Random musings and general banter.


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Let us not forget the knowledge he must have learned from his Bid other half L.B (ahem). More than an art critic - he is - nay a full blown expert. Wonder how she's doing - anyone heard? I'd quite like her to show up somewhere.:mysmilie_17:

Don't worry about our Lisa.

She's been on a 'Lemon' detox (why anyone would deny their body essential nutrients etc from food I'll never understand - if you want to 'detox' just cut out the processed foods!). I've posted Day 1 below (26 hours in... if you check out Update 7 she looks like death).

Random musing coming up : Just watching the POTD Pearl hair remover and remembering the reviews I read the last time it was POTD. This machine seems to rip the hell out of your legs and pretty much that's it, if the reviewers are to be believed. I remember yonks and yonks ago, when the orange woman used to be on with skincare which contained hair reducer and spray on tights, there used to be another hair remover device which was basically a sander :p Goodness, I wanted one of those for aaages, was only like £25 I think but that was so much cash to me. I watched weeks worth of offers/potd's/deals/hours (you know IW by now when they have a dead horse to flog) and all the demo's had it working beautifully, sanding off your hair for want of a better expression, silky smooth legs in 10 minutes, bingo.

Anyhoo, near christmas I think, my flatmate convinced me to spend the money on myself so I ordered it, my first and last from IW. LOL and OMG at the same time. It didn't work AT ALL, and I'm no village idiot, plus I'd watched about 25 solid hours of this thing being demo'ed. But to add injury to insult, it also managed to burn and rip all bejesus out of my legs, so much so I could barely touch my legs for about a week!! Sounds a bit like this Pearl from the reviews.

Makes you think doesn't it, if there is some trick to the demos. I also bought some Bosun carpet cleaner from QVC, you know; will clean the filthiest carpet to like new. Well, it didn't actually do a thing to a moderately mucky carpet and that too got sent back :(

Oh well, luckily I learnt my lessons with those 2, one from QVC and one from IW and now I wouldn't buy a 1ct diamond for 50p, I just know there will be some 'downside' :) Still IW makes me laugh so keep on.......being shonky? :p
Mike Mason: the biggest piece of art I have ever seen is the smile on my sons face.... but the only other thing that puts a smile on my face like that is this kinkade painting

my word...

Not his "goddess" then! Interesting; or he could just be making stuff up just to make a sale, no, he would never do that!
Good work Mutters, you have earned your medal for catching the (s)tool pigeon!

As Muttley the dog would say, holding his paw outstretched, "gimme gimme gimme", he liked his medals.

Does Mikey still mention his Goddess as much as on Bid, on the few times I've seen him he mentions his boy all the time - what he cooks for him, playing with him etc but I've not heard him mention her. It could simply be that I don't watch more than a few seconds of him before I change channels.
Been a while since I posted or visited this board. It's uncanny the way Ideal World is morphing into Bid YV bit by bit...

Looks like my old pals from Bid forum congregate here now :up:
I will say I enjoy watching Andy Love on the c&c channel, I assumed he would feel out of place on there but I am all too happy to admit I was wrong.

Definitely fits in with the more relaxed feel on that channel.
I will say I enjoy watching Andy Love on the c&c channel, I assumed he would feel out of place on there but I am all too happy to admit I was wrong.

Definitely fits in with the more relaxed feel on that channel.

Funnily enough, I never had any prob with Andy at all, Seemed to be a fella who is a salesman selling items without any utter bullcrap blah blah blah airy fairy tales, I genuinely never felt as if I was patronised when he was on selling.
Funnily enough, I never had any prob with Andy at all, Seemed to be a fella who is a salesman selling items without any utter bullcrap blah blah blah airy fairy tales, I genuinely never felt as if I was patronised when he was on selling.

I find he manages to be a salesman that is inoffensive.

Just thought I'd take a step back from slagging off ideal world haha
I see they are selling the expensive radiators buy one get one free or BOGOF as it says on the caption.LOL.

Peter Simon was getting quite animated about them this morning,singing a little tune and bopping in his seat.
I see they are selling the expensive radiators buy one get one free or BOGOF as it says on the caption.LOL.

Peter Simon was getting quite animated about them this morning,singing a little tune and bopping in his seat.

It is my opinion that, that man should not be allowed on television before 9pm.
Agree with that.Not on before 9pm Lol Is this the man who was on children's Tv ? I have a vague memory ...maybe I don't want to remember......
Watching the EEPC radiator speil and noticed a 10 year warranty (*) this does not include the things that are likely to fail, like the thermostat or the programmer, just the slabs of clay and the wire element, and the aluminium body it seems
Watching the EEPC radiator speil and noticed a 10 year warranty (*) this does not include the things that are likely to fail, like the thermostat or the programmer, just the slabs of clay and the wire element, and the aluminium body it seems

doesn't sound suspicious at all (it does)
Agree with that.Not on before 9pm Lol Is this the man who was on children's Tv ? I have a vague memory ...maybe I don't want to remember......

he used to be on a bbc kids show called ''run the risk'' where I believe he had a penchant for being gunged all the time. On bid, he liked to imply he was on blue peter but I believe he was not and thus was bullshitting.
he used to be on a bbc kids show called ''run the risk'' where I believe he had a penchant for being gunged all the time. On bid, he liked to imply he was on blue peter but I believe he was not and thus was bullshitting.

To be fair his name is Peter and his act is most defiantly blue .....


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