Aaah, Linda Lusardi POTD later
Remember Linda the following points:
1) keep going on and on and on about La Prairie, creme de la mer and the other one
2) keep telling us how they are made in the same factory and you have just as good a quality ingredients as them
3) keep banging on about this and make sure you infer enough times how they are the same as yours, just with more expenses
4) remind us on and on that your old range was *****, but this one really works!
5) make sure Dennice presents if possible, so she can claim this is the reason she looks so amazing*
* please note, she doesn't look amazing, and also claims every other skincare range is responsible for her looking so amazing
6) remind us often that you've not had any work done, but might do in the future; this inspires trust in your creams
7) mention a few times how 'Nicolas the creator of my range and all those other expensive ones uses MY cream at home'*
* I'm CERTAIN he doesn't say this to every brand ambassador
8) show us that demo where you put some cream on one hand and then compare the other un-treated one, I'm fairly sure this is against tv regulations
9) make sure you have a group of old has-beens z-listers to say how amazing your range is, after all, I know Lesley Joseph and Rula Lenska are icons to the youth of today.....
10) bang on about the 3 expensive ranges again and again a few times, the customer is as thick as **** anyway and association is all their tiny brains need.
11) say 'edelweiss and glacial water' as many times as you can, trying to make them sound impressive....
I can barely wait