For saying that Joe said he was using puff on the top, it doesn't look very puffy when cooked
I'm no Chef (just like Joe) but doesn't Puff Pastry need hot air around it to puff up?
I'd guess a lid would prevent that? :mysmilie_59:
For saying that Joe said he was using puff on the top, it doesn't look very puffy when cooked
I'm no Chef (just like Joe) but doesn't Puff Pastry need hot air around it to puff up?
I'd guess a lid would prevent that? :mysmilie_59:
I'm thinking you're right Wirral
Old pervy kept shouting he was hoping to sell this out last night but I see it's still there. It was phone orders only last night too till quite late in the hour, when he said it could be ordered on the web now also. He didn't say the website was down. Wonder what that was all about?
I heard that about the phone orders only for the POTD. I suspect this is something we'll see more of £££.
Pie Maker's don't really scream of Spring do they? Maybe it's leftover stock from Winter.
Joe was visibly baffled by Dirty Peter, who was going on about his Grandma's (who was a great cook) 'famous' Cabbage Pie. When Joe asked him some question about said Cabbage Pie.
It transpired the Cabbage Pie was actually just a plain old Pie containing a mix of any old ingredients, Meat and/or Veg and ............ Cabbage.
What an odd man :mysmilie_59:
Wasn't 'garbage' was it?
He was clearly lying, again. His spew doesn't bear a modicum of scrutiny, even a few simple questions from Joe.
I doubt Joe is a fan :mysmilie_59:
He's full of cabbage, false old twerp.
He's on now, with Kenny Rogers.
I'm sick of his exaggerated 'ohhhhh', it's gross.
He's so creepyuke:
Yeah, I've seen enough. On a given hour, you know how he's going to act and this is how he is with her. He's just called her a Dame and has given her every accolade he can think of.
He'd probably walk right past her in the street :mysmilie_19:
Pete says and I quote "I can only tell you the facts, if you have this in your basket you must check this out!!!!!"
Cheers for that much needed fact, and he stated another fact "me and my soul mate will just love making pies in this pie maker" living the dream indeed!
Well ten minutes ago he said he lived on his own and the pie maker would be ideal for him
Fact :mysmilie_19:
Oh deary me!
Its the easter EGGstravanganza or more like the amateur hour down IW way! So so cheap and tacky even the salesfolk must be feeling the embarrasment of all this and the lack of imagination is just what we have all come to expect.
First up an EGGcellent easter deal its a VAX..................Yawn Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz last one out please turn the lights out!
Then he goes on to scream about Elizabeth Grant being 'award winning' to which Vanessa Feltz Fan Club quickly jumps in and says 'yes, it is award winning here on Ideal World' :mysmilie_19:
That's the double-meaning phrase sales pitch in action, namely they want you to think it's "award winning" products sold "here on Ideal World" when they actually mean the award was 'won' on Ideal World (which is meaningless nonsense).
Obviously to be used if anyone complains to the Advertising Standards Authority :mysmilie_59:
I totally get this is the disingenuous world of Selly Telly but really, this shower are getting worse by the day.
So they now think it appropriate to compare the exclusively Lower End Of Selly Telly fodder known as Elizabeth Grant, with it's ever obscure magic 'ingredient' Torricelumn (TM), to Clinique.
I'm not saying Clinique products are fully worth all that money but come on, that's like comparing 'Chef' Joe to Michel Roux Jr :mysmilie_59:
(and it's only my opinion but Vanessa Feltz Fan Club's forehead and eyebrows appear somewhat 'frozen')
He reckons a Lady stopped him in the Supermarket today and said she was watching him and Joe last night. She explained she used to love making Pies and said 'but now, my dear Partner has long gone, the Grandchildren are no longer around and I don't have the time'.
She bought a Pie Maker so she can make Pies that evoke fond memories.
What a liar :mysmilie_59: