Random musings and general banter.


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Happy New Year.

I think everybody would like to see the channel improve and with more transparent presenters – people like Alex Knowles for example - there may be a chance of doing so. By the way, I’m not putting him on some sort of elite presenting pedestal. But for me he is streets ahead in terms of candour, and in presenting in a calm and rational manner about a product than any of the others are. Unlike the rest of them, he also seems to have a genuine desire to appear on screen prepared to tell you about the product he is demonstrating, which is an extreme and refreshing change from some of the others on there who just bluff their way along.

The trouble is, I don’t think there is any compulsion to change. Whoever is actually running this channel is clearly happy with their totally disingenuous price comparisons strategy as a key weapon in their selling armoury. There is absolutely no justification for them and I would challenge anybody who works for the channel to come on here and defend them and continue that into a discussion about them. I wouldn’t be holding your breath waiting for that to happen. Defending the indefensible is not an easy brief. While this unsourced, inaccurate (sometimes hysterically so) and generally misleading price comparisons policy continues, there can be no improvement - not in my view.

In fairness to the presenters in general, they can only try and sell what is put in front of them. And clearly, they have to do that by exaggerating the quality of the goods to levels way beyond their true quality on many occasions. If they were given decent, well known items to try to sell, by design, you would have less of the hype in trying to do so. But again, I don’t see any desire from the owners to sell anything other than unbranded or own branded low rent goods. And if that business model works for them, then fine.
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No, Natalia is the Face of Beauty on IW. It looks like TJC have made the decision to keep Opatra and move the lesser known- and possibly American- devices to their ‘sister’ channel. I believe Truth 808 is moving also, as Mark mentioned this on his last show.
I don’t think any of the IW presenters know the meaning of truth.
Obviously Janice doesn't understand what lifetime warranty covers.

The **** is a headline reader and doesn't read the small print. ;)

That's twice today he's given totally crap info regarding long term guarantees. He did it earlier with the batteries, saying they'll have the same power in 10 years as they have now, that's utter crap.

The watch lifetime warranty doesn't cover normal wear and tear which you'll most definitely get with a watch, he's making it sound like in 5 years if the watch isn't working as new then they'll repair or replace it for free.

Janice if you're going make claims on TV then you need to read the SMALL PRINT.
Opatra was so expensive, what I call a considered purchase. You have to wonder whether many of their audience were interested in the products.
Just Opatra? Personally,and I’ve got to be honest wiv ya(but not always) He’s on later btw…
I think EVERYTHING on IW is a considered purchase..i consider everything for about 1 second,if that..next item please..
As a presenter that Yiannis bloke is incredibly lame, even worse than the failed actor, Jeremy. I got him to read out a text message from Pedro about Collagen half an hour ago. But it's just no fun like when Moronic Mike or Pedro himself read them out. 😁
The Mason “I Love You Sam and Ella” shout out joke text was one of best I have seen.

Don’t do it, Brigadier. Don’t sully yourself with that brigand, Morgan. The greasy capon will put you on the wrong path. The path from the Ideal World sunken road to the QVC German snipers above. That dreadful vacuum launcher won’t save you….

Knowles -call the guard…Put the swine in jankers…KNOWLES….Challenge that false price comparison…IMMEDIATELY, Sir… An honourable senior shopping officer would never let that dirty war on civilians happen unchecked…Gather the men, Knowles. And the women’s battalion led by Colour Sergeant Simon. Prepare to volley fire on that filthy price comparison nuclear graphic.
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You’d love to know the manufacturing costs of those plastic flashing red lights devices. How close to their website’s RRPs, I wonder.
The LEDs used in them are really cheap, you can get 10 infra red for about £7, the electronics to control them are also simple and cheap. You can knock up a controller using a couple of integrated circuits for about £1. These are retail costs so they will be buying a lot cheaper. Throw in a cheap plastic case and you’re done. The Therapad they were selling last night for £100 probably cost no more than £10 to make,
Like you, I was hoping that that he was going to say something. But it must be incredibly difficult when you’re being employed within a culture that wants to use that kind of cynical tactic on vulnerable customers. You suspect if he did say something like that isn’t a realistic price comparison, then he might not be doing any more price comparisons in the future on that channel. Maybe he needs the gig financially? I suppose he could also have taken the view that he was only being the demonstrator, rather than the presenter, and that excuses him from saying anything. I mean…Morgan isn’t going to help the customers on this, is he? I don’t think refusing to not go over the top in gallant retail battle cuts the mustard, General.

On another matter… He’s now doing adverts. too.

Let’s see how he does when he is actually presenting one of these £40 vacuums and gets a message in his ear from the gallery that they’ve got £120 price comparison for one that looks a bit similar for him to read out. Remember, Private Knowles…Field Marshall Lamarr refused to behave dishonourably in a similar engagement. As a result, he became one of the most highly decorated officers in the history of shopping television.
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