Random musings/no argument zone


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Justin has just sold some horrendous Chiffon teal skirt.

He said "It's so hard to find skirts like this anywhere else".

You bet old chum - there's a reason for that!
Neil is selling some diamond earrings and said imagine her face when she opens the box and sees them. They're so small she'd need to borrow Mason' s vivitar telescope to see them.
Just watching "Gasping Simon Davis". Anybody know exactly what Bang on trend means or is it Bid tv speak for "you twerps need this tat??
Ps. evening all:mysmilie_59:
'Bang on trend' means that 'this is a look that a lot of very big designers are going for this season'.It also means that 'this is absolutely huge on the high street just at the moment'. Moreover it means 'that a very big name-I'm not allowed to say who-is doing something very similar'. It also means that 'this reminds of the sort of thing that you'll find in your posh department stores'. It can also mean 'my wife would adore this' Finally it means,when said by Jenny Gobb 'I don't normally like bright/dark - big/small - heavy/light -long/short (continue ad nauseum ) but I adore this!'
In other words 'bang on trend' is an empty meaningless attempt at a cliché to talk up any and every piece of overpriced mass-produced item of market stall quality clothing that the presenters are obliged to flog.
Because Peter has been dealing in fashion for nigh on twenty years! I take all my advice from Peter and Salleh. People often stop me and ask 'where did you get THAT????'

You and me both Docswife, they are an inspiration to me alongg with the quiet shy Jenny Topp. I get all my fashion tips from them. It is nice to know someone else appreciates them!

PS - the above comment may not be true...
i didn't hear him say that, that is hilarious! You are so right!

Being a relatively honest Bid TV presenter (namely, one without the moral bypass operation) must be both harrowing and strangely enjoyable at the same time. Harrowing in that you have to think of creative ways of selling a product whilst maintaining at least a modicum of something called 'truth', and enjoyable in respect of the product demonstrations and coming up with faintly ridiculous sales pitches for tat as with: "It's so hard to find skirts like this anywhere else".

Hats off to him :mysmilie_14:
Being a relatively honest Bid TV presenter (namely, one without the moral bypass operation) must be both harrowing and strangely enjoyable at the same time. Harrowing in that you have to think of creative ways of selling a product whilst maintaining at least a modicum of something called 'truth', and enjoyable in respect of the product demonstrations and coming up with faintly ridiculous sales pitches for tat as with: "It's so hard to find skirts like this anywhere else".

Hats off to him :mysmilie_14:
Wouldn't it be nice not to be shrieked at "get on the phone now" - NO. You got to get this before they are gone - SO WHAT. The best deal ever - DON'T THINK SO. Give the audience a degree of intelligence - YES. Please be honest in future and temper the presentations - DOUBT IT
Price drop seems to have vanished from my freeview.

One down...

Mine to! Gotta be honest I don't think I will bother to retune, but hang on, Gollum is on both channel 23 and 37 freeview. On that alone I need to retune at least to get rid of the bald gobby twat on one of the channels.
Evening all!

Mike the expert jeweller is on with a pair of £99.99 earrings, no joke here, they were that small I walked by the TV and had to look twice as I thought he was selling two pinheads......No kidding :mysmilie_17:

PS They still have cheek to charge £4.99 postage :wonder:
My darling, my love for you is everlasting, so I've bought you sumfink that will last you forever.....Mike, you silver tongued devil you!! :mysmilie_12:
Oh Docswife I thought you were auditioning for a job on **** at bid then I saw it was Mike the smoothy who said it! :mysmilie_8:
All this we've listened to you so brought no callback back NO you've listened to only the poor vulnerable people who unfortunately get brainwashed by you
Mine to! Gotta be honest I don't think I will bother to retune, but hang on, Gollum is on both channel 23 and 37 freeview. On that alone I need to retune at least to get rid of the bald gobby twat on one of the channels.

Mine too! Help!!!!! I need to retune for that reason alone. One sighting of MM is bad enough but not two. I have not been very well today as I have been having dizzy spells (which appear to have eased) so I am not well enough to suffer MM on both channels.
Not just gollum MM looks like there's a striking resemblance in the OOD haha don't know how to post pics or i would
All i can do is laugh when the oud is on it's also the name of a dr who creature haha

That is funny, and somewhat appropriate! Guys, I hope you are listwnng to Mike's advice in trying to attract us ladies, look good, dress good, smell good (or some other nonsense). I have to say as a "lady" it would take more than that for me (like not being pig ignorant).

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