[email protected] for emailing your helpful comments 

First Prize - A set of Sticky Strips… Second Prize - Two sets..Yay, just been read out by Shaunfirst prize please
Can I donate to charity?First Prize - A set of Sticky Strips… Second Prize - Two sets..
Close. It's Brandan from Coach Trip.Is it me or does Simon Iles look like Penfold from Danger Mouse.....????
The guy appears to have a lovely house in Rutland and owns a pub there with his partner. Rutland isn’t cheap. I thought his comment about his redundancy money spent on some watch was very unnecessary and lacking in any empathy for those lower-level staff Ideal World staff who probably ended up with a few hundred pounds redundancy money if it was actually really paid to anybody. Sometimes a tad of humility isn’t such a bad thing."I got a bit of redundancy Kevin"
CHORTLES from him and Kevski
I am watching a few hours behind Ryan seems to have switched from "genuine" remorse about Ideal World to laughing about it all 5 times in 20 minutes