Tbh, I'm hardly watching now either! At one point I watched most days, I found it really funny in a gobsmacked-at-the-sheer-awfulness-of it. But, I think it's just bad now. The presenters are dreadful, very unprofessional in my opinion, having said that, no-one with a shred of credibility would want to work at BID, so obviously they can only attract the bottom-of-the-barrel mob. As I have said 100 times before, where would Mike Mason, Salleh, James Russell etc find employment? Which reputable company would employ this shower to represent their company? Mike just oozes insincerity, his slavish devotion to ' my goddess' 'proudest dad in the world' 'got my little boys name tattooed upon my body so I have a piece of him everywhere I go' the dragon tatt to 'watch over him' personally, it makes meuke: It's not funny anymore, I feel we are just being laughed at now, the mugs who pay extortionate prices for poundshop goods and pay £7.99 extra to have them delivered in what could be almost 3weeks!!
Indeed DW, don't ever underestimate the sheer contempt that gargoyle parasites such as Neil, Split Ends, Gollum and Schlock have for their 'punters'.
They really are hideous in their actions. They are slugs and i'd happily put salt on them, in fact i'd do it for the good of Britain.