Random musings and general banter.


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Interesting Morgan, when asked if he worked out at the gym by Becque, said definitely not, and that it was simply good genetics. Usually when demonstrating anything fitness related previously, he insists he went to the gym regularly and the excessive cost of doing so. Er…I must be mistaken as he never lies to us.
No way are those burgers cooked. :sick: View attachment 30102

Feel sorry for the crew who might eat that, better to save for Pedro....

Have tried my cooks essentials microwave grill today. Sausages, even butterflied took quite a while to brown on the outside, which is how I like them. I kept checking them and setting the microwave off again for another 2 or 3 mins, so I'd be guessing it was approx 20 mins in total.

Did produce a fair bit of fat from them too, so similar to grilling.

Edit - Microwave is not high power one.
Interesting Morgan, when asked if he worked out at the gym by Becque, said definitely not, and that it was simply good genetics. Usually when demonstrating anything fitness related previously, he insists he went to the gym regularly and the excessive cost of doing so. Er…I must be mistaken as he never lies to us.

That's the problem when you tell so many lies, it's hard to keep your stories straight, you'll slip up at some point. ;)
No way are those burgers cooked. :sick: View attachment 30102
Absolutely agree. All supermarket ready made burgers say 'Cook until no pink remains'.
Joe said once they were out and he cut one in half 'Ah it's a bit pink in the middle, but that's perfectly OK'.
Well its not is it.
This is all coming from allegedly how fantastic these items are and how fast they can cook things.
Food takes time and enough heat to be properly cooked.
TBH most of the food cooked looked pretty rank.
I noticed Of the Masons didn't sample the burgers.
According to the programme guide on my TV, we have a Saturday night treat of Dirty Pedro flogging collagen.....again.
Stand by gang, not only will be say it saved him a knee replacement, not only did it stop him going bald!, not only did a leading surgeon say it gave him splendid skin, not only does he look 55 at 75, not only will it help you sleep, not only should you multi-buy, not only is it delicious to wash down a rare burger from chef Mark.......ok, right
Feel sorry for the crew who might eat that, better to save for Pedro....

Have tried my cooks essentials microwave grill today. Sausages, even butterflied took quite a while to brown on the outside, which is how I like them. I kept checking them and setting the microwave off again for another 2 or 3 mins, so I'd be guessing it was approx 20 mins in total.

Did produce a fair bit of fat from them too, so similar to grilling.

Edit - Microwave is not high power one.
Interesting. What is the balance between getting the grill plates hot enough to char the exterior, while the microwave cooks the contents.

Don't want to overcook the innards while trying to grill the outsides.

One tip to try is pre-heat the plates for 3 minutes before you put the food on.
Absolutely agree. All supermarket ready made burgers say 'Cook until no pink remains'.
Joe said once they were out and he cut one in half 'Ah it's a bit pink in the middle, but that's perfectly OK'.
Well its not is it.
This is all coming from allegedly how fantastic these items are and how fast they can cook things.
Food takes time and enough heat to be properly cooked.
TBH most of the food cooked looked pretty rank.
I noticed Of the Masons didn't sample the burgers.
Agreed. Unlike a steak which can be rare in the middle, the bacteria is only on the outside.
Whereas a burger is minced meat which has taken the bacterial surface and mixed it up into the pattie, necessitating it be fully cooked through.
Absolutely agree. All supermarket ready made burgers say 'Cook until no pink remains'.
Joe said once they were out and he cut one in half 'Ah it's a bit pink in the middle, but that's perfectly OK'.
Well its not is it.
This is all coming from allegedly how fantastic these items are and how fast they can cook things.
Food takes time and enough heat to be properly cooked.
TBH most of the food cooked looked pretty rank.
I noticed Of the Masons didn't sample the burgers.
I'm not impressed with what Joe serves up. None of it ever looks that appetising.
I was amazed to hear Morgan saying that about never being a gym user to Becque last night. As I said earlier, he has made a clear and cost related point previously about gyms being expensive when he had memberships of them, to essentially reinforce the ‘value’ point of buying some low rent bit of exercise equipment from them. I suspect part of them feeling they can say whatever they like, when they like about their own personal situations linked to sales (a la Simon), is the completely disposable situation of the job they do. Past presentations presumably are not kept long term, I assume? There is certainly no way I know of checking on what one of their presenters said months ago about a product, say, by accessing a database on their website, for example. Are they even obliged legally to keep all past presentations for a certain amount of time for audit purposes? I personally doubt that with the lame organisation ‘policing’ shopping channels in general. Maybe Morgan (who has clearly not attained his physique by not availing himself of gym type equipment at least) was just winding Becque up. If so, though, with no apparent concern shown as to that contradicting with what he has told the viewers previously about this particular subject.

Hence, with this Year Zero culture with every new show, people like Morgan and last night, and other presenters, can change their narratives at will. There was almost a sense of ‘Nobody is Watching Anyway’ rapport between Becque and Morgan last night generally from the first hour I saw. Becque, who is actually a decent presenter when being serious, asking Morgan about his central heating use at home. ‘The wife wants every room in the house warm at the same time,’ or words to that effect, he (Morgan) said…No theatrics about how great some tiny fan heater in one room can do the job, as all of them suggest when one is up to demonstrated. Like anybody who can afford to be warm…Central Heating and a warm home overall is the route most or us take.
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I'm not impressed with what Joe serves up. None of it ever looks that appetising.
Everything done on the cheap. People dressing up as cooks. At least QVC employ skilled people to do food demonstrations. Their current guy won Masterchef, didn’t he? Remblance and Stewart would struggle to win a Pot Noodle championship.

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