Random musings and general banter.


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I hear Dr Frankenstien is in for the Opatra Light Tunnel after hearing about its life-restoring powers 🧟‍♂️

Why don't viewers seem to notice — and it's VERY obvious if you have eyes — that the presenters imploring them to buy all these miracle beauty aids seem to use other kinds of treatments and interventions on themselves, like botox, high-gloss furniture wax, and patio doors.

But that's IW all over: buy as I say, not as I do.

I own an Apple Watch, but DON"T MISS this £14.99 Chinese smartwatch, it's the same…
I wear a Rolex, but you simply MUST buy this £199.99 Earnshaw, okay, right…
I spent £400 on my last handbag, but fans viewers GET this £9.99 one…
I only buy my goddess expensive perfumes, but fellas: get yer missus a £10 rip-off…
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This is a very good point.

Shopping channels will sell beauty light therapy devices with references like "the NHS use light therapy", "found in high-end beauty clinics", and make statements like "FDA approved" or "has FDA clearance*" as if there's equivalence between all types of LEDs.

But there really isn't!

The NHS and high-end clinics use medically-certified devices that use LEDS which emit specific, proven wavelengths (and those only), consistently, predictably, reliably.

Most cheap LED beauty equipment use standard white LEDs with a red plastic filter over them - which is not the same and useless!

Even devices a bit further up the rung that do use red LEDs (and crow about the fact) are using mass-market LEDS (found in everything from remote controls to toy cars to laptop power indicators), so there's no assurance they cover the therapeutic wavelengths, or if they do, if they do it consistently - as they're not medical grade, i.e., certified, tested, reliable.

One way the cheap tat paddlers counteract this is to inflate their RRP since punters are reassured that high price = good quality (even if they happen to be in the right place at the right time watching a shopping channel doing an unbelievable 99% off the RRP deal and av a buy).

*People see FDA approved and think 'the FDA has independently evaluated THIS product and verified its claims' - it does not. It simply means whoever made the FIRST red light device proved to the FDA is didn't harm people. All subsequent red light devices can apply for 'FDA approved' status by filing paperwork to say 'I use this in my product', pay a fee, and that's that - no need to prove anything.
That’s exactly my point, Herring - thank you 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

I’d like to think I have a pretty objective and balanced view when it comes to beauty products (tools, topicals etc) and I’d like to think most users do too..although sometimes I do wonder. Reputable sellers of LED beauty devices (for the most part) give realistic information and stand by their products. (CurrentBody offer very commendable ‘satisfaction guarantees’ with many of their items). But they sell products for what they are with pages of honest (verified) reviews and balanced pricing. It’s also very clear that these devices should be used in conjunction with a good quality, consistent skincare routine including sunscreen, ceramides, retinoids etc, for example and that they won’t perform miracles.

I.W telling viewers that this https://opatra.com/products/opatra-light-machine has a genuine RRP of £6,999.00 and that they’re offering it for a tenth of the price (and can only sell it during live on-air shows because that’s the hard fought deal they’ve done on our behalf 🙄) is abhorrent. I could be wrong, but it looks suspiciously identical to this dodgy, generic offering https://moskbite.com/products/led-light-therapy?variant=37736754151589 with a price of £157.00
I hear Dr Frankenstien is in for the Opatra Light Tunnel after hearing about its life-restoring powers 🧟‍♂️

Why don't viewers seem to notice — and it's VERY obvious if you have eyes — that the presenters imploring them to buy all these miracle beauty aids seem to use other kinds of treatments and interventions on themselves, like botox, high-gloss furniture wax, and patio doors.

But that's IW all over: buy as I say, not as I do.

I own an Apple Watch, but DON"T MISS this £14.99 Chinese smartwatch, it's the same…
I wear a Rolex, but you simply MUST buy this £199.99 Earnshaw, okay, right…
I spent £400 on my last handbag, but fans viewers GET this £9.99 one…
I only buy my goddess expensive perfumes, but fellas: get yer missus a £10 rip-off…
Spot on!
I’ve been reading these ASA related posts with interest as I felt compelled to visit the ASA website only yesterday. Surprise, surprise…it was prompted by the exaggerated claims of I.W. I’ll be contacting the ASA too…

I’m not an avid I.W viewer - just short viewing bursts here and there. I’m an early 50s female with an interest in beauty/style so I view I.W’s offerings with dismay. There IS clinical evidence of results from LED light therapy however the products sold by Ideal World are questionable. (For anyone looking for trusted beauty solutions, please look to sellers such as CurrentBody in the UK). My biggest issue is with the disingenuous nature of I.W’s ridiculously (laughably) inflated RRPs and the wild reaches of their transformative claims.

There is no question that the likes of Natalia, for example, have had Botox, lip filler etc. I’ve spoken about Natalia’s cringeworthy preening on here before but that’s an aside. It’s the ‘save hundreds/thousands of pounds etc’ that make my blood boil. Opatra, for example, appear to have a website with entirely fictitious pricing and I’d love to know how much they actually sell at RRP. I’ll bet it’s a concession space they have in Harrods and I’d imagine that if you engage with any of their staff there, they’d ‘reluctantly’ offer you an in-person ‘one time only’ offer price that bore no relation to their web pricing.

Trusted beauty journalists (Nadine Baggot, Sali Hughes etc) never mention ANY I.W beauty products be they electrical or otherwise. I wonder why….?
It wouldn't take much to make great improvements just some adult supervision
It is the ‘tell the sad saps anything’ mentality this channel continually demonstrates. Does TJC treat them with equal disdain? They both sell Opatra, so probably yes is the answer.

To present a scenario of a company manufacturing a plastic LED station car park roof lookalike beauty aid with an RRP of many thousands and then philanthropically agreeing to sell it via shopping television for many hundreds makes absolutely no commercial sense. That is the ludicrous explanation viewers are presented with each and every time these types of products come to air there.
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Just recalled that late last night I saw Janice selling a "neck fan".
It looked like a set of cheap headphones but the earpieces were small fans.

He claimed, "once I put it on, I don't notice it's there" - quickly back-pedalling to say "apart from noticing it's blowing lovely cold air on me"

We then had the traditional "If you have a fan across the room, it's just moving warm air"
Surely not one you bought from IW!!!!!!
They had a head massager Dr. Dimwit was raving about yesterday. It looked like the very cheapest, nastiest bottom chopped off whisk. The sort of quality you’d find in Tenpenceland. It looked like it had come from a job lot of defective and damaged whisks they got from a fire (Chef Mark) sale and decided to rebrand them into £5.99 head massagers.
Lying in a hot tub (on Ideal World a margarine container on a gas ring) in the garden. Peter van Koohlentleeke's ‘expert’ tones offending me through the open French doors. Sounds like he and Mason are dissin' air conditioning units (they probably both have them) over what could it be....a pocket fan? A packet of ice pops? Blowing on yourself? Bring back the elderly dog pain removing beauty mask from this morning, I say.
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Ofthemasons at it again - £500 worth of fragrances and body wash, you can have it for £19.99.
If it was a month before Christmas, he'd sell 10,000 of them like that.

He was asked "Mike, we want to put these on your 'show'" 😂😂😂 "yes please", he said!
Ideal World is so funny. They are the gift that keeps on giving🤣
Ofthemasons at it again - £500 worth of fragrances and body wash, you can have it for £19.99.
If it was a month before Christmas, he'd sell 10,000 of them like that.

He was asked "Mike, we want to put these on your 'show'" 😂😂😂 "yes please", he said!
I'm sure I caught him saying just one of the bottles sells for £300.



So in its wisdom, TJC/IW flogs it and others for £20?!?!?

Ha Ha HAaaaaaaaaa, aye RIGHT!

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