Yiannis and Joanne were selling a vacuum the other day, Peter Vol-au-vent nowhere to be seen and they did perfectly well selling and demonstrating the product themselves.
I fail to see what Peter V adds to anything and is just an unnecessary expenditure for IW. As we've often said/speculated, he's clearly only there because his wife has got him the gig and more often that not only tends to be used whenever she has shifts.
Unbelievable as it may sound, given IW's likely audience he probably helps increase sales.
I know that might seem a strange thing to say, but as I've said on many occasions, the viewership of channels like IW will include, vulnerable people, old people, uneducated people and outright dumb folks with little to no common sense. To these folks Peter V will come across as a Tech Wizard, a Tech Guru to be listened to and admired, he'll be the difference to some of these folks having doubts to being convinced to buy.
The fact that these lying ******** spouting shysters continue to prosper only confirms how many mugs/unfortunate folks there are out there, sad but true.