Random musings/no argument zone


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As I think about it that really is quite calculating and manipulative.
I guess it's ok for us, we can see through it but what about those unfortunate more vulnerable viewers who want to believe this stuff because they're 'part of the Bid family', they see these unscrupulous presenters as their friends.
That upsets me.

Indeed, it's absolutely ruthless. Make no mistake deedee, Elisa is a real hard nosed saleswoman and always has been. She worked with Mason on the truly appalling I-Buy which was set up by ex Auction World staff.

I rest my case:mysmilie_19:
Elisa is a veteran of the low end shopping channels, she must know every trick in the book by now.

Teaming her up with Dirty P was a natural move, I suspect she wouldn't flinch asking him questions about Bet if she thought there was an extra sale to be had.

My personal fave thing with ms foreman portelli is when she says that she never wears dresses but will then proceed to wear ten dresses haha.

I love it
My personal fave thing with ms foreman portelli is when she says that she never wears dresses but will then proceed to wear ten dresses haha.

I love it

Oh yes Mr T and then she proceeds to encourage people to buy their wrong size!

This is a seriously hardnosed pro, sure she dosen't scream and dance but she is every bit as pressurising in her own way as any of them.

The perfect foil for Dirty Pedro.
Oh yes Mr T and then she proceeds to encourage people to buy their wrong size!

This is a seriously hardnosed pro, sure she dosen't scream and dance but she is every bit as pressurising in her own way as any of them.

The perfect foil for Dirty Pedro.

i think her association with peter simon is just pure money

morally questionable but genius
i think her association with peter simon is just pure money

morally questionable but genius

Spot on! I wouldn't believe a word of anything either of them say.

I think it's a disgrace that someone so learned as The Right Honourable The Lord Kean should have to walk the same floor as them.
Peter up to his old tricks then saying a few times its 24ct gold and your getting a lot of gold here then he started adding plate to the end of it after that
Are we all excited for fragrance week? it seems to be fragrance day everyday

I am. What chance we see them sell a small quantity of a known brand for a very low price, then another one but in a really high pressure way to whip everyone in a frenzy and then bang, 300 bottles of Creation Lamis for a few quid more than usual.

And I bet they sell out of it too!
Ha ha James is taking the mick out of Peter during his preview

I think it deserves a transcript which I will do later
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James: Its black Friday, final 5, I have 5 envelopes not only in the card but the black card with the single fold, not only with the ink from a biro of a pen and the bluer of the pens, not only with writing on the inside and writing forged on the paper, forged with the hand of a gentleman in noble form, in moonlight of an afternoon in London as the light twinkled from a single star of ancient roman decent of a beautiful morn and the sorrowful tear of a young orphan boy

(Cuts to Peter in the dark area of the studio with a big grin)

James then finishes his preview by saying I will see you in a few minutes after Peter Simon has brutally murdered me

The wonderful James Russell and he is
Peter then sells some towels saying we have got 4 towels they are in racing green and the green is the colour that is easy on the eye, not only is green that just warms and delights, but because they are 50 by 80 cm one nestles ones hand against the fabric of the cotton that underlies the very raft and the weave and desires one strokes it and embodies not only the feeling of the absorption of the water, one has the richness and texture to just laze and luxuriate on a bathroom that really gives you the decadence

(cuts to James in the dark area of the studio nearly wetting himself)

Peter: Ohhhhhhh yesssssssss, James: You've still got it

Peter: They are going under a tenner delicious

finally at 10pm James simply said...that was just 3 and a half hours of bliss my friends
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James looks genuinely surprised as he excitedly opens his envelope to reveal the 5 upcoming products in the Black Friday Finale.

The drama is somewhat quashed due to the fact the actual 5 items are lined up on podiums in front of him :mysmilie_19:
Spot on! I wouldn't believe a word of anything either of them say.

I think it's a disgrace that someone so learned as The Right Honourable The Lord Kean should have to walk the same floor as them.

I suspect lord kean works/turns up to be televised, on hours that don't put him on the premises at the same time as the peter simon.... as no doubt he would dispense with justice
I suspect lord kean works/turns up to be televised, on hours that don't put him on the premises at the same time as the peter simon.... as no doubt he would dispense with justice

And his justice would be firm and swift.

What is Russell's big finish to Black Friday like? I only saw the part when he was opening some envelopes yet everything was lined up in camera shot anyway. I switched it straight over, I couldn't handle the suspense :mysmilie_19:
And his justice would be firm and swift.

What is Russell's big finish to Black Friday like? I only saw the part when he was opening some envelopes yet everything was lined up in camera shot anyway. I switched it straight over, I couldn't handle the suspense :mysmilie_19:

I switched off once lord kean went home. haha

though i assume it is like watching peter simon in training
Lord Guy Keane of Acton, pioneer and champion of dehumidifying ceramic eggs, is a Frankly a legend.

'Time flies like an arrow but fruit flies like banannas'.

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