff.

Bull :mysmilie_59:
Sally, please invest in a wireless tie clip microphone or something similar. The sound is rather bad. At the moment it does sound like a combination of you giving a product demonstration in the ladies toilet, along with someone in the next cubicle going about their business while they are also waiting in a queue on their mobile listening to some annoying on hold music. But full credit, you are clearly passionate and enjoying what you are doing, and that is coming across.

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