Seriously? I had to look away.
Seriously? I had to look away.uke:
I'm sure he's had his eyes done, badly.
Hard to tell from behind a cushion.......
I do agree, the first picture makes me think of that guy out of silence of the lambs.... Hannibal Lectar.
lol at gasper for simon davies he does gasp a lot! That and fiddle with his glasses
Docswife, Arr Bets ok, Pervy Petes moved back in with her as of 23:02 this evening.
Phew! For one awful moment I thought their *understanding* was over! He mentioned a couple of times he was on 'is own. I was sad to hear it.
I haven't noticed Sally this week, or maybe I haven't been watching a lot. Wonder if she is looking for alternative employment. I had to turn Peter off last night with the chef, couldn't stand Pervy Pete in the kitchen shovelling food down his gob!
No Muttley! Not at all!! He would never do us wrong! He's as straight as the days long.......:mysmilie_50:I hope you are not suggesting that "our Bet" was just made up to make a sale, he wouldn't lie to us, we can trust him!
She said she was having a few weeks off and would see us then, just like Helen Bates did :mysmilie_19:
Btw Helens just got another job, she was getting a bit mad on her twitter as people kept asking if it was on babestation lol
She said she was having a few weeks off and would see us then, just like Helen Bates did :mysmilie_19:
Btw Helens just got another job, she was getting a bit mad on her twitter as people kept asking if it was on babestation lol
Interesting, "having a few weeks off". I reckon she is considering her options career-wise, I don't blame her for that.