Random musings and general banter.


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I’m absolutely terrified of the snow. Back in 2010 I was working in an office way out of town with only one road in and out. My friend and I decided to walk home (4miles) from n the heavy snow as no buses running. Got about a mile when I came over poorly. Fortunately a couple who were stationary in their car picked us up and after taking an hour and a half to move a mile dropped us off at a local hotel. Idea was to get a meal then get taxi home. Ended up staying the night and got taxi home lunchtime next day.
After that if it snowed I worked from home.
That must have been a scary experience, thankfully you had a meal and had a bed for the night.
We live in a Small Village, In bad weather we are forgotten about, Don’t think Ive ever seen a gritter
Our council have improved. When we had the last heavy snow in 2010 they cleared the main roads. Advice was not to travel unless essential. Our local bus company suggested that they cleared the bus routes so that people could use the buses. Which they did. They cleared the road by my nearest bus stop at 2am. Only thing was they’d piled the snow up on the grass verges so high it was higher than the step onto the bus!
Fortunately house owners had cleared their dropped kerbs so the buses had to stop there.
Slightly off topic but I finally checked out IW yesterday and goodness me! I don't know what the presenter man was called but you'd think the world was ending with how he was going on!!! Trying to shill this muddy fleece and repeatedly yelling its £10? NO IT ISN'T IS IT! IT'S 40 QUID !! I think he should quit telly and be a loan shark
Slightly off topic but I finally checked out IW yesterday and goodness me! I don't know what the presenter man was called but you'd think the world was ending with how he was going on!!! Trying to shill this muddy fleece and repeatedly yelling its £10? NO IT ISN'T IS IT! IT'S 40 QUID !! I think he should quit telly and be a loan shark
Yeah that’s Peter. If you watch him again ignore him
Slightly off topic but I finally checked out IW yesterday and goodness me! I don't know what the presenter man was called but you'd think the world was ending with how he was going on!!! Trying to shill this muddy fleece and repeatedly yelling its £10? NO IT ISN'T IS IT! IT'S 40 QUID !! I think he should quit telly and be a loan shark
That was Peter Simon, he has a habit of saying its yours for only £10, but that's just the first of four flexi pays. It is shown on the left of the screen but viewers are more focused on the presenter and what they're saying so it's misleading. He also thinks he's funny, makes crude comments and can hardly string a sentence together.

Just seen that Jazzy got there before me!

Anyway, welcome to the forum Sharoline.
I just tuned into IW on Virgin and there’s no sound. Have the ASA finally sanctioned them by allowing them to broadcast but silencing them to stop the lying? Got sound on all other channels.

Has Gen been to the same hairdresser as Adina on Gemporia?
Sadly not as there is sound on the YouTube live feed🤣.

I turned off because I didn't want to hear the bo11ocks they come out with while selling a Homesmart vacuum cleaner that they imply is worth ten million pounds but only £49.99 here🤣
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Slightly off topic but I finally checked out IW yesterday and goodness me! I don't know what the presenter man was called but you'd think the world was ending with how he was going on!!! Trying to shill this muddy fleece and repeatedly yelling its £10? NO IT ISN'T IS IT! IT'S 40 QUID !! I think he should quit telly and be a loan shark
If you see a bloke with a bald head and a scruffy beard that's Mike Mason. He acts like a dodgy 1970s market stall trader. He doesn't want to rush you either but "things are flying out gang". They also mention high quality brands, but they claim they're not making a direct comparison! They sell cheap plastic handbags (or vegan leather). Then say things like "this would sell at hundreds of pounds but it's £29.99".

And if you see a screeching blonde woman selling "fashion" that's Sally Jacks. Enjoy...😁
Sadly Hammy it hasn’t still got much better.

I’ve just come back from a regular nurses appointment, to Get there I couldn’t get down pavements as vans and cars are parked on the pavements, you ask them why and the answer you get is we don’t wanna block the roads, I’m gonna make myself sound dumb here I’m 50 next year, but vunerable going onto the road.

Then I went into our small village Tesco, Which has Christmas Tat blocking the isles, you get a blank look from staff, and you email head office, and don’t get a reply

As Muttley said, it's awful that this is still happening in 2024. Okay there are some situations, like older buildings/shops which have very little room for improvements, but there is a lot of improvements that can be done but which is sadly not being done.

Vans and cars parking on the pavement used to annoy the hell out of me, sometimes they barely leave enough room for an able bodied person to get by let alone a wheelchair, so inconsiderate and selfish and a total lack of understanding that restricting the width of a pavement can cause serious problems for folks with mobility issues.

A lot of shops/cafes were just a no, no trying to get in and navigate, about the only easy access places were big supermarkets like Asda etc with the wider isles, but then you'd have problems with ignorant customers and their trolleys who thought they should have right of way, for some reason they couldn't understand how hard it is to maneuver a wheelchair with one of the stores clip on wheelchair trolleys attached to it, they'd expect you to struggle to get out of their road instead of the easier and more helpful/thoughtful option of them moving aside. I used to hate ill mannered ignorant shoppers before then now i just detest them, woe betide any ignorant **** that annoys me in a store these days. :mad:
As Muttley said, it's awful that this is still happening in 2024. Okay there are some situations, like older buildings/shops which have very little room for improvements, but there is a lot of improvements that can be done but which is sadly not being done.

Vans and cars parking on the pavement used to annoy the hell out of me, sometimes they barely leave enough room for an able bodied person to get by let alone a wheelchair, so inconsiderate and selfish and a total lack of understanding that restricting the width of a pavement can cause serious problems for folks with mobility issues.

A lot of shops/cafes were just a no, no trying to get in and navigate, about the only easy access places were big supermarkets like Asda etc with the wider isles, but then you'd have problems with ignorant customers and their trolleys who thought they should have right of way, for some reason they couldn't understand how hard it is to maneuver a wheelchair with one of the stores clip on wheelchair trolleys attached to it, they'd expect you to struggle to get out of their road instead of the easier and more helpful/thoughtful option of them moving aside. I used to hate ill mannered ignorant shoppers before then now i just detest them, woe betide any ignorant **** that annoys me in a store these days. :mad:
Those Trolleys you clipped your wheelchair onto were a total nightmare. It made the trolley so long they were hard to turn
Are there sound problems on the other outlets like Freeview or Sky?
Virgin Media have had no sound or maybe half a word occasionally for at least the last four hours or so?
Good in a way as it stops you hearing the 🐃sh1te.

No problem on sky box.

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