Random musings and general banter.


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Yiannis and Joanne were selling a vacuum the other day, Peter Vol-au-vent nowhere to be seen and they did perfectly well selling and demonstrating the product themselves.

I fail to see what Peter V adds to anything and is just an unnecessary expenditure for IW. As we've often said/speculated, he's clearly only there because his wife has got him the gig and more often that not only tends to be used whenever she has shifts.

Unbelievable as it may sound, given IW's likely audience he probably helps increase sales. :eek:

I know that might seem a strange thing to say, but as I've said on many occasions, the viewership of channels like IW will include, vulnerable people, old people, uneducated people and outright dumb folks with little to no common sense. To these folks Peter V will come across as a Tech Wizard, a Tech Guru to be listened to and admired, he'll be the difference to some of these folks having doubts to being convinced to buy.;)

The fact that these lying bullshit spouting shysters continue to prosper only confirms how many mugs/unfortunate folks there are out there, sad but true.
A friend of mine, who is extremely clever, well educated and ran her own successful business used to buy from Bid TV. This was in the days when the tat was dirt cheap but with extortionate p&p. She didn’t take too kindly to me pointing out that although the product cost £5 she was paying £7.99 for delivery and she could buy the same product elsewhere for £8 with free delivery. She just couldn’t see this and thought she was getting a bargain.
Less of the ‘I just think’ please..
OK, to please the Duke of Cheese and Scraping the Barrel I will rephrase my comment :

I know beyond all reasonable doubt (or even unreasonable doubt) that he is a sad, pathetic person of either/any gender.

That should cover it😇.

Back from holiday today so I can do my fair share of watching/suffering .
Came on here to post the very same.

Who in their right mind thought motormouth Joanne and Foghorn Mother Teresa was a good combination, let alone a combination that people want to see first thing in the morning when they wake up I don't know.
But if they do make Mother Teresa a Saint she could be Saint Salleh of Multipack Bogroll 🤣
What makes me laugh,well apart from virtually everything I see on IW,is that the presenters(I use that term loosely) often go really ott when postage is only 99p or even free(you know at clearance this,clearance that).

Quite honestly if I was buying one of their terrific never to be seen again products which was selling for £199.99 or £69.99 the postage would not deter me or sway me whether it was 99p or £1.99 if it was what I wanted, but they seem to think the postage is very relevant on a £100,£200,£300 product.

Dear ‘presenters’ if it’s a good product at a good price I may buy it..the postage really would not alter my thinking…EXCEPT on low price products e.g. batteries costing £15 + £2.99 postage (20% of the price🤨)
Muriel is alive and well with her latest purchases..
What makes me laugh,well apart from virtually everything I see on IW,is that the presenters(I use that term loosely) often go really ott when postage is only 99p or even free(you know at clearance this,clearance that).

Quite honestly if I was buying one of their terrific never to be seen again products which was selling for £199.99 or £69.99 the postage would not deter me or sway me whether it was 99p or £1.99 if it was what I wanted, but they seem to think the postage is very relevant on a £100,£200,£300 product.

Dear ‘presenters’ if it’s a good product at a good price I may buy it..the postage really would not alter my thinking…EXCEPT on low price products e.g. batteries costing £15 + £2.99 postage (20% of the price🤨)
I'm currently on the home page of IW and at the top it says 'Free Delivery on Everything'.
The lady shaver was £11.99 + £2.99 P+P apparently.
It appears that the children don't even look at their own website.
OK, to please the Duke of Cheese and Scraping the Barrel I will rephrase my comment :

I know beyond all reasonable doubt (or even unreasonable doubt) that he is a sad, pathetic person of either/any gender.

That should cover it😇.

Back from holiday today so I can do my fair share of watching/s
Welcome back to all the saddo’s on here who watch IW!
Yes we are sad but it has a purpose. We see all the deception/sales tactics..’if you will’
And it lightens the day to have a jolly good laugh. It’s like watching Monty Python at times as it just makes no sense and is surreal…I only dip in and out like the rest of us(shows how poor telly is these days).
Coming up…a badge for Peter…
Welcome back to all the saddo’s on here who watch IW!
Yes we are sad but it has a purpose. We see all the deception/sales tactics..’if you will’
And it lightens the day to have a jolly good laugh. It’s like watching Monty Python at times as it just makes no sense and is surreal…I only dip in and out like the rest of us(shows how poor telly is these days).
Coming up…a badge for Peter…View attachment 29971
Not sure about that, more like weeny winkle (just guessing, I've seen him in his shorts) 😜🤣😲
I see it’s Christmas Garbage time, And I’m a Christmas fan.

It’s funny they have a Prime Celebrations event. At the same time as Amazon have there 2 Day Prime Event
I thought it was odd to use the word 'Prime' in that banner at the bottom of the screen (the one with two carrots on either side).
I must admit I didn't know about the real Amazon event.
I wonder if Amazon will mind them doing that?
I'm not sure though who has the greatest resources?🤔😉

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