Random musings/no argument zone


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Watched Caroline earlier with the Tefal Actifry, you know her, the one who can't cook and she proved it by adding a spoonful of oil to four sausages she cooked, it's not necessary, they were swimming in their own fat without adding any more!

She showed the silicone baking sheets, that you still need to put on a baking tray. They were £14.99 ++ for a pair (I still class the ++ as nigh on a tenner).

The really great thing was, you could order two lots with the one phone call!!!!! :mysmilie_14:

I was left unsure if postage would be £7.99 x 2 though.
I was left unsure if postage would be £7.99 x 2 though.

Supposedly only one p&p charge for a specific item regardless of quantity (though there could be an upper limit?) under the new regime though I would check my bank balance VERY carefully to be on the same side. Better still, for anyone even slightly thinking of placing an order with them, DO NOT ORDER until the outcome of tomorrow's creditor meeting is known.
The Hairy Gollum is selling a Solar Powered Hot Air Balloon Wind Chime. 'Isn't that gorrrgeous, very mesmeric, almost'. How can it be very anything, almost?

Next he's selling some Solar Lights and unsurprisingly he said he used to be an Electrician. He mentioned the mess and expense of having wired lighting installed and reminded us that they run on Mains Electricity which 'incidentally, you have to pay for'.

Now he's on with Mini Me.

Gollum had to spend quality time preparing yorkshire pudding mix yeserday, when he could have been spending that time with the family

The time in question here is a whole ten minutes. They were probably glad of the short break!
Which of course makes some of his bumbling even worse, doesn't it, because it reminds us that Peter Simon's on-screen character is mainly an act for the cameras. His previous "partial sentences" ruse for not making certain points clear may have been a way of satisfying management at the time without having to actually lie on-screen, and his job (in)security isn't the greatest of all the presenters if he got sacked for not complying with management wishes at the time. (Dosen't excuse his behaviour really but may explain it.)

Though don't forget that Steve Macdonald still can't pronounce 'message' correctly nine times out of ten :mysmilie_14:

Good post PP, I totally agree, I think 'bumbling Uncle Peter' is a very cleverly cultivated persona created to appeal to a certain demographic but we shouldn't be fooled by it. I believe there's a very hard, calculating diva lurking underneath.
IMO he's a complex character who is as sharp as a tack and knows exactly what he's doing - I still think he's vile!

Does Stevie Mac still say 'messwaaage' instead of message? I haven't watched him for ages.
Gollum is selling a Dark Purple Duvet. He again boasts that he no longer smokes but admitted that he was tempted at the weekend. He added that the darker colour is handy if you knock an ashtray on it.

I wonder who smokes in bed?
Elisa looks the size of a house in that top, her drag queen make up isn't helping either.

I notice with a lot of the viscose/polyester monstrosities they put 'Our Sabina' in, they make her look absolutely massive, yet when you see her in other stuff she looks lovely and slim.

I'm convinced they want them to look as fat as possible, to appeal to their target audience
Gollum is selling a Dark Purple Duvet. He again boasts that he no longer smokes but admitted that he was tempted at the weekend. He added that the darker colour is handy if you knock an ashtray on it.

I wonder who smokes in bed?

I would think the lady/goddess is a candidate!
I think they should have their own branding on the clothing the sell and considering the style and period they should call them Old Bid-dy wear :p

I cant believe freaky Gollum can say with a straight face after mentioning two duvets and a ugly ornament "All the items have individual postage" Who on earth would pay £24 for that lot?

And also amazing how **** at bid can sell a ornament / figurine for the bedroom, funny old lot down at **** at bid.
Wish Gollum would stop saying send it back within 14 days and get the item cost back, you are entitled to MUCH more than this....call up and inform you wish to cancel within 7 days of actually receiving the goods, return them and you SHOULD get a FULL refund including delivery charge.........Distance Selling Regulations
for someone who knows so much about everything....he should be saying.... allow me , if you will, to explain DSR.......now what do I mean by DSR, well ladies and gentlemen it is as simple as this......blah blah blah ....

This of course will NEVER happen :)
Oh God......now he's talking about 'those bloated days, those days when we need to keep well-out your way' shut up Mike. Just shut up.

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